
When love leaves

Last chapter guys. I might make an epilogue if you guys want me to.


Mark's POV.

Today was the day we told everyone. Its been a while since we stopped promoting Fly and Home Run. We were going to tell everyone sooner but decided it would be better if we told them later.

"Today's the day" Jackson said as he walk walking out of the bathroom drying his hair.

"I know, I'm nervous" he threw his towel into the laundry basket and sat down next to me.

"Don't be" he said and intertwined our fingers.

"But what if the group breaks up"

"I highly doubt that"

I nodded my head and looked down at our hands but still wasn't sure how the members would react.

He lifted my head up "Hey look at me, we've know everyone for like forever, plus our group has gone through 3 years since debut. I think they can handle two of the members being in love with each other."

I nodded again feeling more reassured. He lightly pecked my lips and then fell backwards onto the bed and I joined him.

After laying there for an hour or so we decided it was now or never.

We walked into the kitchen where everyone was.

"Guys we need to tell you something" Jackson said in a serious tone and I nodded.

They all sat down and looked at us with confused expressions.

Jackson took a deep breath and started "we are um...."

He stopped. Why did he stop. I knew he wasn't going to finish so I just decided to say it and get it over with.

"We're dating. We have been for a while. Like a few days before Fly came out but we didn't want to say anything with all the promotions coming up. We're sorry we didn't tell you guys earlier but it was because we weren't sure if you all would accept us" I finished and took a deep breath.

They all sat there staring at us with their mouths open.

"FINALLY! It took you guys long enough! Youngjae you owe me 50000 won" Bambam yelled and Youngjae sighed as he took out his wallet.

"Wait wait wait, you guys were BETTING ON US " Jackson yelled. Bambam and Youngjae just nodded.

"I bet after promotions and he bet the next album so I won!!!" Bambam said happily. L

Jackson just sighed "I'm gonna get you back one day"

"So you guys are ok with this?" I asked nervously

Junior got up and walked over to me "actually as your eomma-"

"Your not my eomma" I said and he rolled his eyes

"Anyways, I'm proud and um how do I say this.." He looked over at Jaebum.

"We've um kinda been dating for about three years"

Everyone sat there in shock.

"And you didn't tell us!?! For three years"

They both nodded in response.

"Are you two dating also?!?!" Jackson said pointing at Yugyeom and Bambam.

"Maybe...maybe not..."

Yugyeom rolled his eyes at Bambam. "Yes we're dating" he sighed out in response.

"And no one told anyone??"

"Wait does that mean I'm the only straight guy in the group?" Youngjae said.

"Guess so, unless you like some other guy that's not one of us" I stated.

He shrugged and walked away.

But then Youngjae came running back in. "Wait a second, Mark, why didn't you tell me about this."


"Sure you tell me you like him and I have to listen to you all about him 24/7" my ears started to burn "but you didn't tell me you two were dating. I thought you were my best friend" he crossed his arms and pouted.


"Aish its fine, just from now on don't keep secrets from me" he pointed his finger at me.

"Ok, ok. No more secrets"

"How about from now on no one keeps any secrets from anyone ok?" Junior stated and we all nodded in agreement.

"Ok, now I'm leaving. I don't wanna be in the midst of all these happy couples" Youngjae said as he walked out.


"Yeah yeah, whatever" he said halfway down the hallway and we started laughing.

Jacksons POV.

"Ok, so now that that's over. I'll be taking my boyfriend on an actual date. Bye guys!" I waved to them and pulled Mark with me.

"I wanted to surprise you, and actually go out with you. On an actual date." I turned to look at his reaction and saw that he was smiling.

He took my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Ok, so where are we going?"

I put a finger to my lips "its a surprise"

"Ugh, why can't you just tell me"

"Because I want to surprise you, duh"

I pulled him off to our destination and quickly arrived.

We both stood looking up at the N Seoul Tower.

"I made reservations for the restaurant at the top, let's go"

I pulled him towards the elevator and he was standing there in shock.


"Nothing, you're just truly amazing" he said and looks over at me smiling. "I love you"

"I love you too babe" I said and kissed his cheek. Luckily we were in the back of the elevator and wearing snapbacks as an attempt to cover our faces.

We made it to the top after the video finished and walked out.

I walked up to the seating desk(is that what you call it idk???) The lady greeted me and asked me if I had made reservations.

"Reservation for Mark and Jackson Wang please"

She nodded her head "follow me" we followed and she brought us to our seats.

"Here you go, your waiter will be with you in a moment"

"Thank you" we replied.

Mark and I looked out the window next to our table. "Wow, Seoul looks beautiful at night"

"So do you, only you also look beautiful during the day"

"Jackson stop it you'll make me blush"

"Maybe I want to make you blush" I said and smirked. He sighed and looked back out the window.

Our waiter came out and we ordered. She said there wouldn't be a long wait since there aren't a lot of people here.

About 10 minutes later our food came out. "Thank you" we said and she left. I played our bill earlier since I already knew what each of us would be ordering. So we can just leave whenever we want to.

"Mmmm, wanna try some" mark asked while basically shoving the food in front of my face. I had basically had no choice so I acceptingly ate it.

"Yum, your turn" I said and he opened his mouth ready for the food.

For the rest of the time we were there we didn't talk because we were too busy shoving food down our throats.

After we finished we headed down to the bottom level and reached where there were a bunch of locks on fences. I pulled a lock out from my pocket along with a sharpie.

I wrote on it:

Fօɾҽѵҽɾ ♥

And drew a heart around it. "Here you put it on" I said while holding it out in front of him.

He took it from me and put it on one of the fences near the top. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arm around his waist. He leaned his head against my shoulder. "Let's go back, I'm tired"

I was also tired so I agreed with him.

We started to walk back but ended up taking the metro back to the dorm. Even though fresh air is good for us. Oh well.

The metro got us back quickly so we arrived earlier than I thought we would.

As we walked in the dorm we could see Yugbam watching a horror movie and Youngjae was on his phone in the kitchen. Our 'parents' probably went to bed early like they usually do. They always wake up early to see what our schedule is and to make breakfast. Although I bet that's not all they do...

"Oh you guys are back already" Youngjae said and when he looked up from his phone.

"Yeah we decided to take the metro instead of walking"

"Oh, did you guys have fun" he said while wriggling his eyebrows.

Mark ran over to him "let's go to your room and I'll tell you about everything."

I laughed quietly and Mark looked at me "I need some alone time with my best friend too"

"Ok just be in by 10"

"But that only half an hour" he whined

"We need to wake up early though. So I'll see you then"

I turned around and decided to go take a shower. I was trying to take a long shower so I wouldn't have to wait as long, but I got out at around 9:43 "ugh I still have 17 more minutes" I said to myself while putting on a tank top. I brushed my teeth and comed my hair. And by then I still had 10 minutes left. "What to do" I said and sighed for the 7th time tonight. I crawled in bed and went on my phone for the rest of the time.

At exactly 10 Mark came into our room "miss me?"

"Yeah. Now hurry up and join me."

He quickly got ready for bed and then hopped in next to me. I put my arm around his shoulder and he started hugging my waist.

"I love you. And always will."

"Forever I am yours and you are mine"

I kissed him, and he has no idea how much I missed his lips against mine.


No ones POV.

The greatest relationships are the ones you never expected to be in. The ones that swept you off your feet and challenged every view you've ever had. Even when the roads rough and there is little chance you'll be together, you still manage to end up with the one you love.

Mark loves Jackson just as much as Jackson loves Mark and they'll never be separated even when they tell the world. Somehow they end up together, forever.



Yayyy, I finally finished after like 100 years! Thanks for reading and maybe look forward to an epilogue. Remeber its up to you guys!

Thanks for reading!


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hayatiekim #1
Chapter 2: I always think if mark looks get hurt everytime jackson hanging around with other.. His eyes always keep staring at him with jealous expression ...
hayatiekim #2
Chapter 1: OMG this just like what i thought abt them before their comeback with hard carry
andie41225 #3
Chapter 3: Lol hahaha.. anyways really cute Markson here. And I only have 2 friends at school(sadlife) they are also kpop fans thats y we last. :)) wnna be friends?? ^.^
andie41225 #4
Chapter 3: I also have braces for 2 years now. Yes it'll hurt so much at first I can't even eat but after few weeks you will get use to it. ^.^
Like life without it now would be so different, my braces is like part of me
Chapter 2: Aaaaaahhhhhhh Soo cute! Love it!
Hananess #6
I also need more markson in my life hahahahahahaha
lulu104 #7
Chapter 1: so that's what happened with markson :D