The Cookie Thief

The Cookie Thief

Park Jimin was going mad. Ever since he entered University he felt like his head was going to explode. Never in his 20 years of life has he felt so exhausted. His whole body ached, his back hurt, he felt like he was 80 years old and all he wanted to do was lay in his nice, warm bed and place his head on his soft pillow and sleep for days.

However, the harsh reality hit him in the face as well as the harsh wind that was now hurting his cheeks. He was currently rushing to the dorm on his campus, carrying a load of books that he was supposed to read for his next literature class, while cursing his best friend Taehyung for ditching him at the last moment in the library to go hit on some Jungkook guy which entered the library at that moment. Jimin accused Taehyung of being a bad friend saying in an accusatory voice:” Hey, aren’t you the one who always says: bros before hoes?”

Taehyung looked at him with a sly smile:” Well, technically he is a dude so he is a bro, and I know what a hoe you are so yeah, bros before hoes!~ Bye now Jiminnie” cooed Taehyung while running away from Jimin who was ready to throw the largest book he had on his now EX-BEST FRIEND!

Jimin let out a loud huff:”How dares that bastard call him a hoe? It’s not Jimin’s fault that he has divine abs, killer thighs as well as majestic and an adorable baby face… Of course that he would have to be a hoe from time to time, he wasn’t made of stone, he had to hook up with some handsome guys from time to time. So what if he never met anyone that would make him fall in love and make Jimin want to have a real relationship instead of a one-night hook-up. Stupid Taehyung, what did he know about love anyways? For years he thought that third base was kissing on the mouth and bragged how he had came to third base with his first boyfriend when he was 11 years old. Jimin actually had to explain to him that kissing someone on the cheek was not what a third base is. Oh how crushed Taehyungie looked at that moment. And how crushed he will be when I finish with him for calling me a hoe and not helping me carry all these books to the dorm. Just you wait Tae, I will get my revenge” smiled Jimin wickedly while finally entering the dorm and heading to the common room.

When he finally entered the common room which was usually loud, filled with students chatting, hanging out and playing games, he went to the farthest empty table in the room, plopping down on the chair and dropping all of his books to the table, sighing loudly from exhaustion.

It was currently 9 p.m. so there were just a few students in the common room and it was rather quiet, enabling Jimin to get to work. He had to write a long research paper which was due in few days, meaning he was probably going to spend a few long nights here, bent over these enormous books. He sighed again in frustration, opening the first book and immersing himself in it.

Jimin’s eyes were closing, and the words and letters seemed as if they were dancing on the pages of the third book he opened that night. He didn’t even realize that it was already 12.p.m. and that he was alone in the common room. He needed coffee fast or else he was going to pass out right there and fail his literature class. He unwillingly peeled himself off of the chair, groaning when he cracked his back, massaging the knots in his sore shoulders.

He went out of the common room to get coffee from the coffee machine in the hallway. His stomach was grumbling like mad, he hasn’t eaten in hours and he was low on sugar. However, he had enough money just for a coffee or a candy bar, he couldn’t have both. In the end he took coffee, he needed caffeine flowing through his blood and he needed it fast.

When he came back to the common room, he wouldn’t even have noticed anything different if he hadn’t picked up a cinnamon-like scent filling his nostrils. His empty stomach growled again and he looked at the table in the middle of the room with a silver plate on it filled with cookies. Jimin thought he was dreaming, but nevertheless he approached the table, his mouth watering at the sight of freshly honey baked cookies. He looked around, trying to see who left them, but there was no one. He knew that he shouldn’t take it, because it was someone’s, I mean they didn’t magically appear out of nowhere, but before he knew it he had already grabbed one and tentatively took a bite.

Strong cinnamon flavor, softened by chocolate and honey exploded in his mouth, making Jimin close his eyes, savouring each bite. He somehow ended up eating the whole plate of cookies, they were too good to resist them and he was really hungry.

However, he started to panic because he ate someone’s cookies and oh god that person is going to be so mad, oh no what if that was somebody’s cooking project for tomorrow and he just ate it all? , cursed Jimin under his breath, taking a small post-it note writing in a messy handwriting:” Hi. U-um I kind of ate all of your cookies. I am sorry, but they were so delicious that I couldn’t stop myself >.< I know I did wrong, but I am too much of a coward to face you so I am leaving this note hoping that you will forgive me!” he then drew a small stick man on his knees, head bowed and hands clasped asking for forgiveness and left the note on an empty plate, running away to his dorm.

The next evening Jimin went to the common room at about 10 p.m. glancing at the table in the middle room which was now of course empty. He wondered  if he caused too much trouble to the person whose cookies he had eaten. He bit his lower lip, feeling guilty. At about 12 p.m. he went out for coffee, and when he came back his mouth fell from the shock.

There, on the desk, was again a silver plate full of cookies. This time it wasn’t cinnamon that Jimin felt, it was a mix of lemon and ginger. He approached the cookies, looking around thinking how this was probably a hidden camera, but no one was there. On top of the mountain of delicious looking cookies which were surprisingly shaped like little skulls, lay a pink post-it.

Jimin took it, reading it carefully:” COOKIE THIEF! How dare you run away cowardly after eating my masterpiece?! Well I  send you this as punishment for your grave sin. If you are brave enough, I dare you to eat the whole plate of this skull-shaped cookies and I hope your tongue becomes as sour as this lemon baked cookies so that you would never ever think of taking someone’s cookies without permission! 

Jimin stared at the note feeling dumbfounded. It was sort of a threatening note, but could Jimin really take it seriously since it was written on a pink post-it in such a neat handwriting and it looked like something a kid would write, even drawing a little skull at the end. Jimin chuckled, thinking how cute this person was to go through so much effort to bake skull-shaped cookies and leave them here as “revenge”. Jimin immediately ate one cookie, expecting his tongue to become as sour as lemons and although the strong aroma of lemon and ginger was sour, it was blended with a white vanilla cream, softening the sourness and bitterness of the cookie, making it perfect. Jimin again ate the whole plate of cookies, thinking how he wouldn’t mind this kind of punishment every day. He was even ready to give up his abs just for the sake of this sweet pleasure every night.

Same as the other evening he took a post-it and wrote a reply to his “punisher”

“If this was your punishment, then I wouldn’t mind being punished every evening like this. I guess you could say I am a masochist ;) Tough luck, Cookie Master~“

He smiled at his reply and left it again on the empty plate, taking his books and  going to his room, feeling satisfied, not being able to wait for tomorrow evening, anticipating a new plate of different cookies as well as a note on a pink post-it. His heart fluttered a bit at the thought.

The next evening Jimin repeated his routine, leaving the common room at 12 p.m. to get his coffee and returning to the common room which now smelled like…Peaches?

Jimin approached the table, full of small cookies which actually looked like peaches as well and he immediately took the pink post-it, reading the note:” Well aren’t you a peachy little fellow?  :‑Þ Honestly if I wasn’t such a gentle soul you would have your kicked by now, you insolent brat. But how about this,  you taste my cookies and tell me what you honestly think so I could improve them? Deal?”

Jimin immediately agreed, not only was he getting free cookies, but he was also enjoying exchanging notes with this person who always wrote some funny/lame fruit puns along with the cookies. And so Jimin begin flirting with the Cookie Master. He discovered that the Cookie Master was 22 and that cooking wasn’t his/hers major, but s/he  baked pastries to relieve stress and currently s/he was feeling stressed out, because of some math test which was coming up. The cookie master was studying architecture at the same University as Jimin, but s/he was really bad at math.

Their flirting continued and Jimin gained 2 pounds over those few days, which Taehyung pointed out as well, not in  the most subtle way but by saying:” Jiminnie you are turning into a pig. You will lose your fans.” stupid Taehyung, Jimin didn’t even kick him that hard after that remark, he was becoming soft ever since he and the Cookie Master started exchanging notes. This is the longest relationship he ever had, and it wasn’t even based on looks since he had no idea how the other person looked, Wait, did he just say relationship?! The hell?! He doesn’t even know the person… , he actually fell for someone just based on their personality? He smiled to himself in disbelief

That evening, white chocolate heart cookies that tasted like bananas awaited him, with a yellow banana-shaped post it with eyes drawn on it and lifted seductive eyebrows which said:” This may sound bananas…But I find you appealing.” Jimin laughed out loud at the pun, just to found another post-it beneath it, pink and in the shape of a heart and when Jimin read it he felt his heart thumping loudly in his chest:” Hey Cookie Thief…Want to meet up tomorrow evening?”

Jimin felt happiness and fear at the same time. While he did like this person, he didn’t even know what s/he looked like and also he was only interested in guys so what if this person was a girl. And there was a big chance that it was a girl, since not many guys could cook or especially bake like this. Jimin wasn’t ready to break some girl’s heart, so he was a coward again as he wrote a lie with a heavy heart:” Sorry, but I am not interested in you in that way…Let’s stop all of this…”

He left his post it, rushing out of the common room before he could regret his decision and rip the note.

Tomorrow evening, Jimin was curled up on his bed and it was already 12 p.m. He was feeling empty and sad, what was he doing really? Did it matter who that person was? Jimin liked that person and even if they couldn’t be lovers, at least he should go and meet that person and not be a coward, he immediately got dressed rushing to the common room, hoping to maybe find that person there, although the chances of that were slim.

When he came into the common room ,panting heavily from all the running, looking around, but nobody was there, and of course there were no cookies or a post it. He would never be able to talk to the Cookie Master and he felt a pang in his heart, he ruined it all.

“Park Jimin you are such an IDIOT!” he yelled while slapping his forehead in frustration.

“ Well maybe not an idiot, just a little bit of a coward.” came a soft giggly voice behind him.

Jimin turned around only to set his eyes on the most beautiful boy ever. The boy was taller then Jimin, broad shoulders, thin but not too thin, just right, in black skinny jeans and a baby pink hoodie, making his soft face features, round warm amber eyes and light brown hair even more gentle than they already were.

“C-cookie Master?” Jimin blurted out, still staring at the ridiculously beautiful boy.

The beautiful boy giggled adorably again, causing the butterflies in Jimin’s stomach to fly all over his stomach , as he said:” Well actually it is Jin, Cookie Thief “

Jimin giggled as well approaching Jin slowly, saying:” And it is actually Jimin and not Cookie Thief. Here I made this for you.” He finished while giving Jin a little pink box.

Jin looked at it curiously and when he opened it, inside was a small cupcake with pink frosting. Jimin blushed a bit, saying:” It’s my first time making something. I hope it’s not terrible. The main ingredient was: love

Jin’s ears went pink at the sudden confession, while taking a bite of the strawberry cupcake, which was sweet but not too sweet, it was just right, just like Jimin. He actually felt something in his mouth and he pulled out a post-it on which it was written:” I like you berry much.”

Jin approached Jimin, taking his hand and intertwining their fingers, placing one finger underneath Jimin’s face, lifting it up gently, looking Jimin in the eyes, smiling fondly, whispering:” I also like you berry much.” leaning in, pressing his plump soft lips on Jimin’s.

Jimin relaxed and sighed in contentment. Jin’s lips tasted like strawberries. And Jimin wouldn’t mind tasting strawberries till the rest of his life.

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♥️ Remember you are loved, please always be happy♥️
Chapter 1: Too much sugar in this story ^▽^
Jinmin's extraordinary relationship was too cute, too sweet than the cookies ♡.♡
Chapter 1: i think im going to get diabetes from this. TOO SWEET T_T
Cute ❤ :3 ❤
Chapter 1: That was so friggin cute ^_^ I really need more Jinmin
TooFabulous #6
Chapter 1: Omg this is so adorbs!! Hey... In your username it says uchiha? As in naruto ? Sasuke and itachi uchiha??? Just curious :P
Chapter 1: Oh my god~ this is so adorable
Too much sugaaa fluff >\\<