In Myungsoo’s Eyes

In Myungsoo’s Eyes

Been one of the most handsome Kpop male if not in the whole world has its good & bad sides . its takes lots of efforts to keep his image and to take care of his face but it is fun too . acting cool always , walks like you are in the runway , posing for famous brands and smile like you want to melt the whole planet of fangirls ! , it is Fun .

That even when He makes ugly faces or act silly still looks cute! that what the fans said .

Pictures turned up very good , advertising, films & music video all  zoom in & focus on him to enhance Everything .


Oh , you such a drama queen !

Myungsoo whisperd to himself as drops of water fall down the edge of his face , he looked at his reflection , by now he get used to the reflected image but its just not the same that apper in picturs .

He sighed again washing his face more with cold water , taking one more look at his reflaction ,

smile & say : Good night ugly face .


Its was buzy morning , He left early to do some camera shooting for some magazine , then more shooting for clothes line , lots of taking in & off different styles , as they sat him down to do his hair He took a quick look at himself & smirk . The stuff told him He look especially good today with great mood , He felt his mood get better as his vision was blurry that morning so He could not see his face clear , He should check a doctor but why if this could save him from looking at that ugly face each & every day . his own face or at least the face that look back at him as He stare at the mirror .

Ugly face , that what he only see , which make things really hilarious when people compliment his image .


Some times He takes some picturs of his & look at it while touching his face . it feels similar but one look at the mirror & he convinced that its not the same .

what He see is a bruised face ! all dark Red , Blue and purple ! his lips dark like old blood color , but the ugliest/creepiest part are his eyes , a complete white that No pupil in it . He knew they are there or how could he see but not in the reflection He receives .


Its funny & kind of creepy when He does cute things like pout his lips , He imagines that ugly face does that & it seems like he in a creepy horror movie !


Is was a long day . Too much work , Too much smiling , He just want to go home washing off all the exhaustion , taking one last look at himself for the day .

one last sigh

One day , maybe one day He will wake up & see him self as the world does . his truly self .

or maybe oneday the world will see what only He could see .

But more afraid that maybe one day He will just give up ..

If He cant see his own perfect face ...

Maybe No one deserve . . .



What am I talking about ! UGH some times I swear I dont know whats wrong with me !

hope you enjoyed it .. sooo short FF

till next time .. have #SweetGyuDreams ^^


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