Through good and bad

The "what if's" of Taeteuk

It was bad. It was really, really, REALLY bad and on top of that all over the K-pop related news and internet.
 "...Everyone thought that the rumors in some time ago about Park Jungsu, also known as Leeteuk from Super Junior, and SNSD's Kim Taeyeon had all been cleared up and been dubbed false. Well, a new and stronger rumor has come up between the two allong with a video, which was clearly made with a handphone, as proof. Let's take a look." The news anchor took a step to the side as a frozen image of the backstage from Star King appeared next to her. In the image you could clearly see Taeyeon smiling at Sora. As the video started Taeyeons eye's went wider and wider with every second as she was watching the news with her members, in their spare time, before their next schedule. When the video ended all the members stared at their leader while she herself was in shock.
 "Rather than a rumor I should say that it clearly became a fact that Leeteuk and Taeyeon are dating. A statement still has to be made by both parties and their agency. for now we can only wait and offcourse congratulate the two if the 'rumor' is true. On to the next subject." Yoona turned the tv off when the anchor was done with her statement as all the girls where still looking at Taeyeon.
"What's going to happen now?" Seohyun asked her.
"I... I don't know." Taeyeon mumbled, still filled with shock.
It was a little later that Taeyeon knew one thing for sure. She wanted to sink into the ground. Not out of shame, aspecially not because of that, but because of fear of how the reactions would grow. At the talkshow they had attended she was almost inmediatly questioned about the rumors and a little later, when they where performing and facing the fans it was clear that it wasn't accepted, at least not with everybody.
When Taeyeon was finished for the day the stone in her stomach that had grown as the day passed by, became heavyer when she was summoned to Lee Soomans office.
"Hello sunbaenim." She said with a respectfull bow after she had entered.
"Please sit down, Taeyeon." The head of SM said.
Taeyeon could only nod before she took her place, opposite from her boss. Sooman studied her face for a moment... or what could be seen from it as her hair was hanging in front of it. A deep and heavy sigh followed which made Taeyeon look up to see a smile filled with pitty on Soomans face.
"How do you think we should take action?" He asked her.
Taeyeon lowered her hear again and slightly shook her head.
"I don't know." She mumbled.
"Allright... then let me make a sugestion. The news, It's allready out there and it can not be revoked so I think it would be best that both you and Leeteuk confess. This time, honesty is the only way out." Sooman said.
"But... Teuk isn't here."
"We are allready working on it. For now let's discuss how your part of the statement will go..." Sooman said and so they started discussing.
It took a whole hour before Taeyeon could leave the SM office with a folder containing a new schedule for the week and notes that where made.
She could only hope that it would go well... and that she wouldn't have to do it alone.

And here is the second update, like I promised :) you could allready guess that this is kind of a continuation of the previous chapter. I hope you will all enjoy it and my next chapter will be up... when it's done =D laters taters.

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novarias #1
Chapter 10: I knew it was going to be Seohyun!!! HAHA or at least hoping bec I love her next to Taeng. Everything is just so cute and sweet! I loved Kangin's story and Leeteuk's proposal!!!! TaeTeuk FIGHTING!
tata_0898 #2
Chapter 14: Ha... finally... I've finished read this beautiful story... and.. I love it... Sweet~ :)
Taengoo1209 #3
I really love this fanfic :) My DORKY heart is really HAPPY !! Thanks for writing such a wonderful TaeTeuk Fanfic :) PLease keen on writing :)
I LOVE this TAETEUK fanfic!!!! :DD
I really hope fics like this are for REAL!! :)))))
Thanks for the good job chingu^^
I guess I'm wanting more TaeTeuk .. Keke~
cocchi01 #5
TAETEUK is the best! Thank you for this fic :) I Love it!
nerdscandy #6
its already ended :( LOL at
those bridemaids and grooms army XD

thanks for the story and
do you gonna write a sequel?
Awe; it ended already?
I'll miss this story,
do i sent a secret sequel coming on? i wish i do. Lol
Btw; you did an amazing job! :)
LOL SNSD well they girls so
what to expect.. silence not of course
but the sound of postcard XD