Yoona's Life

Give Me a Reason to Live

As expected, Yoona accepted Kyuhyun’s proposal. Everyone suddenly ran out, congratulating the couple. Things were happening fast, but they have to. Time is running fast.


When everyone was asleep, the couple was still awake. They were at a bench in a garden, looking at the stars. Kyuhyun tightened the hold on Yoona’s hand. She looked at him with a worried expression.


“What’s wrong?” She asked. He just shook his head. She was too bothered, especially when tears were on his eyes.


“Kyu, tell me. I’m getting worried here,” she answered.


“It’s just that, I don’t know how to spend the remaining moments of your life here. I know you’re stubborn, so I won’t force you to do things you won’t like,” was all he said and kissed her forehead.


That night, Yoona thought about what Kyuhyun said. She wanted to also make her life longer, especially since now that they’re engaged. She asked for a simple wedding, so in a month, they can get wed in the garden of the hospital, where you can see mountains and fields that surrounds them.


She knows that there’s one way for her to be able to be completely healed. She knows that everyone thinks she won’t ever come to this decision, but she needs it. She found love when she doesn’t expect it. She finally sees a reason to live.






“Oppa,” Yoona went to Yunho.


“Do you need anything, Yoona?” He asked.


“Oppa, what if we do a bone marrow transplant?” Yoona said, surprising Yunho. He wanted to suggest that, but since he knows Yoona won’t like it, he never suggested it. But things are turning unexpectedly now.


“Yoona, we can do it, but the process is hard. None of us can do the surgery. You have to go to Seoul to do it. Also, even if you have the money, if we can’t find a compatible donor, then there’s nothing we can do.”


“Then find something, oppa! Never in my life have I felt so secure and loved. I don’t want to throw everything every thing away. I’m finally thinking about others. This is not just for me, but this is for my family and for Kyuhyun,” she said. Yunho smiled and his hair.


“You have to undergo tests and we have to look for a donor then,” he smiled.


“I’ll take them. Let’s do everything we can,” she smiled and hugged him.


After the small talk, Yoona went out to go to the children. She volunteered to read a story to them, while Yunho went with the doctors and told them the news.


“So, she finally realized that she wanted to live a little longer,” Kahi said and placed her cup of coffee down.


“Still, we have to find a donor,” Yunho said.


“You know I can always call the Seoul head branch,” Joongki said.


“Does Kyuhyun know this?” Sooyoung, the doctor who went on a maternity leave, is now back. She just has to ask Kahi about everything.


They looked around and saw that Kyuhyun was missing. It was no surprise for them anyway that the young doctor is not with them. Most of his time is spent to be with his girlfriend and with the children. If Yoona was the unni/noona to all, Kyuhyun was now the oppa/hyung of everyone, beating Yunho.


When Yoona was done reading, the children were already asleep. She rests her shoulder on Kyuhyun’s and smiles.


“Kyuhyun,” she called.


“I need to tell you something, but I’ll tell you outside so we don’t wake up the children,” she said. She pulled Kyuhyun away and went out. He immediately wraps his arms on her waist when they were in the pantry.


“Kyuhyun, I’ve asked Yunho oppa about getting a bone marrow transplant,” Yoona said. Kyuhyun’s eyes widened and a smile was plastered on his face. He immediately hugs Yoona and twirls her around. He couldn’t be any happier. Yoona has a chance.


“But we have to find a suitable donor,” she added.


“Then we’ll look for one,” Kyuhyun smiled her forehead, still hugging her.


“But right now, can we think of the wedding?” She asked and he just nodded.






The wedding was then pushed through. It was as simple as how Yoona wanted it. Celebrated at the garden of the hospital, with all their friends and family, they designed it with different flowers, the symbol of love between the two.


Yoona was happy despite everyone worrying about her. She lost her hair, but got a wig to wear that day so she can wear the veil. With or without a wig, she was the most beautiful girl out there, not only to Kyuhyun, but to everyone else.


Yoona walked down the aisle, escorted by her father. The moment they reached the end, she hugged her parents before holding the hands of the guy he was gonna spend the rest of his life with. The smiles on their faces were beyond the stars. He held her cheek and it with his thumb on it. Never in Kyuhyun’s life has he ever imagined his life that he will be wed.


The ceremony began and when the exchange of vows was gonna be said, they couldn’t hide all the happiness in their hearts.


“I, Cho Kyuhyun, was a man without any interest in getting married. As funny as it may seem, I wasn’t this romantic. Im Yoona, what have you done to me?” He chuckled and everyone chuckled along too. You could see the tears in Kyuhyun’s eyes.


“I love you, Im Yoona. Even though we’ve only known each other for a few months and things are happening fast, but life is short and time is running fast. I’m afraid that I’ll lose you. I’ve told you that I can’t imagine my life without you. Ever since you came into my life, I’ve never been this happy. I want to spend the rest of our lives together and I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. I promise you that I will take care of you no whatever happens. I will love you until all the roses that I’ve given you die. This ring will serve my eternal love for you.”


Kyuhyun was crying. He was afraid. What if Yoona doesn’t make it in time for the surgery? But he has strong faith. Yoona is a strong girl and he should believe her.


Now, it was Yoona’s turn. She wiped Kyuhyun’s tears away and smiled.


“Cho Kyuhyun, thank you. Before, I was a woman who was selfish. I was just waiting for the Lord to take. Little did I know that God was planning something good for me. God gave me a reason to live. No, I always had reasons to live, my family and the people around here. But you made me see it and you made me realize how special I am. I’m thankful for God to give you to me. I never imagined that this day would come to me. I love you, Cho Kyuhyun. I’ll love you up to my grave. I would really do anything to live longer for at least ten years with you. I want us to have a family. I want to bear your children and take care of them. I will take care of you and our future family. I will love forever, Kyuhyun and I’m willing to do everything with you. As my promise to you, ”


Yoona had tears on her face, but it was of happiness. Honestly, she doesn’t know when will God take her, but all she knows is that being with Kyuhyun makes her happy.


“Do you, Cho Kyuhyun, take Im Yoona, as your lawfully wedded wife, who you will share your life with in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer and for better or for worse?”


“I do.”


“And you, Im Yoona, do you, take Cho Kyuhyun,as your lawfully wedded husband, who you will share your life with in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer and for better or for worse?”


“I do.”


They slipped on the rings of each other.


“I now pronounce husband and wife. The groom may now kiss the bride.”


With that said, Kyuhyun held her cheek. She smiled and pulled him for a kiss. Cheers and howls made towards the couple. They were just perfect for each other.






That night, the newlyweds were cuddling at Kyuhyun’s bed. Kyuhyun was staring outside, while Yoona was sleeping in his arms. They didn’t do what they could because Yoona was still under treatment. He sighs and Yoona stirred in her sleep.


“Did I wake you up?” Kyuhyun asked. Yoona shook her head and looked at him.


“Smile for me, would you? It hurts me when you’re sad. Tell me why,” Yoona said and poked his nose.


He smiled as she giggle. ‘How can girl be this happy despite her condition?’ Kyuhyun thought.


“I was just thinking about you,” he said.


“Cheesy,” Yoona teased. “Just go to sleep,” she said and her other side for ore comfort.


He just smiled at Yoona. He’s lucky to have her. He can think of the worst things, but Yoona was there to make him happy. He stared at the plastic rose that he gave her.


“I will love you until the last rose I gave you dies.”






“What do you mean there’s no match?!” Yunho yelled through the phone. The other doctors looked at him.


“I’m sorry, but we did our best, but there is no match of the donors from the patient you have. Even if there is a match, we see difficulties of the transplant. We can still find another donor, but it may take a while.”


The person on the other line said. After the conversation, the other doctors rushed up to his side.


“What’s happening?” Sooyoung asked him.


“They couldn’t find a match,” he sighed and rubbed his temples. Kyuhyun sat at a chair, surprised at what he found out. He needs to find someone. He needs to.


He ran out and took out his phone. He dialed a number, hoping that the person he will call will save his wife’s life.








At night time, Yoona was feeling weird. Her head had been hurting, but she doesn’t take it seriously. It was night time and she decided to step out of the garden to cool her. She sat down at the bench and looked up at the sky. She held in her hands the three flowers that Kyuhyun gave her that evening. Even if they were wed, Kyuhyun still kept his promised to give her flowers, even though Yoona already told him not to because she doesn’t know what to do with them anymore. She just places them in vases or places them at the garden, like what Kyuhyun suggested.


“Hey beautiful,” Kyuhyun said and sat beside Yoona. She laid her head on her shoulder and playfully pinched his sides.


The two laughed and began to run around like children. They were circling around the tree, when Yoona suddenly stopped.


“Yoona, are you okay?” Kyuhyun asked. Yoona gave a weak smile before finally fainting. Kyuhyun widened his eyes and caught her before something bad happened.


He called for help, and luckily, Seohyun rushed out to her. They brought her inside and Yunho rushed to her. He looked at her and was worried.


“We need to bring her to the Seoul branch,” Yunho said and the two widened their eyes. “Her surgery was scheduled to be in a few days. I don’t know how they managed to find a donor, but they called me. We have to do this for her,” Yunho explained.


Taking into his car, Yunho took the driver’s seat and Seohyun sat beside him, crying. Behind their seats were Yoona in Kyuhyun’s arms.


“Yoona,” Seohyun sobbed. It pains her to see her best friend like this. She watched as Kyuhyun was sobbing as he holds Yoona in his arms. If there was anyone who was very scared at this moment, it was Kyuhyun. It hasn’t been a month since they’ve been wed and he was scared. What if he loses her already? He was a weak person. The only source of his smile was the girl in his arms. If he loses her, he will never know what to do in his life anymore.


Two hours later, Yunho arrived at the hospital. Since he had called earlier, everything for Yoona is ready. They ran her into the laboratory room for a check up. Kyuhyun tried to run after her, but he wasn’t allowed to do so.


“Hyung, Yoona,” he panicked.


“You’re a doctor. You should know that she’s only gonna be tested,” Yunho said and Kyuhyun sighed.


“Yunho,” a doctor came out and smiled at him.


“Jaejoong,” he smiled at him and shook his hands with him.


“This is Kyuhyun, the new doctor with us and the patient’s husband,” Yunho added. Jaejoong smiled and shook hands wit him.


“I’m Kim Jaejoong, and I’m the one that Yunho had been contacting. Just let us run her some tests and let her rest. We can’t proceed with the surgery with her condition like this,” Jaejoong explained and Kyuhyun nodded.


For the following days, Kyuhyun was beside her. He was monitoring her. When a nurse would come, he would to the check up for her, an advantage when he’s a doctor.


One day, she finally woke up and asked for one thing.


“I wanna do the surgery already,” she said, surprising him. He didn’t answer but just blinked at her.


“Please, Kyu. I want to live,” Yoona said and cupped his face.


“What if you don’t make it?” He asked. She just kissed her and smiled.


“I will make it… for you. I promised you, didn’t I?” She said and he kissed her hand before calling for a doctor.



Within three days, everything was set. Kyuhyun just trusted Yoona and God. He knows that he could do nothing. Yoona was stubborn and would just go what she wanted.


“Kyuhyun, where is the donor that you said?” Yunho asked. “The surgery is tomorrow and we need that person already."


“He’s coming,” Kyuhyun said.


“Kyuhyun?” The said donor came. Yunho turned and recognized that voice. He turned to face the person and smiled.


“You’re Yoona’s brother, right?” Yunho asked.


“Yes, I’m Seulong. I already took a leave and told our parents about our plan,” Seulong explained.


“Has the donor arrived?” Jaejoong walked in.


“I’m here, doc,” Seulong presented himself.


“Good. Since you’re in the good condition from the last check up, we’ll just have to ask you to change outfits so we can get ready for the transplant,” he instructed.


Seulong looked at Kyuhyun and smiled.


“Be strong for him. She is your wife. She can be stronger than you think, so also be strong and brave for her. Believe that she’ll make it alive and that she’ll live longer for you.”


Those were Seulong’s last word before the surgery. Even though that there’s a 50% chance for Yoona to be able to survive, he was scared for the big part that she may not make it. What if she will have complications? He cannot bind to lose her.



The surgery took very long. Kyuhyun looked up at the sky. He suddenly saw a bright star and a black butterfly landing on the window he was leaning on. He blinked and fear crept up to him.


The light from the surgery room was turned off and a few doctors came out. Jaejoong was the last one to step out. He removed his gloves and sighed heavily.


“How was it?”










Kyuhyun wiped his tears and threw the flowers on top of the coffin as it was being brought down. They were at the garden of the hospital for the burial of someone close to their hearts.


“I can’t believe that this is happening,” Kyuhyun mumbled.


“I wish she could’ve lived a little longer. She had a bright future ahead,” Yunho cried too.


“She was too young. I can’t believe it,” Tiffany sobbed.


“She’s a loss to everyone,” Kahi said.


“This isn’t fair,” they all looked at the source of the voice and knew that she was crying the most.


“Sometimes we are given chances to live longer, but sometimes, we are just taken away with reasons that no one can understand. Why did she have to go?” She cried.


Kyuhyun went to her and wiped her tears.


“I can’t answer that question, but I can only tell you that it was part of God’s plans. Now, stop crying. It’s bad for the baby,” Kyuhyun said as he wiped Yoona’s tears.


It’s been three years since everything happened. Yoona survived the surgery. She was happy and recovered for the next two years. When she was fully good, they asked if they could have a baby and it was a blessing when they found out that they could.


Now, they were at the burial of Seungyeon. They were saddened because she was one of those who were closest to Yoona. It had been rough for the child. Her condition got worse and Yoona couldn’t help but cry. Sometimes she wonders why life is cruel and unfair.


“Sometimes there are things that only God can answer,” Kyuhyun said. “When one life passes away, another one comes on the way,” he added and her tummy.


Life is uncertain. Sometimes there are things that we will never understand. We are left unanswered, but maybe we are just too blind to see what God has planned for us. Life’s a journey. Make the most out of it.




The end. :p Sorry that it ended so fast and the last chapter was very fast. :p Intentionally, the ending was supposed to be sad as in like 'A Walk to Remember'. That was actually the inspiration for this story, but it didn't come out the way I wanted it to be. :p Oh well, thanks for your time in subscribing and reading this! ^^

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Chapter 1: share more please
Chapter 5: Happy ending!!!! *spoiler for those who read comments before reading the story*
anotherElji #3
Chapter 5: I knew it!! I knew you didn't make Yoona died bcoz of those happy comments before me.. ㅋㅋㅋ *cheating
I'm happy bcoz the couple happy too~ :)
Chapter 5: Beautiful storyyyyyyy!!!! Omg can I have kyu as my bf/husband??? He is too flawless ;__;
Amazing . I really love this story !!!
You're the best !
Author jjang :D
whooa, its really2 good story,, the one of my favorite, i take to my bookmark too..
Make kyuna again please,,
that KyuNa only make me want to read again again and again lol \(^o^)/
the chapter 3 really make me cry, how so sweet this? This make my heart melting, like i wanna fly to the sky :D. I'm so speechless,,
antarirts #8
just read the ending.
it. was. beautiful.
it. was. splendid.
it. was. sweet.
GAAAAH!!! feed me more KyuNa's!! /lol crazy Musketeer
antarirts #9
eyy, nice story, really. i love how you describe the beautiful settings and Yoong's personality. and if i didnt mistaken, our Evil is turning into a warmhearted and gentle doctor, doesnt he? XDD
HaeSicaistheBest #10
omygoshh.. thanks it was a happy ending.. thanks for making this fanfic!! nice stories... KyuNa forever ^o^