Chapter [4/4]

Do You Understand?



Jimin didn't expect this to be so damn hard, after leaving Jungkook's dorm he made a vow to himself to march right back to his own and face Yoongi head on. But he found himself cowering away with a strawberry milkshake in a local caféhow pathetic, he thought.   


It did give him time to think though, gave him time to think about what to say exactly. What if he messed it up? Ended up making Yoongi mad and ends up spitting out that he never wants to speak to Jimin again, Jimin doesn't want that. More than anything, he wants Yoongi's approval.   


"," he muttered to himself, head hitting the battered wooden table, his fingers tracing the rim of his untouched milkshake.   



Once Hoseok left, a sense of panic ran through Yoongi. It was as if he was being suffocated in his own dorm, burning and sweating profusely. He found himself bursting out of the room and running down to hide in the local library. However, Yoongi, was a little different compared to Jimin. He was already back at the dorm, nothing else entering his mind but seeing Jimin, hearing Jimin's voice, smelling Jimin's scent – maybe that's a little weird, but he had to be honest with himself.   


He wasn’t shocked when he saw the dorm empty, he knew Jimin well enough to know the boy wouldn't dare be the first one back in this uncomfortable situation. He lay stomach first on his bed, head buried in to his pillows as he himself thought about what to say, but mainly he thought about what Jimin was doing and thinking.  


"Are you thinking about me?" He raised the same hand from that night, the hand Jimin was treating like his life line.   


All he could do was wait.   



"Jimin?" A familiar voice called.   


Jimin looked up wide eyed to see no other than Seokjin with Taehyung stood behind him. His posture straightened out immediately, he himself coughing awkwardly as if he was being scolded by a teacher.   


"H-hey," he croaked.  


"What are you doing here? It's like 9am you know?" Seokjin laughed.  


"I just...felt like getting out of the dorm," well it wasn't exactly a lie.   


"Did you wake up to a moody Yoongi? I know he can be a handful".  


Jimin smiled from ear to ear, trying to make Seokjin believe that he was okay. But Seokjin was wise, the wisest of the bunch. Of course he knew something was wrong, why on earth would Jimin be at a café at 9am on a Sunday?   


His eyes panned to a nervous Taehyung who was hiding behind Seokjin's large frame, sure he was smiling at Jimin, but it was weak and his eyes were filled with sadness.   


"Are you okay to be on your own? We can stay if you want--"   


"No we can't, we have to go see Hoseok," Taehyung whined as he tugged on Seokjin's sleeve.   


Seokjin batted him a burning look, tutting at the childish behavior but he knew he was right. "If you need anything, you can always call any of us, you know that right Jimin?"  


Jimin remained still at first, realizing Seokjin was waiting for an actual response. He nodded quickly, eyes panning down to his milkshake instead of Seokjin's large eyes. Despite this, Seokjin still flashed him a smile (just in case Jimin chose to look up), before tapping Taehyung's shoulder and guiding the two away.  


"Wai-t hyung, I'll catch up with you," Taehyung said, waving Seokjin away before sitting opposite Jimin.   


"Jimin..." He started with, his eyes yet again just filled with such pain and hurt, ah I see  


"You know, don't you?" Jimin asked with a smile, letting Taehyung know he wasn't angry.   


Taehyung was shocked at first, but there was no point hiding it so he simply nodded. "Jungkook didn’t tell me," he spoke quickly. "I could tell, it's been the same look on your face for as long as I can remember".  


"Sorry for being such a lier," Jimin chuckled. "And...and I'm sorry for not telling you Tae, it was hard enough for me to tell Jungkook all this and I--"  


"Oh no, it's fine I get it. It's just one of those things right?" Taehung was always so cheery, his plump cheeks pushing his eyes into crescents as he smiled towards his friend.   


Jimin sighed, his chin resting on the table again which forced his thick lips to pout. "I don't know what to do," he groaned.   


"Sure you do, else you wouldn't be moping around here trying to put it off."  


Jimin couldn't deny it, his eyes averted off to anywhere apart from Taehyung's soft smile.   


"Don't worry, I won't lecture you. I just stopped to say I'm here for you, me and Jungkook both are. No matter what, okay?"   


Jimin nodded, his teeth biting hard on his bottom lip. A part of him wanted to cry, he wanted to say sorry for putting Jungkook and Tae through this , he wanted to cry over the frustration of the situation and really – he just wanted to cry for being in pain.   


Time went by, Jimin could only stay in the café for another hour or so before customers were shooting him odd looks. He still couldn't bring himself to go home, walking through the most unnecessarily large park on campus, promising himself he would go back to his dorm once he reached the archway opposite.   


The archway came quicker than he expected and he just stood there, stood at the archway for a good few minutes as he tried to collect his thoughts. But the more he tried to clear his mind, the more of a mess it became. There was no helping it, this wasn't something you prepare for.   


Jimin had to be spontaneous, something he's pretty much never done in his entire life.   


Opening the dormitory door was ing hard, his knuckles turning white as more of the dorm's carpet was exposed to him. His heart was pounding, he knew Yoongi would be there but he couldn’t exactly back out now. This was it.   


, , . Turning the corner and seeing Yoongi sat up right on his bed, legs crossed and posture so perfectly straight. He was ready for this, Jimin could see it in Yoongi's eyes, that this would be the last conversation the two would have about it.   


Jimin gulped, his legs becoming numb along with his hands. His chest was pounding so painfully hard, he just wanted to curl up in a ball and die.   


"11am," Yoongi stated.   


Jimin breathed deeply, feeling like the first time he did since he locked eyes with Yoongi. He glanced up to the clock above Yoongi's bed, 11.01am it read.   


"It's taken this long huh?" Yoongi laughed, but Jimin was in no mood to accommodate his humor. Yoongi shuffled slightly on his bed, patting the space in front of him lightly "You gonna sit?"   


Jimin remained still, silent and deadly.   


Yoongi was patient, he had to be patient with Jimin else this would be a waste of time. He gestured to Jimin's bed in front of him calmly, the brunette scurried over and sat upon his own duvet, hands wrapped around his waist as if he had a tummy ache.   


"I – I'm sorry I haven't been around," Jimin croaked, his voice oddly sore.   


"It's fine, I haven't been here for long either. Guess we both made a run for it".   


Jimin's eyes started to tear up, really he's been holding it in since he saw Yoongi on his bed. Yoongi who was washed and clean, who's hair was fluffy and fresh and his oversized black jumper hung off his shoulder to expose pearly skin.   


And here Jimin sat, still in last nights clothes with hair matted with who knows what. God, how embarrassing. His head hung low, his tummy bringing him more pain and his eyes focusing solely on the carpet beneath his feet.   


"Don't do that," Yoongi spoke softly, catching Jimin's attention. "Don't hide away from me, this is going to be the last time we do this yeah?"   


Jimin wasn't surprised, he already predicted that from the start.   


"It's all I know," he voiced. "All I know is how to hide, Yoongi this is hard for me."  


"I know it is, and I'm trying my best here Jimin. But we won't get anywhere unless you open up to me."  


Jimin was still struggling on where to start, what does he say? He doesn't want to scare Yoongi, he doesn't want to voice all the ed up things in his mind, but Yoongi was sat in front of him, exposing his sole and stripping himself bare. He was doing all of this for Jimin.   


Jimin started to pick at his nails, a sign to Yoongi that Jimin had something on the tip of his tongue.   

"Yoongi, I've never been in love," he stated – not much to Yoongi's surprise. Yoongi remained silent, eyes scanning over the fragile form Jimin had, his thumb nail violently digging into the palm of his hand.   


"Not once, I've never been around anyone in love either. Jungkook and Tae are a couple of idiots who fight off any girl who comes near them, and my parents...m-my parents didn't have a good relationship, it was clear to us all. My mother, my father, me, my brother – everyone knew. They never argued though, it was just...ignoring each other, silent dinners and silent nights. We never did anything together, if my father wanted something from mother, he'd ask me instead."   


Jimin bit down hard on his bottom lip to stop his tears that were threatening to spill. He sniffed hard before beginning again.   


"O-one night, I came back late from my dance practice. I told mother I'd be staying at a friends but I ended up leaving my phone at the house, I- I didn't want to trouble her so I went to get it myself."   


Yet again he paused.   


"Jimin, it's okay," Yoongi cooed, allowing Jimin to nod quickly to force himself to continue.   


"I didn't think I'd see her like that, I didn't want to. T-to see her with another man who wasn't my father, I didn't even know what to do, I couldn't cry or scream or shout. I was silent, I ended up running back out, not even remembering the damn phone," he laughed bitterly.   


"It was just an excuse for my father to get a divorce, my mother not even flinching at me having told him right at the dinner table. God, I still hate myself for that. For letting Jihyun see what mother really was like, but he wasn't stupid. It was only a matter of time before one of them cheated – or one of them was caught cheating".   


His tears were falling in hot flushes, his lip quivering as he made quick attempts to wipe the tears away with the back of his sleeve.   


"The worst thing is: I went to go live with father, Jihyun went with mother. Guess we always had better relationships with the other, I barely ing saw him. We'd text each other, almost every day. But one day he just stopped responding, I tried calling their house but there was no response, I even wrote damn letters to him, but nothing."  


He looked into Yoongi's eyes now, making the elders breath hitch. Yoongi had never seen Jimin cry so badly, he was wailing so hard and every word he attempted was met with a hiccup, only making the younger frustrated and grunt, fists smacking his thighs relentlessly.   


"Yoongi, I never ing saw him again. I still haven't seen him, I don't even know where he is! I don't know if he's still in Busan or if he's moved away, I have no idea!" He whailed.   


Yoongi felt his heart pound, his chest tighten so it was becoming harder for him to breathe. He hated seeing Jimin this much of a mess, but at the same time it was the most he's ever opened up to him. As much as he wanted to take Jimin into his arms, wrap the two of them in a blanket and cover his warm, tanned skin in kisses. He needed to let Jimin cry, to let him feel like someone is listening for the first time.  


"I don't know what love is, Yoongi. I'm confused, is - is this what I'm feeling? I- I don't know! My idea of love is from my parents, all I see is hurt, pain, suffering and cheating. I can't have that, I don't want that for either of us! My mind is a ing mess, it's filled with you, my parents, my future, my friends, my education. But it's you, it always comes back to you!"   


Jimin's voice was so sore, Yoongi could practically feel it. His hand subconsciously reaching up to his own throat, rubbing around the area tenderly. He watched as Jimin made grabby motions into his hair, pulling horrifically hard at the roots as his cries turned into screams.   


"Everything is about you, my mind is corrupt with you. I can't even think straight, you're always there. Always the first thing I think about when I wake up, the last thing I cry myself to sleep with at night. F-feeling your arms wrapped around my waist and your nose pressed against my neck, it makes me...forget everything. It makes my troubles go away, so as selfish as it is I loved when you came back drunk. Y-you made me feel whole again, your presence fills this gaping hole in my life and it ing scares t-t-he  out of me Yoongi, I don't want what my parents have!"  


Jimin was a panting mess by the end, his chest heaving as he tried to control his breathing again.   


"Jimin," he looked up to Yoongi, his fringe covering the majority of his face which almost frustrated Jimin. "I can't promise you that being in love doesn't hurt, there's no way I could do that. Because I'd be lying to you, it ing kills and yes it's painful okay? But it's even more painful to oppress your feelings, to be like me who's been in this position for over a year."  


Yoongi moved swiftly, making Jimin's body stiffen up as Yoongi came to sit beside him. He examined the full damage Jimin's tears had done to his face, cheeks puffy and lips blown out. His hands came to against Jimin's cheek, Jimin's trembling coming to a stop against the soft touch.   


",  hate seeing you cry. It ing breaks my heart. I'll sit with you every night and every morning from now on, telling you everyday how much you mean to me. I want you to believe me, to trust in me when I call you beautiful and not just push it to the side. You ing mean the world to me, do you understand?"  


Jimin nodded quickly, not sure if it was out of understanding or from the intense approach Yoongi made. 


"God, I'll never let you have a night alone where you feel pain. I want to be that person you can talk to, cry to, scream to or ing hit if you have to. If it means you get to feel relief from it then that's all I care about." His thumb over a particular area, Jimin almost nestling in to his touch.   


"I love y-" , Yoongi stopped before he let the dreaded words slip out of his mouth. He'd never felt so sick and nervous in his entire life, and it didn't help that Jimin remained expressionless, not even giving Yoongi a sign if he hated it or not.  


Yoongi really thought he messed up, he thought this would be it and Jimin would storm out crying. But he didn't, instead he placed his own small hands over Yoongi's on his cheek, his eyes becoming warm and inviting.  


"Go on, y-you can say it."  


Yoongi wasn't sure at first, but once Jimin gave his hand a tight squeeze, it practically fell from his mouth.  


"I love you," he whispered, breathing in deeply once he saw Jimin's lips tighten. 


"I love you, I love you, I love you," he muttered repeatedly against Jimin's cheek, his lips pressed but not making any attempt to actually kiss the supple skin.   


"I get it," Jimin giggled, feeling Yoongi's stubble brushing over his skin. Normally he would complain, the feeling of stubble to him is disgusting. But with Yoongi, all of that seems to crumble into little piles of dust.   

Yoongi smiled against Jimin's cheek, finally giving it a peck before pulling away. His eyes were met with Jimin's, their lips dangerously close to the point they were sharing the same air – literally. Jimin whimpered, feeling Yoongi's breath ghost over his lips as he moved in.  


This kiss was different, the first time the two had kissed and it actually meant something from both ends. They were accepting each other, Jimin's hands falling over Yoongi's neck lazily whilst Yoongi's hands winded around his waist.   


"Wa-it, Yoongi. I stink," he breathed through this kiss, he was after all still in last nights clothes, but he wasn't making any attempt to break the bond.  


"I don't care, I just got you and I'm not letting you go."  


Jimin smiled, a genuine glowing smile against Yoongi's lips as Yoongi started to pull away, his teeth nipping at Jimin's bottom lip, leaving a few more pecks in it's trail before he finally took the time to just look at Jimin.   


"You're beautiful," he murmured, thumb trailing over Jimin's now wet, ruby red lips.  


He watched Jimin's reaction closely, the boy rolled his eyes but it was meant playfully. His hand pushing at Yoongi's shoulder lightly as he muttered 'oh shut up', it was better than nothing.   




The two spent the hours of the day cooped up inside their dorm, it was fine though. Yoongi pulling Jimin down into a tight hug, trying to throw the covers over the two in attempt to keep Jimin beside him.   

Jimin giggle and begged Yoongi through tears of laughter to finally let him get a shower. Yoongi pouted, making loud huffing noises and using the time he spent alone to scroll through his phone, waiting patiently for Jimin to return.   


After that, everything was fine. They lay in bed all day, staring at each other in silence, every now and then one would compliment the other over their eyes or the little moles they have dancing on their collarbones.   


Time went by way too quickly and it was already late, Yoongi ordering pizza for them to binge on whilst they argued over watching The Vampire Diaries or The Walking Dead, of course Yoongi gave up and let Jimin squeal from excitement over whatever stupid stunt Damon pulled.   


It was fine though, Yoongi was happy. His smile was beaming just from watching Jimin's facial expressions change so much in the space of minutes, his body etching closer to the laptop screen and almost kicking the pizza box off the edge of the bed.  


But no matter how far he dragged himself up the bed, he would always turn around in a panic and reach out for Yoongi's hand, pulling himself nearer to the elder to allow him to put his arm around his waist like usual.   

This was perfect, they were actually looking at each other head on. Not having this huge weight on their shoulders. They were taking everything one step at a time and just being there for each other. No more bull.   




When it came time for them to fall asleep, it happened by Jimin dozing off. His hooded eyes threatening to close around four episodes in. His lips parting and a soft, long groan leaving them. His body was becoming weak, now glued to Yoongi's side with his head pressed against his shoulder, his fluffy locks of hair  Yoongi's nose whenever he looked down to him.   


Yoongi patted Jimin's side, telling him 'time to sleep, baby'. He placed the pizza box on to the ground, guiding Jimin in to his side of the bed before following after him. This time they were face to face, and Yoongi couldn't deny that it made me heart thump a little – or a lot.   


Jimin's features were so soft at night, the warm glow from the lamp only complimenting them further. The pale pink in his lips was picturesque to Yoongi, his eyes still fluttering in an attempt to stay open.   


"Jiminnie, go to sleep," he giggled softly.   


"No," he slurred, "Want to stay up with you."  


Damn, it was all too cute for Yoongi. He reached out to grab at Jimin's hand, loving the way their hands interlocked like it was meant to be.   


"I'll be here when you wake up," he whispered. Jimin smiled, giggling like a drunken idiot before fully allowing his eyes to rest.   


"Hold me," Jimin demanded cutely, turning around and nestling in to Yoongi's shape.   


An arm wrapped around his waist again, his back flush to Yoongi's chest. He let out a long sigh, rubbing his head into his pillows before singing 'good night, hyung'.   


This was perfect, absolutely ing perfect. Jimin's vanilla scent was practically hugging Yoongi, inviting him in and leaving little traces all over his skin, leaving Yoongi with beautiful goosebumps.   



Yoongi's smile was so wide, it finally hit him how much his jaw was aching but he was completely fine with it – in fact happy. He buried his nose into Jimin's locks, listening to the small croaks that passed Yoongi's lips.   


Ah, this was definitely the happiest moment.   






"I love you too."   





Yoongi's eyes that were becoming heavy shot open because holy , did Jimin actually just...he wanted to scream and cry at the same time. Wanted to pull Jimin in even tighter and call him out of the sneaky little he was, he wanted to plant kisses all over the boy until he was crying from the tickling touch.   



But he couldn’t, he didn't want to ruin Jimin's blissful sleepy haze and he knew if he dwelled on it for too long it would only freak Jimin out. That's right, everything was still new and fresh to the couple and they needed time, Jimin needed time to adjust to this.   


But it was real, Jimin actually just said he loves Yoongi.

He knew this would take time, that he and Jimin would have to experience their own version of love together. 


All he could do was pull Jimin impossibly tighter against his chest, his eyes squinting hard and buried into Jimin's freshly washed hair, begging himself not to freak out and cry – not right now atleast. 


But one thing they knew for sure, is that they could finally begin to understand each other. Their smiles were finally starting to show once again.   








A/N: IT'S DONE, I hope you enjoyed. This ended up being a ball of fluff and angst, but I hope you enjoyed! I had fun writing it and thank you so much for all the comments, I might do a bonus, I'm not too sure yet. But thank you so, so much for reading!

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Chapter 16: Damn this gives me sooo much feelings :" i love it. I am anticipating next chapter!
rasens #2
Chapter 16: i love this story so much :) you write really well, thank you <3
Chapter 16: i'm happy jimin is getting better and better!!! anticipating your next chapter^^
korealoverkyopta #4
Chapter 16: Like the comment before me, same here, it reminded me of therapy as well and how bad things were which wasn't so long ago. I found myself thinking that it was okay for Jimin, to purge or to eat and enjoy his food, because if you think it was ok, it won't be a big deal right? But if really just telling yourself it's ok will solve things, I wouldn't still be affected by social anxiety and generalised anxiety and hate their guts so many days and feel like just collapsing in the middle of any place with people and crying or taking a break because it's too much. But it still kind of helps, acceptance. To accept that it's a part of your life, a part of you, and that it's ok when it happens. Not just simply convince yourself that it's not there or that you don't care because I found out that that's just stupid. They're working so hard for this, I hope all their efforts pay off. It's really nice when hou update ^^ Update soon please~
B4NG03 #5
Chapter 16: This chapter made me cry T.T It reminded me when I was going through therapy because of sth similar .... I was just so stupid but we can go through everything if we have people that love us right by our side ;-;
baeksmanganerd #6
Chapter 15: Literally cannot describe how much I love this fanfic it's such a ride tbh and wow I'm just waiting for the next update coz you are a crazy good writer <3
Chapter 14: I LOVE THIS FANFIC SO MUCH HSBSHSSB and i hope jimin would be more okay soon, it pains me ;_; cant wait for the next chapter! - =͟͟͞͞ ( ꒪౪꒪)ฅ✧
rasens #8
Chapter 14: yes yes yes more y scenes <33333333333
BtsSlays #9
Chapter 13: Ok so I don't want to be the 'mean' one or whatever but, Jimin is so self fish. There I said it, Yoongi does so much for him and gets back tracked because of it, yes I know he loves Jimin but it makes me so angry when I see so much from Yoongi yet so little from Jimin. None the less, I can understand where Jimin Is coming from, he has low self esteem, hates himself, all of this is horrible, yet he still loves Yoongi, he just needs to realize everything he does not only affects him but Yoongi. God, I love them both so much but last chapter I was screaming saying something like " GOD JIMIN WHY ARE YOU SO SELF FISH? HOW CAN YOU JUST LEAVE YOONGI LIKE THAT WHEN HE'S HURTING AS WELL? HE'S TRYING AND NOT GIVING UP, ALL FOR YOU AND YOU JUST LEAVE." and then this chapter I was happy to find out he was taking therapy, but i wasn't happy that Yoongi was being restrained because of his love for Jimin. God I love this story, and how its antagonist is not a person but a disorder, It's conflict is Man vs. Himself.