Chapter 3 Extra [1/2]

Do You Understand?



Jimin ran straight to Jungkook's dorm, panting and clutching at his chest as he belted through the dormitory floors. The possibility of being caught and disciplined from being out after curfew didn't even enter his mind. All he remembers is banging on Jungkook's front door like his life depended on it, not even caring about waking up everyone else around him, or even the floors above. 


"," Jungkook groaned as he opened the door, bed hair to a new level whilst he scratched at his tummy underneath his white tee. Jungkook's eyes were still trying to adjust to the light, but when they did he saw such a painful sight. 


Jimin's eyes trembling and red raw, tears falling dangerously quickly and a soft whine falling from his lips continuously. Jungkook didn't even have to say anything, just stepping aside to let the vulnerable teen inside.  


"Taehyung's out," Jungkook stated to make him feel at ease. "Dunno how he gets away with it," his laugh was so awkward and cautious, not the bubbling joy Jimin was used to hearing.  


Jungkook's eyes examined Jimin worringly, standing from afar as Jimin paced across the dorm, hands desperately pulling at his scalp and his breath hitching. He looked so worn out, his joggers hanging off his hips and his tee looking far too big for him and marked with creases.  


"What have I done?" Jimin whispered from his freshly red lips, body trembling from the remnants of hours – even minutes before.  


"Jimin? Hyung you're kind of scaring me now," Jungkook laughed nervously, taking a few steps closer to Jimin. "What's going on?" 


Jimin managed to calm down a little, turning to Jungkook with a weak smile and a runny nose. "Why do I do this? I've ed up so badly Kookie, so ing badly". 


"Hyung, what's happened?--" 


"I slept with him," Jimin blurted out, causing Jungkook's breathing to cut short. 


"Him," Jungkook repeated slowly, his mouth falling slowly when..."Yoongi".


Jimin nodded vigorously, his lips sealed together to try and contain his whimpers. It didn't stop Jungkook from hearing them all as clear as day.  


"Oh, Jimin..." Jungkook cooed, reaching his arms out slowly to try and console Jimin. 


"What the is wrong with me? Why do I do this to him? God, he calls me a head and I know exactly why!" Jimin screeched, hands returning to his hair that was now matted with sweat. "All because I can't ing keep my legs closed".  


"Hey," Jungkook interrupted sternly. "Don't talk about yourself like that, like you're not worth something. You know it's about more than with Yoongi".  


Jimin was unsure of how to react, not wanting to admit it to himself. He shook his head, sniffling up to try and have some composure about himself.  

Jungkook stepped forward, slowly closing the gap between him and Jimin. "Why can't you admit it? How you feel about him, how you've always felt about hi--" 


"Stop it". Jimin didn't even question how Jungkook knew, he'd never told anyone about the time he and Yoongi slept together all those months ago, he wouldn't dare. It's too embarrassing for him to admit that he took advantage of Yoongi, how he was at his most low and acted so damn selfish in kissing Yoongi. He feels ashamed.  


"Okay, okay I'm sorry," Jungkook spoke softly. 


 "I asked him have with me," Jimin admitted with a head hung low. "I even used the fact that he loves me," his tears started to fall again, mouth quivering painfully and his hands in tight fists around his red raw eyes.  


Jungkook just watched in shock, watched as Jimin's lifeless body fell onto Taehyung's bed. His eyes dead and his limp hands thrown onto his lap. "Beautiful," Jimin whispered.  


Jungkook cocked his head, earning a bold look from Jimin. The first time he'd properly looked in his eyes since he burst through to his dorm. "He calls me beautiful – I've never realized how much he calls me it until now."  


"Is there something wrong with that?" Jungkook sat opposite on his own bed, knees tucked up to his chest as he waited for his best friend to answer.


"I – I don't know," Jimin shrugged, laughing darkly. "Isn't that ed up? I can't even believe the things he tells me. When he first said it I thought it was a joke, but here we are a year later." 


"Hyung, how do you feel about Yoongi hyung?" 


It was silent for a worrying amount of time, Jungkook almost regretting he even asked. But of course Jimin backed down – like he always does with a bit of help.  


"I can't – I – I can't. I'm sorry".  


"What are you so afraid of? Everyone can see the way you look two at each other, how much Yoongi hyung ing adores you like nobody else in the world even comes close. Don't you want that?"  


"I don't deserve it," he wallowed.  


", hyung. You're insane if you think that".  


"I care about Yoongi a lot," Jimin admitted shyly, picking at his fingernails and not daring to look Jungkook in the eyes. "Like...there's nobody in my life like Yoongi".  


"That's a start I guess?" Jungkook laughed a little less uneasily.  


Jimin smiled weakly, glancing at Jungkook quickly before burning a piercing stare through his slouchy joggers.   




Jimin now looked up, mouth in the form of an oval and eyes still so unsettled. 


"Go speak to him, it's time don't you think?" 







A/N: HELLO, I thought I'd add extras to clarify what happened after their late night escapades lol. As I didn't want the last chapter to be dragged out. I'll be doing one of these for Yoongi next before the final chapter and it should be very soon, hope you enjoyed and ty for the positive comments!

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Chapter 16: Damn this gives me sooo much feelings :" i love it. I am anticipating next chapter!
rasens #2
Chapter 16: i love this story so much :) you write really well, thank you <3
Chapter 16: i'm happy jimin is getting better and better!!! anticipating your next chapter^^
korealoverkyopta #4
Chapter 16: Like the comment before me, same here, it reminded me of therapy as well and how bad things were which wasn't so long ago. I found myself thinking that it was okay for Jimin, to purge or to eat and enjoy his food, because if you think it was ok, it won't be a big deal right? But if really just telling yourself it's ok will solve things, I wouldn't still be affected by social anxiety and generalised anxiety and hate their guts so many days and feel like just collapsing in the middle of any place with people and crying or taking a break because it's too much. But it still kind of helps, acceptance. To accept that it's a part of your life, a part of you, and that it's ok when it happens. Not just simply convince yourself that it's not there or that you don't care because I found out that that's just stupid. They're working so hard for this, I hope all their efforts pay off. It's really nice when hou update ^^ Update soon please~
B4NG03 #5
Chapter 16: This chapter made me cry T.T It reminded me when I was going through therapy because of sth similar .... I was just so stupid but we can go through everything if we have people that love us right by our side ;-;
baeksmanganerd #6
Chapter 15: Literally cannot describe how much I love this fanfic it's such a ride tbh and wow I'm just waiting for the next update coz you are a crazy good writer <3
Chapter 14: I LOVE THIS FANFIC SO MUCH HSBSHSSB and i hope jimin would be more okay soon, it pains me ;_; cant wait for the next chapter! - =͟͟͞͞ ( ꒪౪꒪)ฅ✧
rasens #8
Chapter 14: yes yes yes more y scenes <33333333333
BtsSlays #9
Chapter 13: Ok so I don't want to be the 'mean' one or whatever but, Jimin is so self fish. There I said it, Yoongi does so much for him and gets back tracked because of it, yes I know he loves Jimin but it makes me so angry when I see so much from Yoongi yet so little from Jimin. None the less, I can understand where Jimin Is coming from, he has low self esteem, hates himself, all of this is horrible, yet he still loves Yoongi, he just needs to realize everything he does not only affects him but Yoongi. God, I love them both so much but last chapter I was screaming saying something like " GOD JIMIN WHY ARE YOU SO SELF FISH? HOW CAN YOU JUST LEAVE YOONGI LIKE THAT WHEN HE'S HURTING AS WELL? HE'S TRYING AND NOT GIVING UP, ALL FOR YOU AND YOU JUST LEAVE." and then this chapter I was happy to find out he was taking therapy, but i wasn't happy that Yoongi was being restrained because of his love for Jimin. God I love this story, and how its antagonist is not a person but a disorder, It's conflict is Man vs. Himself.