new year

good for you.

The sun was slowly rising and the city awoke with her. I heard the sounds of people chatter, cars honking, dogs barking. Normal sounds of a normal day. But obviously there was something not normal. I just didn't get what.

I knew, I wasn't at Yongbae's. I wasn't in my apartement either and also not in one of the other boys. Everything reminded me of something. Something familiar. There were pictueres of me and the boys. And every of it was at least older than eight years. I remembered the couch. The old television. God, even the curtains seemed familiar. I knew this place. It looked exactely like the old dorm wich I shared until 2008 with Yongbae, Daesung, Seungri and Jiyong.

''Who... who are you?!'', an also very familiar voice asked.

I spun around. Not five metres infront of me was, eyes sleepy, now wide in shock, nineteen years old me.


''Who are you?'', he (or I?) asked again. I stood there petrified, too confused two move, until he wen slowely towards me.

''Hey! Are you deaf?'' Younger me asked, waving his hand infront of my face. I, still startled, shook my head to clear it.

''Errm... I don't know...?'' Why did he see me and Yongbae didn't?

He frowned. ''What you don't know?''

''I don't know?''

''Do you know even anything? Your name, maybe?''

''My name is Choi Seunghyun.'' At least that I knew for sure.

Younger me frowend again and said, shaking his head, now as confused as I was: ''Oookay. Same here.''

He got a bit nearer to me and inspected my face. ''You even look like me. But... at the same time... not.''

I just let him. I was too occupied with my thoughts too do anything against his observation. Then, a thought caught my attention.

''What year is it?''

He frowned. Again. He... I... should stop this habit. It would make wrinkles.

''2008. Why?''





I'm back! Yaay!

Sorry for the short chapters. I'll try to make them longer.

Thank you all very much for the subscriptions and comments! Love you guys xD

see you

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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 4: authornim??
i haven't heard from you in many weeks, and i started getting worried about you..
are you okay?? please let me know
Chapter 4: this made me so sad poor Seunghyun he must be suffering hopefully he saves Ji this time. My heart can't take Ji dying
Dragon63 #3
Chapter 4: T.T
im like literally sobbing right now..
is this what it feels like to have ur heart shatter into a million pieces???
poor seunghyun... he doesn't deserve this pain!!!!
i really hope he can save jiyong :( :(
please update soon authornim!!! this is amazing so far :D :D
Dragon63 #4
Chapter 3: Oh wow!!
So seunghyun went back in time to save jiyong?? Cool ^^
This is so fun and exciting authornim!!! Please update again soon
Love youuu
Dragon63 #5
Chapter 2: ahhh this is so angsty...
please update soon authormim!!!
mscrayon #6
Chapter 1: Poor ji. Plz update soon.