
When you realize

Minghao's POV.

"So what do you wanna do today" asked Junhui when I woke up.

"I don't know" I said while yawning.

"Come on get up, I wanna eat breakfast"

"Nooo I wanna sleep"

"Come on" He grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the bed.

"AHH" I screamed as I fell on the floor.

He picked me up and carried me to the kitchen. We started making breakfast together. I was making him sunny side up eggs but I accidentally poked the yolk before it was done and it spilled out everywhere.

"Noooo" I whined

"What?" He rested his head on my shoulder and looked down at the egg.

"I'm sorry"

"Eh its fine, just make it into a scrambled egg and I'll eat it"

"Okay" ugh its just an egg, why do I feel so bad.

"Don't worry, it's fine" He kissed my cheek and went back to making the bacon and sausage.

Our morning routines had gotten like this. We basically just cook really yummy dishes for our meals all day. I've also been baking a lot, we have way too many cookies. I think we're starting to fatten up a little.

On this particular day we were laying on the ground listening to music and waiting for the members to come back home.

I decided to get up.

"What're you doing"

'I'm gonna dance, I've put on too much weight" I said while patting my stomach.

"Ok, I'll join you"

We started dancing to some new songs (AN: This takes place like a few years ago cause seventeen doesn't exist yet so don't expect me to put in BTS or Got7...yet)

We were basically just jumping on the couch and trying pushing each other off.

Chan ended up coming home early because he doesn't have to stay late for extra help on studies. He was standing there staring at us.

"COME JOIN US" Junhui yelled over the music.

Chan dropped his backpack and ran over to join us.

Slowly the other members came home and ended up joining us.

Everyone was messing around and pillows ended up getting involved until Seungcheol got home and yelled at us.

We stopped to look at him and he turned down the music.

"What the heck are you guys doing" Seungcheol asked irritatedly.

"Well we were dancing, but we ended up just jumping and throwing pillows at each other" Jihoon said and then threw a pillow at him.

Seungcheol turned the music back up and threw the pillow back at Jihoon.

About two hours later we were all spread around the room laying on the ground trying to catch our breath. Soonyoung stood up and went to turn down the music as we all started to sit up.

"Guys, what are we doing with our life. Like we were dancing/jumping for three to four hours straight."

We all shrugged and looked back at Soonyoung.

"Since we have so much energy and free time we should like start a dance group or something. Like wouldn't that be cool"

I heard a chorus of yeah's around the room and sat there thinking.

"What if we sang too, like what if we became a boy group." I said and the room became quiet as everyone was deep in thought.

"OMG THAT WOULD BE SO MUCH FUN" yelled Seungkwan.

"and it would be good since we all know that Jihoon composes and that Soonyoung is a choreographer" said Seokmin.

"Wait, your a choreographer Soonyoung?" Chan asked.

Soonyoung nodded his head.

"Okay then where should we start" asked Jisoo.

"How about some dinner and sleep" Wonwoo asked while yawning.

"Well, someone's tired" Mingyu asked

"That I am, so can we please eat" Wonwoo begged.

"Ok, then let's go make dinner. Can I have Seungcheol, Soonyoung, Jihoon, Seokmin, and Minghao help me" Mingyu asked, and we all agreed.

Mingyu is the best cook in the group, and the other five of us are pretty decent.

We start making dinner and I started cutting up the vegetables.

I was almost done until Soonyoung screamed when he burned something and I jumped causing me to cut my finger.

"Owwww" I yelled. Blood was trickling down my hand. I on my finger.

"Can someone get me a bandaid" I yelled.

And before I knew it Junhui wrapped a bandaid around my finger.

"You should be more careful"

"I couldn't help it" I mumbled

He turned my head and looked deeply into my eyes "I just don't want to see you in more pain, you've been through enough"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine" I reached up and kissed his forehead and then looked at him.

He pulled me in and kissed me softly.

Until Mingyu interrupted us "hey, no kissing in the kitchen. We have work to do"

Junhui and I blushed. He then took the knife and started to cut the rest of the vegetables for me.

"Junnie hyung!! I can do it" I pouted and looked at him angrily.

He looked at me, but then back at the vegetables "nope, I'm helping you. Now get over it"

I leaned on the counter and sighed there's no getting through him at times like this.

"Besides, I just finished" he said and handed the vegetables over to Mingyu.

"Come on let's go set the table" he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the dining room.

I put out the chopsticks and he put out everything else.

We were just finishing up as Mingyu brought out the food.

"FOOD'S READY!" He yelled and everyone came sprinting into the room.

I sat down and grabbed all the food I could before it disappeared.

I finished and before I knew it dessert was out. Huh so that's what Mingyu was making.

After I finished I went to go brush my teeth and get changed.

I finished and climbed in the bed next to Junhui.

He looked over at me and kissed my forehead again "Good night Hao Hao"

"Good night Junnie hyung" I whispered and wrapped my arms around him, quickly falling asleep.


Ugh I'm such a terrible person. I haven't updated in like a month. I'm so sorry!!!!

I'm really busy though, I spend like 10 hours at home nowadays. I'm in drama and our musical is on Friday and we're not really doing that good. I'm in like 5 dances. 5!!!!

Plus scool is tough and I literally have no time any more, I'm up until 1 everynight with all the hw I have. 

Anyways, thanks for subscribing and commenting.


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zezezeze #1
Chapter 25: #squeal
Kdubz624 #2
Chapter 25: Awwwww
Chapter 25: Awhhhhhh so cuteeee ^-^
Chapter 24: B B B!! Continueeee please? I really like this story :)
mushuhayun #5
Chapter 24: B seems nice.
Kdubz624 #6
Chapter 24: B!
Chapter 22: I agree with B, The8 should be wary about it but forgive her in the end because "the past is the past" but Jun doesn't want to forgive her because of the pain they've been through because of her (Jun's mother apologised because she broke up with her boyfriend who was the bad influence on her and made her violent) it would be a cute/sad ending
mitzymouse #8
Chapter 22: What about B with The8 forgiving her, but Jun not. And I love The8's mom in this!
CrisscolferKlaine #9
Chapter 14: you should try writing with more details or at least try not to write stuff to fast cause it's weird :/
Kdubz624 #10
Chapter 21: I love this story! I can't wait too see what will happen next!