Countdown: [three]

Bulletproof Hearts

Jung Reina, 17 years old


Reina screams on top of her lungs, ruffling her hair out of frustration. Seeing her, someone laughs so loud. It’s obvious he is teasing her right now. She glances at him, throwing a failed deathly glare. That makes him laugh even louder.

“I wonder where you get this cuteness from,” he says, then takes a sip at his coffee.

She scoffs. “Not my father, obviously.”

“That attitude comes from your father, though.”

When Baekhyun is about to respond her words, a voice is caught in their ears. He glances at the door, just to find his crew stepping in the house. Four men enter the house.

The first one is Chanyeol. He smiles like crazy, just like what he always does. The person beside him–which is smaller than him and has these wide owl-like eyes–shoot him a glare, clearly unamused at his action. That's Kyungsoo.

"Hyung, you look dumb."

Chanyeol pouts at the younger behind him. He has an extremely pale skin. Seriously, with that kind of look, Reina thought he's a vampire at the first sight. Fortunately, he isn't. And his name is Oh Sehun.

"I am handsome, okay?" huffs Chanyeol.

"Nobody said you're not, Yeol."

There comes Junmyeon. Probably the richest man Reina ever knows in her life–and it's not like she knows many people, though.

And this is their crew. Six people working together as a team. Reina considers them as friends, for she doesn't have any other friends than his father's crew.

"Hey, Baek! Wassup, Rei!" Chanyeol grins.

"'Sup, Uncle Yeol."

"Hey, Yeol!" answers Baekhyun. "Kai is in his room. You guys go first. I'm taking care this kiddo."

Junmyeon nods. "Okay, Baekhyun. Take care of our little princess."

When they leave, Reina mutters something which sounds like, "I am not little anymore, for God's sake."

Baekhyun chuckles at that, then continues to read his newspaper.

Reina rests her head on top of the table. Her eyebrows furrows, eyes were slowly closing. She’s drifting to sleep when that man hits her head with his newspaper.

“Ouch! Uncle Baek, what was that for?!” she asks angrily.

Baekhyun shrugs. “As much as I want you to sleep–just look at your eyebags. They’re horrible!–there’s something important you’ve got to do.”

The girl sighs and puts her hands in the air. “Alright, alright. It’s for the country and saving people’s lifes. I get it.”

Baekhyun chuckles and puts his newspaper down. He glances at his watch and grins.

“Yeah, this task is important,” he says. “But don’t you think school is important too right now?”

Reina scoffs. School . Nothing’s interesting in school, yet her father forced her to go. It’s for her own good, he said. But she doesn’t see anything good at school. At least, not yet.

Anyway, why did Baekhyun suddenly talk about school?

She widened her eyes in realization. Her uncle sits in front of her with coffee and newspaper–his routines every morning.

Repeat, every morning.

“Oh, !” she cusses loudly.

She runs to her room as fast as possible, leaving Baekhyun who’s currently laughing hard and clapping his hands in amusement.

“No bad words, Rei!” he warns her between his laughter.

Reina shouts back from her room, “I don’t care!”

Baekhyun chuckles at her antic. She’s always like that. A naïve rebel who doesn’t give a at others. She’s not afraid to do what she wants. In fact, she’s not afraid of anything, but that’s what scares him the most.

He knows her since she was a child. He found her in the doorstep in front of Kai’s house when he was twenty. She doesn't talk for days, until they figured out her name was Jung Reina a month later. Then, Kai decided to adopt her. She was only ten back then.

They raised her as their own child, and that’s what he feels all along. He cares for her from the bottom of her heart. And Baekhyun knows that Kai secretly cares for the kid, too.

But the man has always been cold to anyone. He’s bad at expressing his feelings. That’s why Baekhyun is the one who’s always beside Reina to ensure her that somebody loves her and cares for her.

It scares him how Reina suddenly got involved in their world–the dark side of the world that Kai and Baekhyun knows. He’s afraid their little girl changes to another person, which is fortunately not happening right now.

Baekhyun remembers the phone call in midnight. Kai suddenly announced that the kid will be their agent. He also remembers the fear he felt when he was about to give her the first task.

It was horrible. She was instructed to hack a website of criminals that contains things she shouldn’t have saw. Guns, bloods, the victim’s bodies. What scared him the most was how Reina didn’t even flinch when she saw those things, but couldn’t sleep for days after she saw it.

Now she is seventeen, and she grows up as a cheerful girl. A kind, but rebellious one. Although she saw those things, Baekhyun knows Reina will always be Reina. She’s a strong girl.

And hopefully, she won’t ever change.

Reina examines her new seatmate from head to toe while he rubs his neck out of embarrassment. What makes him more embarrassed is the fact that Reina doesn't even say a word.

It started when Mr. Kim went in with a boy. He introduced the boy as Park Jimin, and Reina doesn’t remember what he said afterwards. She remembers the girls whispering to each other, though. They think the boy is hot. Well, she can't deny this fact, too.

Reina got him as a seatmate, for she was always alone in this past two years.

That’s why Reina looks at him with judging eyes, deathly stare that can bore a hole on his head.

The boy grins, earning a look from Reina.

“Hello … I guess?” he says nervously.

His voice sounds like her favorite hot milk–warm and sweet. She smiles for the first time since she met him.

Her gaze travels to his face, examining the cute face of his. He has got plump lips and small eyes that’ll vanish whenever he smiles. His black hair tousled messily, but that’s what makes him more attractive.

He has an extremely cute face, but his body says the opposite. Meddling with bunches of man who often works by identifying people makes her have this skill–to look through at the hidden physical appearance of someone. Although he wears an oversized shirt, she knows he’s been working out.

Man, if I can fall in love, I’ll fall for him right away. She grins playfully, then sulks at her thought. Well, too bad I can’t. At least, not now.

“Park Jimin, huh?” she asks unconsciously.

Jimin smiles widely. “Yes, and your name is … ?”

She extends her hand, plastering a wide grin on her face.

“Jung Reina.”

Unknowingly, girls stare at her in envy, which makes them ignoring Mr. Kim’s explanation. Noticing this, Mr. Kim rolled his eyes and coughed loudly.

“Miss Jung, Mr. Park, I am so happy that you two can get along well, but can you please pay attention to the class?”

Jimin ducks his head shyly, while Reina just shrugs it off.

“Yes, Sir.”

Mr. Kim nods in satisfaction. “Good.”

When Mr. Kim’s back is facing at Reina, writing whatever it is while explaining something she doesn’t care to know, she rests her head on the table. She’s beyond exhausted from her past activities–hacking all those websites and tracking people down.

Sure, it was fun. She got to play with codes, but her eyes can’t take it.

When she’s about to sleep, someone nudges her arm. She looks up, just to find Jimin with his extremely red cheeks. She glances at her side and finds a crumpled up paper. She takes it and unfolds the paper.

A smile creeps up her face as she reads the message.

Want to go to the canteen with me later? :)

Reina hates canteen for who-knows-how-long. Not that she hates the food. It’s just that he hates noisy places and canteen is one of them. Moreover, she is always alone. There’s no use going out there just to be ignored.

But, knowing Park Jimin will accompany her, it won’t be that bad, right?

She grabs her pen and starts to write.

Sure. You’re interesting.

As soon as the bell rings, Reina grabs Jimin’s wrist, earning a confused look from him. She just grins and starts to pull his hand.

“Let’s go. You won’t get the delicious one if you’re this slow.”

Jimin blushes at the touch. He glances at her, wondering what she feels right now. Is her heart beating as fast as his does? Or she doesn’t even feel anything?

When they arrive at the canteen, she doesn’t buy anything except bunches of bread. When he asks her, she just answers, “Bread is more delicious than rice.”

By the time Jimin finishes buying his lunch, Reina comes back carrying a handful of bread. She grins widely when their eyes met. Jimin is about to sit down on a chair when Reina signals him to follow her.

They passes their class, going to the corner of the school. They goes upstairs, and Jimin can predict where Reina is leading him to.

“Rooftop?” asks him.

Reina nods. “It sounds cliché, but yeah. The view is beautiful.”

Jimin grins mischievously. “I didn’t know you like this kind of things.”

She shoots him a look, pouting when she sees him holding his laugh.

“Why? You don’t like it?”

Jimin ruffles her head. “I’m fine as long as you like it.”

Ew. Cheesy. When did you become this cheesy, huh?” Reina glances at Jimin who turns his head to another side, avoiding Reina’s eyes.

She slants her eyes, examining Jimin. He covers his face with his palm, hiding something from her. When she sees his red ears, she laughs airily.

“Oh my God, why are you the one blushing?” she asks, nudging his arms with hers.

That makes him blush even harder. His cheeks turning into scarlet red, while Reina could only laugh at that.

“You’re so cute.” She chuckles.

Jimin murmurs, “Don’t tease me.”

"Okay, okay. I won't," she says as she looks ahead. "But, Jimin."


"I think I like you."

And the blush gets even redder that it makes Reina laughs all day long.

By the end of the day, Reina got Jimin’s number. She stares at her phone screen–at his phone number, to be exact–like it’s an unidentified thing. Her thumb clicks at it, hesitantly types a message for him.

I like codes.

Reina groans. No, no. That’s not common people will write in a message. But, well, Reina doesn’t know that either because she doesn’t know how people interact.

For all of her life, the only friends she has are her uncle, her father’s agents, and her father’s apprentice. Oh, does it even count as a friend?

this, she thinks, burying her head between her arms. She whines and kicks the air, which unfortunately turns out to be Baekhyun’s foot.

“Ouch, Rei!” he exclaims. “Are you that frustrated because you can’t track him down? I know, it’s hard, but don’t let it out on me! Your kick hurts, kiddo.”

Reina huffs and looks up at his uncle. She blinks her eyes twice, before asking something that makes Baekhyun frowns.

“Uncle, what will you say if you want to text a friend?”

Baekhyun stares at her for a minute. He frowns when recalling what Reina just asked.

Wait a minute. Did she just ask about texting a friend?

“Rei, you have a friend?”

“Of course, I have!” Reina exclaims. She sighs and turns to the laptop, starting to work on her mission. “Nevermind that.”

“Don’t you dare ‘nevermind’ me, kiddo.” Baekhyun moves beside her, trying to make her spill out about this one friend she has. “You have a friend in school? How did you two meet? Are you sure she’s a good person? Wait, no. Are you sure you don’t make her freaked out? Why don’t you introduce her and bring her here? I’m sure–”

Reina covers her ear from his never-ending questions. “For God’s sake, uncle!”

She closes her laptop, decides that she would call it a day. She glares at her uncle who stares at her questioningly, and she knows he won’t stop that unless Reina tells him everything.

“Name’s Park Jimin, a transfer student. We are seatmate, right now. So, yeah, I have a friend.”

Baekhyun stares at her in disbelief.

Our Jung Reina has grown up, he thinks, smiling widely knowing Reina has a friend. And I thought laptop will always be her friend.

“Oh, and, uncle.”

Baekhyun turns to her, still smiling widely from ear to ear that Reina starts to think it’s creepy.

“It’s a he.”

It takes five seconds for Baekhyun to respond.


“Am not!”

“You are!”

“Uncle, why don’t you believe me?”

“Because you are, in fact, dating him!”

“Oh, gosh. I am not dating him!”

"Oh my God, I am going to tell Chanyeol. And Sehun, too. Wait a minute, scratch that. I'm going to tell the whole crew!"

"Uncle, please. I am not dating him!" hisses Reina.

“Okay, you’re not dating him,” he says. He stands up, getting ready to leave Kai’s house, for he has another business to take care of. “But, introduce him to me, okay? I’ll make sure you chose a good guy.”

Reina groans in frustration.


He will tease me 24/7 nonstop. Just great, Reina. Great.

A/N: the story is going to be fast-paced in the first three chapters hehehe. Just to make it clear, Baekhyun and Reina's age difference is ten. While with Kai, it's eight. So, basically, in this chapter Baekhyun, Chanyeol, D.O is 27; Suho 28; Kai and Sehun 25.

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YoTaiSwi #1
Chapter 3: I really like this story it's different then the others I have seen on aff. Thanks for the hard work.
Chapter 3: This is really good. I dont think ive read many stories or any at all like this
Chapter 3: OMG. this is getting interesting (。・ω・。)
MrsLuhan88 #4
Chapter 2: This is SO GOOD!^^ Cant wait for more
Chapter 2: OMG loving this story sooo much! I've always loved the idea of hacking myself but am too lazy to learn how xD. Can't wait for the next update!!!~
Take care xoxo~