Doggy Jealousy

Of Insecurities and Jealousy [requests open]
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“How’s my baby in the shop?”

Kai frowned. Baby?

“I can just visualise him making those movements. I bet he’s begging you to bring him to me now.”

What? Bring him to his Seoyun? Bring who?

“Oh, that cutie pie.”

Kai pouted, he was the only one who is supposed to be cute in Seoyun’s eyes, not some random guy.

“Put me on the phone with him.”

Now she was talking with him?

“Hey there sweetie Dae.”

She was on speaking terms with him?

“How about it? You wanna come and live with me?”

Kai was on the verge on hunting down this guy and killing him.

“Kris, can you tell if he’s excited? He is? That’s great!”

Noooooooooooo. Kai did not want another guy to steal his Seoyun’s attention.

“Bye Kris. Give lots of kisses to Dae Dae for me!”

Kai made sure Seoyun saw his sulk as she put down the phone.

“Why are you sulking?” He scowled even more, how could she be so oblivious? He obviously needed more attention, hugs and kisses. He raised his chin and tapped his lips. She gave a quick peck, though it was a little too quick for his liking.

“Sorry, I need to go out for a while. See ya!” She gave another quick peck to his lips before flouncing towards the door, grabbing her bag, wallet and handphone and closing the door behind her. Leaving behind a much attention deprived, much dissatisfied Kai.

Days passed, Kai hardly saw Seoyun now. She kept going out and came back, flushed with happiness, her eyes sparkling with so much joy such that Kai felt that he was a small thing next to a big thing who was ‘Dae’. She went out, claiming to buy things for this ‘Dae’ and coming back with bags full of stuff, even he, her boyfriend, did not receive so many stuff. He needed to take matters in his own hands, hunt down this guy and confront him about his relationship with his girlfriend.

He knew that Seoyun constantly went to this shop, ‘EXO Pet Store’, that was the name. He was right in front of that store now, he wondered what kind of guy this ‘Dae’ was. A funny guy? Maybe more handsome than him? Cute? Smart? Motherly? Cool? Somehow, he thought of Dae being a perfect guy was a bit concerning towards his ego, if his nerd girlfriend actually left him for another guy, not only will he be heartbroken but his pride would crumble too. He took a deep breath and stepped in to the brightly coloured pet store.

“Welcome to EXO Pet Store! How may I help you?” A boy with huge eyes and heart-shaped lips smiled at him. Was he Dae? No, his nametag said his name was Kyungsoo.

“I’m looking for D-“ He was cut off from his question when Kyungsoo sudden

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Chapter 3: Oh I thought he was the one that insisted on not ruining his reputation,not her? :o
Maybe I missed something lol
Anyways this is such a cute fic <3333
Chapter 4: Jealous Jongin is soooooo cuuuute! omg like a kid :3
Chapter 3: Awwww finally Kai had the guts to make her his official girlfriend! They're so cute :3
desireedvd #4
Chapter 3: lol oh shizzz its starting to get serious :D
Chapter 2: I loooooove this!!! Please write more :) I find jealous Jongin so hot and cute at the same time!