For Me, There's You

Between Love and Romance
chapter four: for me, there's you

Jooyeon greeted the original group with a wide smile and happy sigh, "Hey guys!"

"Jooyeon is happy to see us on a Saturday morning. That's something new. What did Jae do this time?" Jooyhyun asked with a slightly sarcastic tone.

Although Joohyun acted as if she was annoyed with Jooyeon and Jae, she was in love with the two. She was thankful towards Jae who takes care of her best friend and excited for Jooyeon who finally found someone worthy of her.

"Jaehyung is actually the best. I can't-" Joohyun began to reply before she noticed Myungsoo mouthing her words mockingly. She then frowned, "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm actually supposed to be somewhere right now so I'll be leaving now," Myungsoo said.

"But we just got he-"

Before Jooyeon could finish her protest, Myungsoo was already heading the other direction back home. The Joo's exchanged worried looks, but let him go.

"He's actually been kind of weird lately," Joohyun noticed.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh right, you haven't really been with us since you and Jae became a thing so you probably don't know. I'm not blaming you or saying that's bad, don't worry, but I'm just worried. He always has his old 'ice prince' look and glares at whoever looks at him."

Jooyeon bit down on her lip in thought, "That's weird. He's usually a who flirts with whoever has hair pass their shoulders."

A thought then crossed Jooyeon's mind. Maybe he was jealous about her and Jae. After it came to her, she quickly shook it off.

"It's impossible," she mumbled to herself.

Joohyun looked at her, "Hm?"

"Oh, nothing."

Jae arrived moments later, carrying his guitar in one hand and a bouquet of roses in the other. Jooyeon and Joohyun eyed him suspiciously. 

"Where did you get those flowers?" Jooyeon asked with a slight pout.

"These," Jae waved the bouquet in the air before handing them to Jooyeon, "are for you. I was on my way and I saw them. I thought of you so I bought them."

Jooyeon was shocked as his sudden act. She stood holding the roses close to her, attempting to cover her matching red cheeks.

"T-thank you. You really didn't have to do this for me."

"No, I wanted to."

"Guys, I'm still here," Joohyun waved her hand between the two, "but now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I have to be at that place where Myungsoo had to go so. I will also be going to uh- there." Joohyun hobbled away from them at a quick pace.

"What was that?"

"I think Joohyun and Myungsoo might be secretly dating."


The next day, three hours before Jooyeon's performance, Joohyun received a call from Myungsoo.

"Joohyun, I know this is super random, but how would you feel about going on a date with me? Like right now," Myungsoo asked over the phone.

Joohyun blinked a few times, taking in his words, "Yeah, I would be glad to. But don't we have to go see Yeon later?"

"Yeah, but that's later."

"Ok if you say so."

They met up outside of Joohyun's apartment and made their way to the neighborhood park. As cheesy as it was, they sat next to each other on the swings.

Joohyun was the first to speak. "Why did you ask me suddenly?"

"I don't know. I talked to Yeonjoo about it a month or so ago, but she strongly opposed. She said you were too good for me," he chuckled, "I mean, you are, but I don't really think she'll mind. She probably won't even notice since she's so occupied by Jae lately."

Although Joohyun wasn't as close to Myungsoo as Jooyeon was, she could tell something was up. For the past month, Myungsoo avoided being around Jooyeon. When Joohyun brought her up, he would get upset and change the subject. He often called Joohyun out without the other. She didn't know about their past, but she could tell that something happened between them before. 

Even though she was tempted to ask all the time, she shook it off to avoid any awkward situations. This time, she knew it had to do with their history.

"What happened between you and Jooyeon?" 

"What do you mean? Nothing happened," Myungsoo replied in a rushed voice.

"You don't have to hide it anymore. Jooyeon never told me anything, but I can tell. There was a period of time two years ago when it was really awkward and distant between the three of us."

Myungsoo looked down at his crossed hands. "A lot happened two years ago. But that was the past."

"If it was in the past, why is it being affecting you guys again?"

"It's not," he protested.

"Myungsoo, please," Joohyun turned to him with pleading eyes.

He let out a heavy sigh. "I just can't talk about it."

"Why not?"

"Because," he raised his voice, "I'm so ashamed of myself."

"What do you mean? Myungsoo, please say things in a way I can understand."

The sun began setting and it grew silent. Joohyun looked at Myungsoo who sat with his head hung low. His hands gripped the chains of the swings so tightly, his knuckles were growing white. 

"I broke her heart."

Another silence filled the air.

"She loved me. I took advantage of that. We snuck around going on dates, secretly cuddled when no one was home, I was even her first kiss," his voice broke, "Then I fell for her. But I can't be with her. I'm not someone who can take care of her. I'm not the one who can make her happy. I left her."

"I didn't- I didn't know."

"No one did. We decided to keep it a secret."

Joohyun didn't know how to respond. "Do you still love her?"

He thought for a second before replying, "Yeah, I still do."

"I think you should go and tell her that. Go before Jae does. You really don't have a lot of time, he brought her flowers yesterday. I heard he's coming to her performance tonight and that would be the perfect time for him to confess."

"I can't just go in two years later and be like remember that time I broke your heart? Sorry, I didn't mean to. Let's make out!"

Joohyun rolled her eyes, "Ok, who said anything about making out. Just go and tell her how you feel."

"I guess I will."


Myungsoo found himself literally running to the center. He checked the time and the show would be starting in ten minutes. A flush of memories went through his head as his feet ran.

Two Years Ago

"Why is your hair so long?" Myungsoo asked, his hands brushing through Jooyeon's hair.

It was ten at night and Jooyeon's parents were out of the house. They were on Jooyeon's bed, snuggled up close to one another. Jooyeon hid her burning face in his chest as his voice rang through her ears. He was acting cool and for being so embarrassed even though he himself was barely breathing from excitement.

She didn't respond to him and just covered her face with her hands. She heard a chuckle before feeling his hand on hers. Gently, he removed her hands and held them in his much larger ones.

"Don't cover yourself like that. You're beautiful," he grinned.

Hesitantly, she tilted her head upwards, her eyes meeting his. Myungsoo's eyes suddenly widened. At her current position, Jooyeon was able to hear his heart begin to pound within his chest. She smiled. A similar smile appeared on Myungsoo's face. His eyes traveled from hers to her lips. Before she knew it, his lips were on hers.

They were touching ever so softly, but Jooyeon swore she felt fireworks.

Present Day

Myungsoo stood in front of the stage, watching Jooyeon as she gracefully made her way across the stage. She was in a group with five other girls, but he only saw her. Tears were b in his eyes. Her every expression spark a new emotion. The performance ended with Jooyeon in the center of the stage, smiling brightly. Awe struck, he was unable to even clap.

As the spectators began leaving the place, he rushed backstage. There Jooyeon stood, removing her dance shoes. He ran to her in a hurry.

"Myungsoo what are you-"

"I love you." Myungsoo cut her off.

"What do you-"

Unlike last time, he cut her off with a kiss. The first kiss was innocent, sweet, and memorable, but this time it was filled with passion. He pressed his lips against hers and held her head in his hands. He was careful not to crush her. In a state of shock, Jooyeon couldn't respond to the kiss.

A boy then walked into a room with a wide grin. He then laid his eyes on the scene in front of him and his hands dropped to his side. Jooyeon, still wide-eyed, noticed him. She pushed Myungsoo off of her, but was too late. Jae left.


Author's Note / A terribly written chapter, but drama! Sorry if this was super repetitive and cliche. I didn't know how to write it without making it like that. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this chapter :')







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ohyeeeah #1
Chapter 6: I feel sad for Myungsoo. And happy for Jae.

I hope they'll last loooong.

ohyeeeah #2
Chapter 5: If Jooyeon was me, I'll take Joohyun and raise cats with her. Hihihi

But then again Im not Jooyeon. I just hope Jooyeon will make the right choice. And be happy with her choice.

Damn Baechu is killing me again with that gif
ohyeeeah #3
Chapter 4: Woah..Myungsoo and Jooyeon. They seem to be a cute couple back then.

Cant wait for the next update.

Btw, my Baechu is so cute in that gif
ohyeeeah #4
Chapter 3: Irene Bae<3
