
Hearing You Out

Mark quickly adjusted to Jackson. Since their talk Mark didn't feel the need to stay as silent as he would have liked. He still had a problem with over talking but he thought he could work on it. 

"So, when you have to go with Youngjae to the gym can I come? I kinda want to see you dance." The younger asked, sitting down next to Mark. Why would Jackson want to see him dance? He thought the younger didn't even know he could dance. He shrugged. He didn't see a problem with it. 

"G-G-Go ahead." Mark leaned back in his seat, watching all the other students pile into the class. He wondered if he could do any good with Jackson watching him. He didn't think it would be too bad, yet he felt nervous for some reason. He had never had someone ask to watch him dance before. People normally would just show up unannounced and watch him. And by people he meant Youngjae. He sighed. He couldn't embarrass himself.


"Hello everyone. Sorry that we couldn't meet yesterday, things were very hectic. But we're here today and I would like to introduce you to a good friend of mine. He'll be learning from us and he'll teach us a thing or two. This is my friend Mark." The younger pushed Mark forward a little bit. Mark would've corrected the younger if he wasn't so nervous. He waved awkwardly at the three people standing in front of him. "Okay, this is Hanwoo." Youngjae pointed at the small boy in the center. He was skinny and short. "That's Lee Ha." He pointed at the boy on Hanwoo's left. Why were all these guys so skinny? "And Jaebum hyung." That name sounded familiar. Mark glanced up at Jaebum. He instantly knew why he knew that name. Jaebum was Jinyoung's boyfriend. The older had seen Jaebum around a few times when he had his speech class.

"Hey." Mark moved back slightly toward Jackson. He didn't like the feeling of being watched by people he didn't know well. Youngjae took notice of how close Mark had gotten to Jackson. He groaned inwardly. He hoped he wouldn't be seeing much of that. The younger didn't want Mark to lean on Jackson for support. That was what he was there for. Mark couldn't have gotten that close to Jackson in a day, right?

"Alright as always with new members, Mark will show us some moves." The younger turned to Mark. He smiled slightly at him. "Just do your best." Mark nodded as Youngjae put some music on. He sighed, moving away from Jackson and toward the center of the gym floor. He could do this. He just had to ignore all the eyes watching him. He had this in the bag.


His body just followed the music. He didn't think much about where to move or how. He made turn after turn, shuffle after shuffle with the beat. He could feel the bass about to drop and he decided to show off his tricks. He flipped through the air as the music made a dip. He landed when it picked back up. There were shocked gasps among the onlookers but he didn't pay them any mind. He just keep moving until the music faded out. Youngjae ran up to him and engulfed him in a hug. 

"Good job Mark!" The older rolled his eyes.

"T-T-That's h-h-hyung to y-y-you." He ruffled the younger's hair before pushing him away. The other three members stared at hI'm in awe. They had never seen anything like that before. None of them could flip like that. 

"Whoa. How did you do that?" Hanwoo ran up to him, eyes wide with excitement. Mark shrugged. He didn't know how he learned how to flip. He just saw it on television and he decided that he wanted to learn. He could only flip the one way and he sometimes got scared that he wasn't going to stick the landing. He had many close calls and some not so close calls, plus many hospital visitstay for sprained ankles and wrists. He had to be very careful or he wouldn't be able to do it anymore. Jaebum had slid up next to Jackson who was just staring at Mark with admiration. 

"Someone's falling hard for his hyung." Jaebum elbowed the younger. "I can see why though. He has good qualities. I heard from Jinyoung that he's a total sweetheart. He might not look like it but I know." Jackson looked over at the older, rolling his eyes. There was no way that Jackson was falling for Mark. He was simply impressed with him. He didn't know that he could move like that. Yeah, Jackson decided that was what he would tell himself. But that was never that case.

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iSimplicityy #1
Chapter 22: You did a good job with the pacing of the story. I liked how Youngjae and Jackson were able to resolve their conflict at the end. Although the Markson isn't fully developed yet, I like how they're drawn to each other despite being friends for only a few days. It really goes to show that they're meant to be together. I just hope that Mark won't abandon Youngjae once he realizes his feelings for Jackson. It's heartbreaking to see him jealous of Jackson. Now onto the sequel~
floralis #2
Chapter 22: I really like your story and i will happyly move to read the sequel now :)
Chapter 21: This is perfect. ^^ The chapters are short, but that makes it easy to read. It's fast paced, but it's not too fat and there are no boring filler chapters. It's fun, talks about something you don't see a lot, and talks about friendship, and Markson. It's basically everything you want in a quick read. ^_^
Chapter 21: awww sweet, i want the sequel soon <3 loved
morbidpickle #5
Chapter 20: Aww.. I'm glad they worked it out! I thought he might still make some excuse, how refreshing to see someone take responsibility for once.
Chapter 20: I really love this story *-*
Chapter 16: wowwww pls update soon <3
secret_silenterz #8
Chapter 12: Yasss friends! Nice way to start a relationship! XD Please update soon.. fighting author-nim!
Chapter 6: Interesting! I want to read more.. Update soon author.
secret_silenterz #10
Chapter 6: Aww... I can't wait for more MarkSon moments !! Like what will Jacks do.. What will Mark react.. hahaI 'm looking forward for the next chap.. good luck author-nim!