I'm Sorry


#JJPROJECT4thAnniversary #4YearsWithJJProject

The sound of the banging door filling the room, thick and sharp perfectly ripping both person on the each side. 

It is not like they want this. It is not like Jaebum would randomly throws the vases and left. It is not like Jaebum would leave just like that. 

Jaebum loves Jinyoung so much that he should let him go. Bull that he said he would never let go. No, it is half true, he would never let Jinyoung go except if the said person wants to. Jaebum loves him so much that whatever makes Jinyoung happy he will do it, he will get it whatever it will cost for. 

And Jaebum has never been expecting the thing is a break. 

Their issues started a few months back when Jaebum saw Jinyoung hanging out with his friends. He looked so happy with his waist in a tall man's (Jaebum was sure he never know the guy) arm and Jinyoung was clinging to the guy. Don't ever try to say that perhaps Jinyoung was drunk. 

He knew Jinyoung doesn't walk like that when he is drunk. 

Jaebum being Jaebum, a short-tempered guy with a super protective side walked approaching the group and the two. 

"Ya Park Jinyoung!" Jaebum shouted. Jinyoung stopped his steps and turned his head then his eyes went bigger. 

"H-hyung-" and before Jinyoung said the next word, Jaebum dragged him home. 

When they arrived back in their apartment, Jaebum slammed Jinyoung's back on to the nearest wall -next to the door- and pinned his hands beside Jinyoung's head. 

"What do you think you were doing?" Jaebum asked coldly. 

"Hanging out." Jinyoung said. It was too low that Jaebum almost missed it. 

"With whom?!" 


"LIAR! Don't you act like i didn't see you!" Jaebum was screaming in front of Jinyoung's face. He felt bad immediately when he saw his younger lover started to cry.

"I-i'm sorry.." Jaebum said. He tried to wipe the tears and to hug the younger, but Jinyoung slapped his hands and pushed Jaebum away and he left for his room. 



Jaebum never let Jinyoung drink any alcohol. So, when he found out that Jinyoung drank some with Jackson on a bar near their apartment -Jaebum walked pass the bar and saw them- he was so angry for nth time. Jaebum never mind to do anything for his lover's good. After all alcohol is all bad. 

Jaebum got in the bar and walked to the younger, Jinyoung didn't notice his boyfriend before he was dragged suddenly by Jaebum. 

"YA!" He shouted when they arrived out side. 

"Why did you drink?" Jaebum asked, coldly. His jaw looked so hard, he tried to held back his anger. 

"So what?" Jinyoung didn't seem to care or anything. 

"Park Jinyoung i told y-"

"Listen Im Jaebum. You're only my boyfriend. Nothing more, and i'm done with you so shut up and let me go." Jinyoung said drunkenly. He then wiggled off his wrist from Jaebum's grip. 

Jaebum looked blank, like Jinyoung's words was a super sharp blade piercing right to his heart. 


But Jinyoung didn't even stop walking. 


Jaebum shouted  when he saw Jinyoung collapsed on to the ground. 

The next morning Jinyoung wake up and his body aches so badly. When he get up the weird feeling come attacking his stomach and he ran immediately into the bathroom; puking out everything in his stomach. 

Jinyoung swore he would never drink liquor again, never in his life. He should have listening to Jaebum, and not hurting his self only to get over Jaebum. 

Speaking of Jaebum.

He know something happened. Because who else would carry his body back, and he has never drank before and he has no idea what he could probably said. 

Bearing with the pain is so hard for Jinyoung's body plus there is no sign of Jaebum. He then gathered his strength to get up and looking for Jaebum, also some pain killers. 

"Jaebum-hyung?" Jinyoung called lowly, his body can barely deal with the pain. 

Seeing no sign of Jaebum's existence around, Jinyoung furrowed his eye brows and decided to just grab some pain killers first in the kitchen counter, he believes. 

Surprising enough for him to see Jaebum sitting on a chair with his stern looking face and a cup of hot coffee in front of his folded arms. 

"Jae-hyung?" Jinyoung called Jaebum, forgetting about the pain killers and walks approaching Jaebum. When he tried to hug the older guy, Jaebum insisted and pushed Jinyoung away intead, then he took a sip from his cup. 


"Shut up, grab your medicines and we need to talk." 

When Jinyoung's mind clicked, he keeps shut and do what he told to do. Jinyoung clearly looks hurt, not like Jaebum doesn't. 

Jinyoung sits in front of Jaebum. There was a little gap of time before Jaebum starts to speak. 

"Is that true? Is that what you want?"

"What are you talking about, hyung?"

" you. Don't play dumb." Jaebum never cursed at him, and it scared Jinyoung a bit. 

"No, you! You didn't have any time to help me out of my hangover! You didn-"

" THAT PARK JINYOUNG! YOU SAID SO! I'M ONLY YOUR BOYFRIEND! I have no rights on you, like you think this relationship is only a game or whatever?! Like i'm doing all these only for a ing game?! Come on!" Jaebum finally yelled. He was about to cry but something just doesn't work and he can't cry, instead his face looks absolutely scary. 


"What? Cat got your tongue? Answer me, Park Jinyoung! Is this all only worth nothing but game to you?!"


"YOU WHAT?" Jaebum shouts angrily and throws a vase which previously sits perfectly beside him. 

Jinyoung does not give the older any answer; he couldn't. It hurts him so much that Jaebum shouts at him like that. Jaebum never harm him, he was scared and nothing can slips out of his mouth except little sobs. 

"That's it Park Jinyoung. We're end." And Jaebum walks away, toward the door. 

"NO HYUNG! DON-" Jinyoung's voice faded as Jaebum opens the door harshly and slammed it right on Jinyoung's face when the younger tried to stop him; running toward the door. 

Jinyoung stays for awhile. Then his body slides down, back facing the door. He cries so hard his head hurts and his eyes turns to be bloodshot. 

On the other side, there is Jaebum back also facing the door and cries quietly. His heart aches when he hears the younger cries so hard. 

But he can't move further than placing his palm on the door. He can't hurt Jinyoung like this, but he won't make the younger feels uncomfortable like before; pretending to everything. He wants to be free so, Jaebum should let him go. 

"Goodbye, love." 

Jaebum stands up, and leave. 

It has roughly been half a year since their broke up. Jaebum masked his self up with whatever lie mask he have. And Jinyoung, just plainly gave up and exposing the pain he is bearing with. 

Jaebum tries to live as normally as possible. But there is Jinyoung who keeps hallucinating about the older's existence around him. 

They never talk, no meet ups, no smiles, no simple hey, nothing. The fact this happens made both hurt; only they act differently. 

Ring ring ring

Jaebum's phone rings for several times make it's owner who tried to avoids it gave up. 

Incoming call from anonymous 

Jaebum furrowed his brows. Who the would call him at ten pm, except Jackson and... Jaebum just don't want to call out 'his' name. 

Moving the serial killers things aside, he answer the call. 

"Hello." He got no answer. 

"Hello?" Jaebum waits for a few seconds. After what seems like ten seconds the only thing he heard was sobs. Jaebum freaks out and immediately hang out the phone. 

"Ck, what's wrong with people, making calls randomly. Annoying." Then he dragged back by his work, this way he can be more productive and reduces the thoughts of Jinyoung. 

The next morning, Jaebum was having his breakfast, nothing special just a slice of plain bread and a glass of milk. As if Jaebum ever has any appetite ever since the break up. 

When he was about to take a bite, his phone rang. 

 Incoming call from anonymous 

"Hello?" And no answer. 

"Good morning there? Can i help you with anything?" Jaebum asked but the person on the other end hung up instead. 

"Weird." Jaebum just shrug it off and continued eating. 


Jaebum throw his body right to the couch when he finally arrived home. The day was super hard and Jaebum found his body giving in to the tiredness. 

When Jaebum was about to close his eyes for a couple of minute and relax, his phone rung and Jaebum closed his eyes tightly, then murmured. 


But picked up his phone and answered the call, rather angrily. 

"Hey there, seriously why are you bothering me huh? it just be to the point okay? I'm really tired here!" And Jaebum rolled his eyes when he got no answer.

"Son of a ." Then he hung out. 

Since last week, Jaebum hasn't got any calls from anonymous, but he just didn't realize it. Until he check out his phone after shut it off for the full day. 

Missed call from anonymous 

Jaebum frowned. Just by then he remembered he got several anonymous call. And so then, he surfed through his inbox history. 

It was exactly the same number he got missed call from a week ago. 

Jaebum being Jaebum, doing all his homework until it's done no matter what, of course to distract his mind from Jinyoung. 

It was half past eleven, almost midnight and Jaebum's eyes were almost closed. When he got another call. 

 Incoming call from anonymous 

And Jaebum's eyes were immediately opened widely. For some reasons, he remembers the anonymous's number. And so, he answered the call. 

"Yeoboseyo?" But Jaebum got no reply at all. 

"Hey there, can i help you with anything?" 


"O-okay then, good night."

And Jaebum was too tired to think about anything. 

It was a sunny Monday and Jaebum has always been hating Mondays. Every teacher on Mondays is annoying and basically Jaebum didn't like any subject on Mondays. 

Ring ring ring

Just two minutes before his classes started, Jaebum got a call and it somehow creep him out because no one ever called him at this hour. 

Incoming call from anonymous

"Hello?" Jaebum said. He didn't check who calls him. He just answer it and immediately walks out of the classroom. He hated Monday, i told you. 

"Hello?" Jaebum purposely waits for the person to speak. It takes thirty minutes of silence before Jaebum be totally bored and ends the call. 

'This must be that anonymous again' 

And he was right. 

Jaebum was lying in his bed helplessly, thanks to his body that he can't feel anymore. Jaebum wants to take some medicines, but it seems impossible. He can't even move his head, whatsoever. 

Ring ring ring

His phone rings for several times beside his hand, so with eyes still closed, he grabs it and answer the call. 

"Hello.." He said weakly. 

When two minutes passed by, Jaebum was sure, it's from the anonymous again. 

So, Jaebum just stays silent and whatever hits his mind, he feels comfortable listening to the anonymous's breathing. 

The call hasn't ended up yet, even until Jaebum fell asleep ten minutes later. 

"No, JB, we can't do this project like this. I told you, professor Han would not budge!" Jaebum was in a coffee shop with two of his friends, and he is massaging his forehead now. 

They have a group project from Professor Han, and the material that Jaebum has worked on for the full week wasn't even close to the professor's criteria. 

"But Brian, this is the furthest thing we can get from this object. It's nearly impossible to get deeper information." Jaebum said tiredly. 

"There you go, it's almost, Jaebum, not impossible, you hear me?" Brian keeps pushing his buttons and Jaebum could feels his blood boiling. 

"Listen, Kang Younghyun. If you really wants the details, just go and find it yourself. I'm out of here." Jaebum stand up, pushing his chair roughly and left. 

"Hey Jaebum! You didn't even listen to me before!! Ya!" Brian starts to yell on Jaebum's back but the younger didn't budge and keeps on walking away. 

"Just let him be, you know he is not in his best condition now days. He has done his best, let's just dig more information we could get from here, shall we?" Sungjin said after he scans Jaebum's material. 

"Hh... He should really get over the break up." 

On the other hand, Jaebum walked to the park where he usually set his anger off. Of course it was always been with Jinyoung, but he should try right?

Jaebum sat on a bench and closes his eyes, only opens them back when his phone rings. 

Ring ring ring

Jaebum saw who calls him, and without knowing it, he crack a smile across his face and answers it. 

Incoming call from anonymous

Jaebum should probably check his mental health, shouldn't he?

"Hey," Jaebum said, he knew he shouldn't expect for an answer, but he did. 

"Thanks for calling... I know it sounds crazy... But can you accompany me? For a while? Just don't hang up.." Jaebum said. He didn't know why he said that, all he knew was he wanted to slap his face and smile at the same time. 


"Hm, thanks"

And the call last for an hour until Jaebum said he should hang up and little sorrys because he waste a lot of the anonymous's money for calling him in such a long period of time for nothing. 

It's Saturday and all Jaebum can think of something he could do is starring on his ceilings. He should be a little more productive, but he keeps on thinking,

Who is anonymous, actually?

The person in incredibly infatuating Jaebum, even without words. Jaebum is sure, anonymous's voice is something he can listen to all day long. 

Jaebum should really go to the therapist now, he thinks his self is turning crazy. 

Ring ring ring

Jaebum immediately grabs his phone and checking out whose calling. 'Tell me why i'm waiting the call..'

Incoming call from anonymous

"Hello!" Jaebum answers, a little bit too excited. 


"Ah sorry..." He feels a little disappointed on the fact that anonymous has never been talking to him. 

"Listen, it's a bit crazy... But i really want to hear your voice. I really want to have a nice conversation with you. It sounds really weird, but i think i can listen to your beautiful voice all time." Jaebum smiles. He didn't care anymore if he is really insane.

"I want to thank you for being here in every of my hard times, lately. So, thank you. You know, i just realized it recently." Jaebum confessed and chuckled dryly. It's actually almost equal with speaking to the air. 

"I really want to meet you. You know what, you've distracted me from my nightmare break up in some way,"

"Let's meet... Soo-" before Jaebum could even finish his line, the person on the other end hung up. 

Jaebum feels a little bit sad. In some way, he could assume that anonymous never really want to meet him. 

"Who are you, anonymous?"

A week passed since the call and Jaebum having his mental battle. Jaebum doesn't know, should he call the anonymous, or should he just take it as an over? Jaebum know that anonymous has driven him insane,

But he missed the person. 

"Aahhhh...." Jaebum groans and throw his self on the bed. He closes his eyes, trying to get some rest. Thinking about the anonymous always make him somewhat tired, like hoping on something that clearly can never happens. 

Ring ring ring

Jaebum clicked his tongue and ready to curse Brian if he really try to convince him-again- to go to a random blind date with some random guy.

"Brian Kang, i swear to god-"

"H-hello?" Jaebum widen his eyes when he heard the voice. Again. He take his phone off of his ear,


'It can't be..'

"..." Jaebum stays silent. 

"Jaebum hyung... I'm sorry..." Jaebum could hear the person on the other end speaks. It broke Jaebum's heart when he heard a little sobs from the person. 

It's true that Jaebum can feel comfortable with the person on the other end. It's true that Jaebum could listen to his voice all day long, without getting tired in any subject he would like to talk. It's true that Jaebum really want to meet him. It's true that Jaebum misses him. It's even true that Jaebum wants to hug him. It's even painfully true that Jaebum wants to kiss him,

After all he is Jinyoung. The anonymous that infatuate Jaebum's mind in nine silent calls. 

"Jinyoung-ah..." Jaebum feels angry, sad, happy and everything in the same time, he wants to rip his head apart. 

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry for everything that i've done... I-i-"

Jaebum ended the call before Jinyoung could even finish his line. He is anxious. He is anxious that it's his last time to hear his used to be lover's voice. He is anxious there would be no more calls to soothe his pain and anger away. He is anxious for everything

He is anxious that he will really lose Jinyoung now. 

Clear history

Are you sure? 


Thinking of a sequel, but i have a lot of ideas for chaptered fic:p well, drol your comments down below!^^


Sorry for letting this story hang like so for months ;-; 

i'm finally free!! 

Sorry for grammar mistakes. Yes, i know. English is not my first language. Hm. 


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Seoulqueenka #1
Chapter 2: ... But the sequel. You make me sad for Jaebum and then do that to me?!?!?!
Sammycircle #2
Chapter 1: I need the sequels....even if they will not be together, please make it clear
Chapter 1: Are you serious? Really? Not cool. NOT COOL! This needs a sequel!! Ugh! Seriously~~~~~~~~~~~~

madeulin #4
Chapter 1: Eeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy
Chapter 1: Why it looks like Jinyoung have a lot of trouble? Omg sequel pleaseeee
HyVong #6
Chapter 1: Authornim.Why did U do this.y heart </3 SEQUEL JUSEYO
Chapter 1: they need to be together again. ;;
HinanDyan #8
Chapter 1: Yah! Jaebum! You shoudnt end that call!!! Oh my... my jjp feels.... why you... author-nim :"""" I need sequel for my heart sake :""""
Chapter 1: Whyyyy? Why did you do this to me?? I really need a sequel its a beautiful story, really *shed tears with damp sleeves*