
You Know I Like You, Right?
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Note: Look, I know im not a good writer, I never was, the only reason I tried to do this is because we all know the lack of chanwoo fics out there so I decided to try and make one, and as time goes by I enjoyed making it a lot so I’m truly sorry if this doesn’t turn out as you expected, or if you find any grammatical errors, or if the story itself is cringe worthy lol but I truly hope you guys will enjoy this, so that’s all from me. Thank you to all of you guys who stay tuned to my stories and leave such lovely comments all these time I love you guys<3


Donghyuk has never felt so bored and lonely in his entire life. Everyone is in their own room doing something. Then he had an idea. He went to every single of the other members’ room and told them to get out. When he finally succeeded, Donghyuk noticed that none of them was satisfied by what he was doing.

“Why are we out here again, Donghyuk-ah?” Bobby asked him, kind of annoyed because he had just been awaken from his slumber. “Let’s all hang out and watch a movie or something in the livingroom!” Donghyuk suggested. The others groaned at Donghyuk’s suggestion. “Donghyuk, we have a busy schedule tomorrow, we all should just rest” Hanbin explained. Donghyuk pouted hearing the leader’s words. “Come on, pleaseeee? It’s been a while since we do stuff together with all seven members, except when we’re performing. Let’s all sleep in the livingroom, you all can rest there!” Donghyuk begged. “Please?” He begged once more but this time doing a puppy face.

“Ugh fine. We’re already here anyways so why the hell not” Hanbin said. “Stop using aegyo, Donghyuk. You look embarrassing.” June said. Donghyuk sticked out his tongue at June and happily dragged everyone to the livingroom.

“Dibs on the sofa!!” Chanwoo said while running. “Hey that’s not fair you’d take all the place! You’re a giant!” Jinhwan complained. “Too late” Chanwoo said. Jinhwan tried to push Chanwoo off the sofa but Chanwoo remained still. “It’s enough to fit like three of us stop killing each other” Yunhyeong told them. They all continue to argue and end up having Chanwoo, Jinhwan, and Bobby on the sofa with the rest underneath it.

“So what do you guys wanna watch?” Donghyuk asked. “Let’s have a drama marathon!” Chanwoo suggested. Bobby groans at Chanwoo’s suggestion. “No. No dramas. I don’t want any emotional kinda night with you guys, ever.” Bobby stated. “Let’s watch WIN” Hanbin said out of nowhere. The rest of the members stared to look at him with an ‘are you serious?’ face. “Hey, this is actually a good idea so we could see how long we’ve come” Hanbin explained. “Nope, as I said I don’t want to have an emotional night, that show is sad Hanbin, come on. Plus, Chanwoo’s not there so he can’t relate” Bobby complained. “Fine, then lets watch Mix & Match!” Hanbin demanded. “Why do we have to watch something that has us in it? Can we not?” June groaned. “Because I said so. I have the remote anyways so you guys have no choice.” Hanbin said as he the TV and played Mix & Match. He then took the batteries out of the remote and threw it away. “YAH!! Why did you have to do that Hanbin?” Jinhwan shouted at him. Hanbin just grinned at him. “Shhh it's starting" Hanbin told the others. So they all got quiet to watch the show. "I never really watched an actual episode of Mix & Match before" Donghyuk stated. "None of us have" Hanbin said. "That's why im forcing you guys to watch this" he continued.

The show started with the intros of each members and somehow they always manages to find some funny poses from each one of them to laugh about. The laughters stopped when it was the scene where they got informed by Mr. Yang Hyunsuk that there were going to have to compete with three other members and brought Chanwoo and Jinhyeong in. "Oh m

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R_nine21 #2
Chapter 1: wait for what june-ya hmm.....
Chapter 1: satanwoo on the go..aigoo this kid using his acting skill to his hyungs..but this story is so cute..junchan is sailing nowadays..
seriously like im not a junchan shipper but i accidentally read your stories and make me thinks that junchan is really really cute and i already fell in love with them. *0* thanksss for make me feel thiss way about junchan ;))
noname101 #5
Chapter 1: Hahahahha! OMG! Channuuu is soo funny~~ lol June tho! Feels! ♡♡
Chapter 1: im curling up in the end~~ lol
kjmydr2m #8
Chapter 1: lol evil chanwoo make an appearance and causes a plot twist
and that not-so-innocent junhoe trying to corrupt chanwoo at the end!! >_<