
Hearing You Out

After the next few days Jackson and Mark's relationship grew and so did Youngjae's jealously. the two older boys spent a lot of time together. The younger told himself that it was only becasue they had a report to do, but he knew it was something more. Although Mark still didn't talk to Jackson as much as the older would like, the younger still didn't like it. Mark was still leaning on him for support which he liked and he only spoke comfortably around him.  Youngjae couldn't help but feel jealous.

Saturday rolled around and the younger had had enough. He was angry and beyond jealous. He honestly didn't even know why. Mark could have other friends. Youngjae sure did and Mark had never felt like this, at least he never told the younger. Mark had invited Youngjae over to his house early that morning. He wanted to decline saying he had other plans and he would see the older at the party but he couldn't do that. Mark was still his best friend. 

He entered the Tuan home without a single knock. He was the only one the could do that, seeing as how Youngjae almost lived there. He used to be over everyday for some reason or another. "Mother, It's me." Youngjae had to use some of the English he knew to speak. It was hard for him, but he would try anything for Mark.

"Ah, Youngjae! How are you?" Mark's mother walked around the corner from the kitchen. She engulfed the blond in a hug, squeezing tightly.

"I'm fine, thank you." He hugged her back. He hadn't seen the Tuan'so for a while now, but it seemed like he was there just yesterday. They pulled away from each other. Mark's mother looked over Youngjae shortly. She smiled at him.

"Mark's upstairs dear. In his room." She pointed in the direction for clarification, just in case. Youngjae picked up most of his English from class and Mark, but he still didn't understand most things. Youngjae nodded at her and made his way to Mark's room.


"But that doesn't make any sense. Why does the Korean language have to be so hard?" Youngjae had walked in on Mark teaching Joey Korean.

"I-I-It's n-n-not that hard J-J-Joey. Y-y-you just h-h-have to rem-m-member the t-t-titles. Isn't t-t-that what y-y-your teacher said?" The younger nodded, flipping through pages in a text book. Youngjae hadn't quite caught all the things that were said, but he could tell that Joey was frustrated. 

"Yeah, she said that. But I still see why. How come Koreans have to use the titles but we don't?" Youngjae sat down next to Mark. He was curious to learn more English almost like Joey wanted to learn Korean. 

"W-W-We do. It's l-l-like when w-w-we use Mr. and M-M-Mrs. Or ma'ma and s-s-sir. It's a p-p-polite thing J-J-Joey. A-A-Actually it's a f-f-formal thing." Mark turned to look at Youngjae. The younger was staring intently at him. He was staying to figure out what the older was saying with his lacking vocabulary. He picked words like polite and formal but not much else. Mark translated the information to him so he could understand better. Youngjae nodded. He could understand why Joey wasn't getting has the same problem with English. Learning another language is hard. "I-I-I think w-w-we should st-t-top there. We'll l-l-learn more t-t-tomorrow." Joey nodded, grabbing his things.

"Thanks Mark. See ya Youngjae." He bowed respectfully to the elder. He was doing great with learning gestures, which always good. 

"Bye." The blond waved at Joey'so retreating back. He liked Mark'shook younger brother. He wished that there wasn't a language barrier between them.


Mark had invited Jackson to BamBam's party. He let him know that Youngjae and himself were arriving half an hour early just like Bam had said to do. Mark hadn't walked outside with Youngjae and BamBam and he stayed with Yugeom inside. He wanted to wait for Jackson. He still couldn't understand why he was warming up to the younger. He hadn't even meant to get this close to Jackson so early, but he had a draw to the younger that Mark couldn't comprehend.

"Are you actually going to hang out in the crowds, hyung?" Mark nodded slightly. He was nervous about it but he was going to try to migrate within the others. "I'm sure you can do it with Youngjae around." The older nodded again. Yeah, Youngjae would always be there to help him out when he needed it.

"Hey! Come out back. The party's about to start!" Bambam yelled through the screen door. The younger smiled. 

"Alright, we're coming." He turned to the older. "Let's go out there before he drags us out." Mark nodded, taking a glance back at the front door they were standing near. Where was Jackson?


Annyeong Haseyo! To clear some things up when Mark and Joey talk to each other it's English seeing as how Joey doesn't know much Korean. Same goes for Mrs. Tuan. But when Mark and Youngjae speak to each other it's in Korean unless told otherwise. It's kinda confusing but yeah. Kamsahaminda! Annyeong! 

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iSimplicityy #1
Chapter 22: You did a good job with the pacing of the story. I liked how Youngjae and Jackson were able to resolve their conflict at the end. Although the Markson isn't fully developed yet, I like how they're drawn to each other despite being friends for only a few days. It really goes to show that they're meant to be together. I just hope that Mark won't abandon Youngjae once he realizes his feelings for Jackson. It's heartbreaking to see him jealous of Jackson. Now onto the sequel~
floralis #2
Chapter 22: I really like your story and i will happyly move to read the sequel now :)
Chapter 21: This is perfect. ^^ The chapters are short, but that makes it easy to read. It's fast paced, but it's not too fat and there are no boring filler chapters. It's fun, talks about something you don't see a lot, and talks about friendship, and Markson. It's basically everything you want in a quick read. ^_^
Chapter 21: awww sweet, i want the sequel soon <3 loved
morbidpickle #5
Chapter 20: Aww.. I'm glad they worked it out! I thought he might still make some excuse, how refreshing to see someone take responsibility for once.
Chapter 20: I really love this story *-*
Chapter 16: wowwww pls update soon <3
secret_silenterz #8
Chapter 12: Yasss friends! Nice way to start a relationship! XD Please update soon.. fighting author-nim!
Chapter 6: Interesting! I want to read more.. Update soon author.
secret_silenterz #10
Chapter 6: Aww... I can't wait for more MarkSon moments !! Like what will Jacks do.. What will Mark react.. hahaI 'm looking forward for the next chap.. good luck author-nim!