Meet the SuperLosers of Team Bulletproof

SuperLosers: Stay Fabulous Forever

Ch. 2: Meet the SuperLosers of Team Bulletproof

Before Aerin had the chance to beat the crap out of Taehyung on the rooftop, the duo were notified by a text from Jimin to meet them back at their base. Deciding to wait on giving him hell at their next sparing match, Aerin led the way to the car parked in a nearby alleyway and drove the two of them back home.

Every Heroes Team were given a base by the Heroes Association, where they had all the necessities to live and train. For Team Bulletproof, their base was located on the edge of the city next to a ghetto neighborhood. The building was five stories high and had an underground basement that was used for practicing abilities and sparring. On the outside, the base looked like an abandoned factory, but inside, there was a hidden door that led up to their lair.

Aerin and Taehyung trudged through the rubbish that decorated the first floor to disguise it from prying eyes. When she ran into a cobweb, Aerin yelped. "Ugh. This is so unfair. I heard that EXO's base is in a high-rise apartment complex at the heart of the city. Why did we get stuck with this joint?"

"Well, there's rumors that they have almost 50,000 Hero Points." Taehyung stated as they arrived at the secret entrance. Removing a graffiti imprinted sign that was hanging askew on the wall, he pressed a small red button, which revealed a hidden elevator.

"What? 50,000? That's insane." Aerin gasped. She wasn't sure how much Team Bulletproof had collectively, but she and Taehyung barely broke 100 points.

They entered the elevator and waited for it to give them a ride up. Once they got in the main house, they were greeted by Jin, who was using his water abilities to clean the house.

"Hey kids! How'd the mission go?" Jin asked as he used a swish of the hand to move out the soapy, dirty water on the floor back into a nearby bucket.

"We tied all the hitmen up and left them on the rooftop for the police. I'd say mission accomplished." Aerin said proudly before asking, "Is Jungkook and Jimin back yet?"

Taehyung cut in. "More importantly, where's Rap Monster? I want to know how many points we got for this task."

Jin was about to say that he didn't know of Namjoon's whereabouts, but then the front door bust open. Speak of the devil. Namjoon waved at them and was then quickly shoved to the side as a giant black stallion galloped into the living room. The stallion transformed into a young man, who immediately latched himself on to Taehyung. "We're back!" Hoseok declared happily, shaking the younger boy around in a hug.

Jin looked like he was going to murder Hoseok. "How many times do I have to tell you? No, horsing around in the house! I just cleaned that floor. Now there's hoof prints all over the place!"

His nagging was interrupted when a dark, cloudy mist appeared in the middle of the room. Jimin teleported into the scene while shouting, "Hah! I got here faster than Jungkook! Whoo!"

"Not fair! I can't use my super-speed to make the elevator go faster. You're a cheater!" Jungkook complained as he also arrived at the front door.

Jin wanted to faint. "Don't teleport in here with your shoes on!" He scolded Jimin.

On the couch, Yoongi got up from his reclining position to whine. "Why are you idiots so noisy? I'm trying to sleep here."

Namjoon clapped together his metal cyborg hands to make an announcement. "Alright, kids. Let's head up to the conference room for a mission review."

Jungkook and Jimin stared at each other competitively and then they both completely disappeared from the living room, leaving behind strong gusts of wind that ruined everyone's hair.

Aerin frowned and ran a hand through her brown locks in attempt to tame the frizz before taking the stairs with the others like normal people.

In the conference room, Namjoon sat in his executive chair as he scrutinized the younger ones standing in front of his desk. "First off, V and Puff. Good job on rounding up the hitmen. The Heroes Association gave us 30 more points." Namjoon smiled at them.

Aerin scoffed. "Only 30 points? I got held at gunpoint. Shouldn't that at least be 50?" Her grumbling was ignored.

"So how many points do we have now?" Taehyung asked curiously.

"You guys have 145 points now. You were at 180, but the association docked you some for that last stunt." Namjoon explained.

Aerin sighed, remembering how they had failed the last mission that involved infiltrating a drug deal at a club. Somehow, they had gotten into a bar fight when one of the regulars got too frisky with Aerin. Taehyung tried to defend her honor, but in the end, they failed the mission and Aerin broke the other guy's nose to save Taehyung from getting his kicked. This violated the code of thou shalt not harm civilians, so they got points removed.

"Okay. Next up is Golden Boy and Shade. I heard the drug lord got away?" Namjoon looked towards the other duo for an explanation.

Jungkook grimaced. "I thought I had him, but it was just one of his goons acting as a stand-in. Sorry, hyung."

Namjoon shook his head. "Mission fail, guys. But you're still ahead of V-Puff at 400 points."

Aerin and Taehyung glanced knowingly at each other. They had to do better.

After the discussion was over, Aerin quickly showered and put on her jammies for bed. The boys were preparing to sleep as well. Their bedrooms were all on the fourth floor. Each person had a small, cozy little space that was connected by a long hallway. The furniture was simple: a bed, nightstand, desk, and closet. Namjoon had installed a special intercom system so that they could communicate throughout any place in the house. But other then having Jin announce when meals were ready, the intercom's main use was the following…

"Puff! Give me some tunes!" Namjoon screamed while snuggling under his blankets.

"It's time for Puff's late night radio." Taehyung encouraged, while lying on his own bed.

Aerin had finally found the perfect sleeping position and groaned in annoyance at their attempts to ruin everything. Unwillingly, she reached over to press a button on her nightstand that the speaker. "Really, guys? I'm so exhausted."

"Come on, Rin. This is the only time your power is worth having." Jimin spoke from his room. There was dead silence. Then, voices of protest filled the intercom.

"Ooh, shots fired." Yoongi replied.

"Hey, don't make fun of our girl." Jin scolded, feeling the need to defend the daughter that he adopted in spirit.

"Leave my Puff alone!" Taehyung exclaimed protectively.

"Noona protection squad!" Jungkook added.

"Apologize now." Hoseok demanded.

Jimin rolled around in his bed and sighed. "Okay, sorry. That was insensitive of me. Rin, you can put down your middle finger now."

"Woah, how did you know Noona flipped you one? Can you read minds too?" Jungkook asked from his room.

"No, that just typical Puff behavior. Anyway, it's night radio time. Give me sleep!" Taehyung's cheer echoed throughout the house.

"Do I look like a sleeping pill?" Aerin sassed at them.

"Well, you would be a puffy one. Ba-dum-tss." Taehyung responded.

"Lawls, a puffy one." Jimin laughed at Taehyung's pun. Hoseok's and Jungkook's snickering could also be heard in the background.

"I'm the only mind reader here and I think I got PTSD from reading Aerin's violent thoughts. You guys might want to go into hiding tomorrow." Yoongi informed them.

Aerin rolled her eyes, but complied to the wishes of her boys. She began to sing a supposedly sweet, light RnB tune.

"I CAN'T FEEL MY FACE WHEN I'M WITH YOU." Aerin took a hair brush from her nightstand and belted out the song while standing on her bed. "But I love it~"

A chorus of boyish laughs and giggles were heard under the tones of her singing.

She was just about to hit the second verse when a loud snore erupted into the intercom. An explosion of snorts and more snores followed.

"Oh my god. Are we being attacked by tanks outside?" Jimin questioned rhetorically.

"Someone go turn off Namjoon's speaker! Hurry up!" Yoongi grunted, placing his pillow over his head to block out the snores.

"Jungkook!" Jin ordered.

"On it." The sound of wind blew into the speaker as Jungkook used his super-speed to infiltrate Namjoon's room.

Once it was all clear on the snoring front, Aerin finished her song and the only thing that could be heard was soft breathing. "Sleep tight." She whispered before pressing another button on her nightstand that switched off the central intercom. Resettling herself under her covers, she closed her eyes and drifted off into dreamland.


Author's Note

Tell me what you think! Comment and subscribe please. <3 I'm not sure when I'll get to the next chapter of this, but I am planning on updating The Misconception on Wednesday.

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fifi0711 #1
Chapter 3: Love this story hopefully you'll update it soon.
dragmystyle #2
Chapter 3: yes yes yes
Chapter 3: "There weren't any jelly beans, but someone got jelly. ;)" Omg, I love you. :DDD The story is just pure gold! <3
Chapter 1: Two words. Sky High. Man, I loved that movie. So nostalgic. But yeah, whether or not you drew inspiration from that masterpiece, I love this concept. Taetae's adorable in this, but it must get annoying having to deal with his antics, haha. He's the definition of a problematic fave, what a meme.
kookiegirl17 #6
Chapter 2: Your fics are awesome!!! keep writing ^_^
Ok, you're officially now my favorite author. I have never laughted so hard while reading character descriptions. :D
katheegeee #8
I like this fic too. Please do continue ^^
Magnoliyana #9
Hwaiting on this new fic! :)