✨ The Prince at Nightfall ✨


A Jikook Fairy Tale.


Jungkook is, without any exaggeration, extremely average.

Though, when the day turns dark and the twilight sets in, he meets a peculiar man who is far from normal.


Fates intertwine,


a magical story unfolds.


Jungkook lives the life of a normal adolescent. Like many of us, he hates his current life and always reaches for more. However, reaching for more is a damn hard task that is sometimes only achieved by sudden opportunities and an amazing amount of dumb luck.

A boy turns up out of nowhere, could he be the dumb luck Jungkook has been searching for his entire life?

Can they help each other find out who they are and what they are destined to be?




Jeon Jungkook;



21 years old,


Aspiring editor and dogowner,


Administrator at a publisher's office,


Avid fan of white t-shirts and everything bread.




Park Jimin;



23 years old,


Patient at Jungkook's,


The sky is never the limit,


Picky unless we're talking about meat.

We have finally reached 100 subscribers, thank you so much everyone!!


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eonni, update your story soon jebal..
XVLove #2
Chapter 16: this chapter is something
Although I find it a bit awkward at first because I thought Jimin just lost his memory and nothing serious but it turned out that he's really sick
Well this chapter is really well executed!!! Like the first you made the atmosphere hopeful and happy by giving Jimin what he always wanted and suddenly it turned out into something serious and the atmosphere also changed into the opposite
finally you ended it well with cliff hanger
I like it
Callitwhatyewwant #3
Chapter 15: I really liked this chapter, not only because of the fluffy ending, but the beginning was very well written as well.
Anyways, I hope you already feel better! :)
XVLove #4
Chapter 15: There was some mistakes but not terrible(like changes the meaning), like perhaps using "had" in "five minutes passed", I didn't even recognize that one though, and the awkward one is "to see the eyes of Jungkook narrowing" I don't know why it sounds weird though, I'm too sleepy to think about it(Sorry)

By the way, I like the chapter, and the Jimin's character somehow looks like the one in Jimin's real life, especially when he was afraid, and it's incredibly cute!!!

Take your time, I hope you will get better soon!!!
Callitwhatyewwant #5
Chapter 14: 'Let's just peek in a little' ends up up scattering money all over the ground... Ohh Jimin :D

I don't want to spoil you with too much praising but I just can't help it, I really like this story. c: I like how we get to see a bit of a 'darker' Jimin again, it adds depth to his character. I'm really looking forward to getting to know more about the way he thinks/the reasons behind his actions.
What's up with Jungkook's name scratched out tho? (I suppose it's his :D)
XVLove #6
Chapter 14: And the things start to get more interesting~~ I would love to see how Jimin confronts Jungkook afterwards

by the way, I don't know why Jimin starts to act nicely towards Jungkook, either it was because he in the new world, or anything, I don't know
He just likes Jungkook very much, I mean, didn't he should be wary of Jungkook? I know he already did at the first time he met Jungkook, but I don't know~~

Can't wait for your next chapter!!!
XVLove #7
Chapter 13: You know what, I start to lose all of my vocabulary, I don't know what to say except "good","great", or else,
This chapter is very cute, they living together and everything, the problems they had, and is it just me or I thing Jungkook's kind of avoiding Jimin??? perhaps he still uncomfortable after meeting and now living together with someone who can make his heart jumps??
Anyway I'm curious about the next chapter!!!

AND I JUST REALIZE WE HAVE SAME AGE!!!(Not really same though, I'm 18 this 4th july)