
shipped together


They’re basically fictional stories that fans create based on certain plots, characters and interest. Mark Tuan had always known that fanfiction existed.

He remembered he tried writing one when he was ten based on Harry Potter. It was embarrassing, but everyone loved the Harry Potter series. Thankfully for that fact, it became a little less embarrassing that it had been before.

When he first became an idol, he realised that the fanfiction craze never did stop. He could tell as much as he stumbled into the ever infamous fanfiction site, asianfanfics, only to drown himself in the many “Markson” and “Markjin” stories. He laughed then, because it was pretty funny to be shipped with the members of your own group.

They didn’t really mind of course; they actually felt that the plots were pretty interesting. It did quickly turned weird when they went to the rated tags, however.

After finding out the existence of the rated tags, Mark avoided fanfiction like the plague. Okay, maybe except for that one time he finally got together with his girlfriend and was really curious if there were people who shipped them together.

There were a few, thankfully.

Soon after, the existence of fanfiction disappeared from his mind for there were other things he had to attend to. One was GOT7. The other, Wendy.

Who was Wendy?

Wendy was the greatest person to come into his life ever. She was kind, adorable and really, really, really gorgeous. She has the greatest voice and Mark would sometimes (more like every night) call her for a lullaby.

She always relented because that was just how she was. The girl never says no.

It wasn’t until an unsuspecting day when the idea of a fanfiction came into his life again.

The whole thing had started with Jackson – very typical of him – and how he found a fanfiction of Mark and Wendy together. Mark had laughed it off, saying how he wished the fans knew that they were together as well.

But Jackson didn’t stop there, no. He definitely didn’t stop there.

“Hey Mark?” The young man called out from sitting in front of his laptop. “Did you know that Wendy’s shipped with other people too?”

Mark raised an eyebrow and before Jackson could turn to call him, the young man was already looming over him; his eyes intently fixated onto the screen.

“With who?” The envy in his voice didn’t go unnoticed.

“Like Jinwoo.”

“Jinwoo from Winner?” He narrowed his eyes doubtfully. “Why him, though? I could understand if it’s Taehyun.”

“Oh, but the plot seems pretty interesting.” Jackson ignored him as he continued to read the description of the story. “Jinwoo meets Wendy at a bookstore and romance bloomed over their favourite series, Harry Potter.”

“Why is it always Harry Potter?” Mark grumbled but urged Jackson to scroll on. “Are there others?”

“Nope, not really.” The guy seemed bored. “Just more endless stories of you and her or her and Seulgi…or her and Irene.”

The guy sighed in relief and was about to head back to his bed when had screamed in excitement again.

“Look!” Jackson squealed. “There’s one of you and Jae!”

“Not reading that.” Mark frowned but his eyes soon rested on a particular title. “What’s that? Love at first Light?”

“Oh, this seems pretty interesting too.” The guy clicked onto the story. “Kai, God of the Underworld, meets Wendy, the Aphrodite from the Heavens. Woah, this will be interesting to read. Features EXO’s Kai and Red Velvet's Wendy. Apparently their ship name is Kaidy?”

“You don’t like reading anyway.” He chided but Jackson suddenly flung his arms in the air, screaming.

“Eew! Oh My God! Eric’s shipped with Wendy, too?!”

“Eric? Really?” Mark narrowed his eyes further and took the mouse away from Jackson. He opened the story in a new tab and was just unsurprised at what the story was about. “Eric Nam starts work as a barista in Seoul and soon falls in love at first sight with Wendy Son, his manager.”

“The plot’s interesting… but why Eric of all people?!”

“I don’t know.”

Jackson’s eyes roamed the screen again and he almost choked in surprise at seeing yet another guy that Wendy was shipped with. Before he could press the back button, Mark’s hands had already found their way on his mouse to click it open.

“Oneshot – GOT7’s Jinyoung dinner date with Red Velvet’s Wendy.”

The guy frowned and snapped the laptop close, leaving Jackson to turn wide eyed at what just happened. It wasn’t like Mark to be all jealous but he guessed his patience ran thin after seeing his precious girlfriend with a precious group member.

Jackson scratched his head sheepishly, wondering if he shouldn’t have shown Mark the fanfictions to begin with.

“I guess I’ll leave?” The young man uttered meekly, leaving the older one to sulk alone. “Wendy’s coming later, right?”

“Yeah.” He answered sharply and plopped down further into his bed.

“Cool. Let’s all have dinner together later.”

When Mark didn’t answer, Jackson had closed the door and left quietly. As soon as he reached the living room, he started laughing, all the while thinking how ridiculous Mark had been just now.

With Jackson gone, Mark switched his phone back on and found Wendy’s text among his many other notifications. She texted him that she was on the way and that she couldn’t wait to spend the night together on their day off. The guy smiled and his heart beat faster especially since she ended the text with a heart.

He immediately frowned, however, as his fingers started typing that infamous fanfiction website.

“Jinwoo, Wendy.” Mark muttered to himself as he searched the tags and found the story that Jackson showed him earlier.

He soon immersed himself in the story and the man can’t help but mock at the sentences that the characters had been saying. “This must be fate, Wendy said. I didn’t know a handsome guy like you likes Harry Potter too.”

“Fate?” Mark scrunched his nose in disgust. “What’s fate is that I’m the handsome guy who likes Harry Potter, geez.”

Mark then quickly went to the other story with Kai and Wendy, unable to finish the previous one when Jinwoo had confessed his love. He soon drowned himself in the intricate plot and almost rooted for the two to be together. When Kai had kissed Wendy on her lips in the story, Mark had thrown his phone to the end of his bed and the guy groaned loudly.

“Must they be so descriptive in the kiss?!?!” He roared but quickly soon after went to retrieve his phone back.

He lied on his back and went to search for the story that involved Eric and Wendy next. The young man giggled, knowing that nothing in the story could possibly make him jealous since he could never be jealous of Eric anyway.

He continued to read but unluckily for him, the subject on kissing still continued.

“Eric gave a small heart-fluttering kiss on her forehead, leaving Wendy to blush.” Mark read the sentence enviously. “Wendy soon took him into her arms, never ever wanting to let go ever again.”

The guy snorted, rolling his eyes at the sentence before talking to himself again. “The only time Wendy ever went into Eric’s arms was when Eric brought me to Canada.”

“Let me see. The last story is with… Jinyoung.” He cringed. “This will be painful to read.”

Mark started reading seriously and found that he couldn’t really hate the story. It started off sadly and the guy had sympathised with the situation and the couple – fake couple – had found themselves in. The story ended with the rest of the GOT7 members urging a Pepero kiss between the two. When their lips finally touched, the couple confessed their feelings for each other and lived happily ever after.

He was about to swear at the ridiculousness of it all until he heard knocks on his bedroom door. The young man reluctantly got up but when he finally opened it, was surprised to see a beautiful face looking up at him.

“You’re here!” Mark exclaimed with joy as he took her into his arms. “I miss you!”

“I miss you too!” Wendy gave him a peck on the cheek. “Why are you cooped up all alone in the bedroom?”

“I, uh, was busy.” He muttered an excuse but that excuse got old quick.

“Wendy!” Bambam suddenly appeared out of nowhere and hugged her. “You’re here! Did you bring us something to eat again?!”

“Oh, of course.” Wendy seemed all too excited and headed straight for the kitchen. “I baked you guys some chocolate muffins. I really hope that you’ll like it.”

“Is that muffins I smell?!” Jaebum too peeped into the kitchen. “Oh, Wendy! You’re here!”

“I’m down for muffins!” Youngjae zoomed past Mark and headed straight for Wendy. “Your muffins are the best, Wendy.”

“Stop bothering her and let her rest, guys.” Jinyoung chided the group before turning back to Jackson and Yugyeom. “Are you guys done with chopping up the vegetables?”

Seeing his girlfriend surrounded by s after reading fanfictions was probably not the best thing to see at the moment. Mark frowned and crossed his arms, before quickly going up to her and being all possessive.

“Jinyoung’s right.” Mark shot him an appreciative smile as he put an arm around Wendy. “She’s tired and needs to rest.”

“I’m okay, actually.” His dense girlfriend answered as per usual but Mark was taking none of it.

“Well I’m tired from seeing you surrounded with guys so let’s go.”

He took her by her hand and led her to his bedroom. Wendy followed, confused at his sudden behaviour and once he finally plopped down onto his bed, the girl started asking her questions.

“Why are you so grumpy?” Wendy frowned as she took a seat beside him. “Is everything okay? Are you sick somewhere?”

Mark simply lay down on his bed as he stared vacantly at the ceiling. Telling his girlfriend that he was being possessive after reading some fanfictions of her and other guys would probably sound mental.

“Did Jackson bully you again?” Wendy scooted closer and lied next to him. “I can always tell him off if you want me to.”

“He kind of did.” Mark uttered bitterly, remembering that if it wasn’t for Jackson, he’d be the happier, less possessive version of himself. “But it’s stupid anyway.”

“Tell me.” She turned to face him and Mark flushed in embarrassment.

He pondered over his words carefully, before finally turning to face her as well.

“He showed me some fanfiction.” Mark admitted meekly.

“Fanfiction?!” It was clear to see that Wendy was horrified. “Why would he show you that?!”

“Because the fans shipped you with some other guys.”

“Really?” Curiosity made its’ way on her face. It was easy to see that she was trying to resist the urge to ask who she was shipped with.

“You’re so easy to read!” Mark got up and pulled at her cheeks. “They were Jinwoo, Kai, Eric and Jinyoung.”

“Jinyoung?” Wendy rubbed her throbbing cheeks. “As in… Jinyoung? Our Jinyoung?”

“Not ours,” The young man corrected her, obviously already jealous. “But yes, my member Jinyoung.”

Wendy laughed, knowing how badly the fanfictions got to Mark. She found it cute that her boyfriend was being possessive of her but she wanted to tell him that he had nothing to be worried about. To express that particular feeling of hers accurately, Wendy had went to give him a small hug.

“Don’t be jealous.” She snuggled her face in his chest. “You’re the only one I see, you know that right?”

“Of course.” Mark finally grinned before realising how utterly ridiculous he had been. “I’m sorry.”

He ruffled her hair and soon got up from his bed. The young man extended his hand towards her – which Wendy took – and he gave a small sheepish smile directed at her.

“I should have known better.” Mark laughed. “I shouldn’t be insecure anymore as my girlfriend only looks at me!”

“You got that right!” Wendy looked at him determinedly. “So shall we eat dinner now?”

Mark nodded his head and the two went out to the living room, only to realise that BamBam and Youngjae had already set up the dinner table for them to eat together. They took their respective seats and after a while, the older members and Yugyeom had come walking in with the dishes they cooked beforehand.

“Smells delicious!” Wendy commented. “What’s that?”

“Just some kimchi soup.” Jinyoung dismissed her humbly. “And chicken side dishes.”

The girl clapped her hands enthusiastically and before long, the members started filling up the table and they laughed and enjoyed their dinner together.

When dinner ended and the table cleaned, the group had found themselves lazing in the living room and it wasn’t until Jaebum brought out a topic that they all finally seemed to talk together.

“Say,” Jaebum started the ball rolling. “Why was Mark so grumpy today?”

“I know!” Jackson, enthusiastic as ever, chirped in. “He read some fanfictions of Wendy and other guys!”

“This is interesting.” Youngjae munched on some snacks as dessert.

Mark’s eyes narrowed upon seeing that those snacks had been the damn Pepero sticks. Please just finish everything Youngjae… Please.

“Oh, Jackson told me earlier!” Yugyeom gave Wendy a knowing grin. “Don’t you want to know?”

“Mark already told me.” Wendy dismissed the guy nervously. She swears they were going somewhere with this.

“Even the fanfiction of you and Jinyoung?” BamBam added cheekily and Mark saw how Jinyoung had turned a quick pink.

Please don’t tell me this is real… Why is that guy even blushing?!

“Oh right!” Jaebum grinned widely as he placed his arms around Mark. “What was it about again? Dinner date?”

“Correction.” Jackson’s eyes seemed to gleam, tempting Mark to poke his two fingers into them. “It’s about how Jinyoung and Wendy finally reconciled after their break-up that happened three years ago and how Jinyoung asked her out on a dinner date and we got them back together again.”

“You’re being strangely specific.” Mark glared, but Jackson could care less because he had the almighty Jaebum on his side.

“Oh right! I remember!” Youngjae waved the box of Peperos in front of Mark’s face. “We got them together with this. A Pepero kiss.”

“Guys…” Wendy looked on anxiously from the members to Mark. It’s either they were dense but surely anyone could see that Mark was in no mood to talk about the fanfictions from earlier.

Surprisingly, all it took was a few deep breaths from the man in question and he seemed to be doing okay. Wendy tilted her head in confusion, surprise that he handled himself well.

“I’m not that jealous, you know.” Mark laughed, to which the other members raised an eyebrow at. “After all, Wendy did told me that I was the only one she’ll ever look at.”

“Bo-ring.” Jaebum quickly lost interest and placed his hands back by his side.

“Good move, Wendy.” Jinyoung gave the girl a relieved thumbs-up, knowing that Mark would have probably made things difficult for him.

“If you’re not that jealous,” Jackson interrupted. “Surely you won’t mind an innocent game of Pepero between the two? After all, it’s just a game.”

Youngjae placed the Pepero stick on Jinyoung’s hands, leaving the latter bewildered at what was going to take place. He looked back and forth from Mark to Wendy; both red in their faces but at different reasons.

“Pepero games are for cowards.” Mark finally ended the dreaded silence. He scooted closer to Wendy and placed his hands on her cheeks lovingly. “I don’t need games to be able to kiss her like this.”

He pulled her closer to him, taking Wendy by surprise. His warm lips soon delved into hers and Wendy melted against the passionate and possessive kisses he was giving her. The couple soon got lost in their own world, leaving the other members to roll their eyes and fake puke at what was happening before them.

“We get it already.” Jackson was the first one to stand. “Seriously. Stop being all possessive.”

Mark didn’t care and continued his kisses on his girlfriend. Wendy swore that a slight smile seemed to form on his lips as well and she started to smile too. Smiley kisses were after all contagious.

“You guys are bo-ring.” Jaebum clucked in disapproval and left as well.

“We should invent a NO-PDA rule in the house.” BamBam sighed and headed back to his room.

“Or you know, they can just get their own room?!” Yugyeom frowned and followed right after the former.

“I’m not complaining.” Youngjae simply shrugged his shoulders and left. “More pepero sticks for me.”

Jinyoung, the last one of them all, remained staring in awe. When Mark realised he hadn’t left, the young man broke off from his kisses and looked on blankly at .

“Are you still going to be here?” Mark asked bluntly and Wendy looked on apologetically.

“M-Mark!” Wendy stammered for words, the embarrassment just kicking in. “He can sit here if he wants! M-Maybe we should be the ones going…”

Jinyoung only grinned widely. “I’ll go! No worries. You kids can go enjoy your y time together. I’ll just be in my room… happy that Mark won’t kill me or anything.”

The young man quickly stood up, all the way showing two thumbs-up at the couple. While Wendy had giggled at his antics, Mark had only shook his head; wondering if he had maybe been a little too harsh on Jinyoung.

“But actually…” Jinyoung suddenly turned around, taking the two by surprise. “I’m sure I kissed her the exact same way you did in that fanfiction.”

Silence ensued and Wendy looked on in fear at Mark’s face. The young man seemed to turn a little red again and seeing that particular gesture, Jinyoung had guffawed loudly as he returned to his room.

“Smooch, smooch.” He made his annoying kissy noises and laughed all the way back inside.

Mark could only afford to glare.

“Park Jinyoung!”

A/N I hope it's not too random ahaha. 

This is what I imagined my otp reacting like when they find fanfictions lmao.

also Jackson reacting negatively to Eric (that I actually adore sfm) is so Jackson tbh.

Hope that you guys like it anyway and hope it's not too boring! :D

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Chapter 1: Re-reading your stories again and again, 'cuz I really miss your writings!
icejuvenileyo #2
Chapter 1: Hahahaha its really funny. Thanks a lot i love markdy so much and thia story look so real
Chapter 1: you got me laughing like a maniac!!!! hahaha this really made my day and a jealous mark sure is hot XD
Chapter 1: This is so cuuutee~ OHMYGOD really, I got no words to describe it more than OMG this is so cute and MarkDy is so cute~ Like I can seriously imagine the scenes and I'm giggling all over the place. <3
Chapter 1: Hahaha I always thought how if idols read my fanfictions and they don't like how we portrayed them, or they don't like the pairings.
But it's fun thing for us fans.

Markson and eric nam are life lol i like it how all of them connected, even with wendy. Jackson's reaction of eric-wendy pairing is on point lol.

Your story is so on point i like it! Bring more markdy!
Chapter 1: Haha, this was so much fun to read! ^^ I was laughing so hard at the fanfictions' descriptions, they all sounded so cool. Without a doubt, jealous Mark is one of my favourites, he was way too sweet and possessive after reading those fanfictions. But Jackson was unbeatable! This dork likes teasing Mark maybe a little bit too much yet he's still so adorable. Also, Jinyoung's part at the end... haha, that was also really funny! ^^ Thank you for writing this story, I had so much fun reading it! <3
Chapter 1: This is so funny and cute :3
It'd be even funnier and cuter if it becomes a reality kyahhh
Chapter 1: jjang like the usual!
Linebae_93 #10
Chapter 1: You know what? if Mark really had a girlfriend in real life and she is the one who read fanfics about MARK and other idol, she's going to be upset you know..just like your story.. maybe he's dating someone in secret ~~ so maybe this scenario might happen in real life..wahahahaha...it's funny when you think about it...but seriously this story did open my mind to think that the idol we shipped might had a gf\bf.so when they read the fanfic that's not about them how do you think they will react... maybe it's happen in real life in other idol's life..fanfic brings happiness to us but maybe not for some idol who know this website.. but maybe not? which idol except EXO who knows about fanfic?? but still tho your idea writing this fanfic is GENIUS!!! cause you make me think so hard....I like your idea and I enjoy this story...I mean imagine Mark really a Wendy's fanboy in real life and he found out you write this story about him and wendy..how will he react?? hahahahaha... I bet he'll be thankful to you!!!