
So much I miss you

When I look at the sunset... 

Jimin is standing in front of the window and looking at a bright red sunset, making the Busan skyline look even more beautiful by contrasting the colors so that all the buildings look black against the sunset. It's the time of the day Jungkook loves the most and so it's also the time of the day when Jimin feels the most upset. It's the time of the day when he regrets everything the most, misses the love of his life the most. 


"Jungkookie, aren't you coming to sleep?" Jimin asked when he saw his boyfriend standing in front of the window and looking out.

"Hyung, come see this", the younger just answered, without turning around to look at Jimin. Jimin walked over to Jungkook and wrapped his arms around the younger, giving him a backhug and placing his chin on the younger's shoulder.

"It's beautiful", Jimin said, looking at the sunset. It looked like somebody had painted the sky with red, orange and yellow.

"It's my favorite thing", Jungkook said.

"What is?"

"Looking at the sunset. Some people don't like it and say it makes them anxious to see something end but I find it calming", Jungkook explained. Jimin was always a little surprised at the moments when Jungkook spoke about his feelings. He was so used to the younger just shutting himself up and not letting anyone know what he was feeling that Jimin still was surprised at how Jungkook had started to open up to him. It made Jimin so happy, knowing that the younger felt so safe and comfortable with him.

"I think it's beautiful", Jimin repeated.

"It is", Jungkook said.

"You're even more beautiful", Jimin whispered and Jungkook smiled.


On days when the wind feels good... 

Jimin is walking through the park heading to the grocery store. It's windy and since it's fall, the fallen leaves are flying all around. Jimin enjoys the feel of the wind on his face and the music coming from his earphones. It's just like the days he used to spend with Jungkook. They would walk in silence the longer way to the store with a shared pair of earphones and holding hands. But now Jimin hears the music in both of his ears and his hands are cold.


"Jiminnie, listen to this song I found yesterday", Jungkook said and put the other end of his earphones in Jimin's ear.

"Kookie-ah, it's hyung, okay? Jiminnie hyung. Repeat after me: Jiimminniiee hyyunng", Jimin hit Jungkook's head gently.

"Jiimmiinniiee shooortiiee", Jungkook stuck his tongue out. Even though Jimin didn't want to admit he enjoyed these playful fights a lot. He knew Jungkook didn't mean anything bad with his words and so it just made Jimin laugh a lot. Still he tried to pretend to be mad.

"Jungkookie, why are you always so mean? I'm two years older and you know that", he pouted.

"Just listen to the song, hyung", Jungkook said and quickly kissed Jimin on the lips. It made a wide smile spread on Jimin's lips and he got quiet, listening to the song. It was an up-beat song to which you could make a perfect choreography. Jimin made a note to self to suggest this song the next time he went to dance with his hyung, Hoseok. Hoseok would be able to make a kick- choreo within like ten minutes.

"Hyung, I'm hungry", Jungkook sat down next to Jimin with a pout on his face.

"You wanna go get something to eat?"

"Something good?"

"No, Jungkook, we're gonna go get something bad", Jimin laughed and rolled his eyes, putting his hand on Jungkook's thigh.

"Can we get chicken?" Jungkook asked and his puppy eyes lit up. How could Jimin say no to that face?

"Yeah, of course. We've had chicken for the past two weeks but if you want chicken then chicken it is", Jimin promised and leaned forward to kiss his boyfriend. Jungkook kissed him back quickly, more eager to go get food than have a makeout session. Once again Jimin couldn't do anything but laugh at Jungkook's cuteness.

"One more", Jimin said and pulled the younger close and gave him a quick kiss, "Okay, ready to go."

"I really like it", Jimin said once they were walking to the store.

"You like what? Me?" Jungkook asked with a grin on his face.

"Well, I was talking about the wind. Besides I don't like you", Jimin said and smiled, making Jungkook pout, "I love you, my Kookie." 

"You better since I'm gonna be there for the rest of your life whether you wanted or not. So of course it'll be more pleasant for both of us if you love me", Jungkook says and shrugs. Jimin takes Jungkook's hand in his.

"I wouldn't let you go even if you wanted to."


When I hear a good song... 

Jimin is listening to radio in his car while driving home from work. He's been working extra hours lately more than ever. He used to teach only one dance class but now he's taken over four classes in a week. Of course it's tiring but dancing at least gives Jimin a little break from his life.

"Waah, it's already time for our last song. Time really flies when you're having fun! Here's Missing you by G-Dragon and Kim YoonAh", the man in the radio says and the song starts playing. The lyrics hit a little close to home for Jimin's liking and he bites his lip. Not only the lyrics remind him of his relationship with Jungkook but the younger is a huge fan of G-Dragon.  


"What are you listening to?" Jimin asked and hugged Jungkook from behind. The younger was standing in the middle of their kitchen with earphones in his ears. He snapped out of his world when Jimin touched him and took the earphone out of his left ear.


"I asked what are you listening to", Jimin repeated with a laugh.

"Oh, just G-Dragon", Jungkook answered and offered the other end to Jimin who took it.

"Going for a change, huh?" Jimin grinned teasingly Jungkook's fanboying. The younger glared at him.

"I can listen to who ever I want to listen to. Besides you're at least as bad with listening to Taeyang's songs so if I were you, I wouldn't say anything", Jungkook pouted, making Jimin laugh even more.

"Yes, yes, Kookie. He's good anyways. I was just joking", he said with a bright smile and poked the younger's cheek.

"You're stupid, Jiminnie."

"Yah, that's no way to talk to your super hot hyung", Jimin pretended to be hurt and put his hand on Jungkook's back, slowly letting it slide down to touch his .

"But it is a way to talk to my super y hyung", Jungkook grinned and leaned forward to press his lips on Jimin's. 


When I watch a good movie...

Jimin is sitting on the couch, cuddled up with some hot chocolate and chips, watching 'You who came from the star'. It's his guilty pleasure: romantic dramas, especially this one. It feels like he's watched it a hundred times. He watches it when he's sick or upset or happy. There's just something about it, about the way the main characters love each other. This too reminds him of Jungkook.


"Are you watching this again?" Jungkook asked when he sat down next to Jimin who was covered with blankets and had a pack of tissues beside him. Jungkook placed a cup of hot soup in his boyfriend's hands.

"I always watch this when I'm sick", Jimin notes and Jungkook utters a laugh at the older's raspy voice.

"And when you're upset and when you're happy", the younger continued, making Jimin roll his eyes, "And when you're tired and when you're angry and when you miss me."

"I watch this especially when I miss you", Jimin smiled and took a spoonful of the soup Jungkook made him, "Mm, it's good."

"Good. I don't want you to be sick anymore. You're boring when you're sick", the younger said.

"Thanks, Kookie, don't you always know how to cheer me up", Jimin said with a teasing smile and it was Jungkook's turn to roll his eyes.

"You're just lying there, not being able to do anything fun with me", the younger pouted, "But don't worry, hyung, I'll take care of you until you'll get better."

"Aigoo, my boyfriend is so cute", Jimin smiled brightly and took another sip of the soup. Jimin felt like the most loved person in the whole world when Jungkook sat down on the sofa and took Jimin's head on his lap. Jimin almost fell asleep there when Jungkook started to run his fingers through Jimin's hair.

"Maybe but I can swear my boyfriend is even cuter", the younger said, "But he tends to get sick because he overworks himself so much. But he's really selfless and no matter how tired he is, he always takes care of me. I'm happy that for once he's letting me take care of him too."

"I love you so much, Jungkook, there's no words for how much", Jimin said.

"I love you too", Jungkook smiled. 


On starry nights, always...

Jimin is lying on the grass with his hands under his head as a pillow and he's looking at the stars.

"Jiminnie, come taste the s'mores. They're ready", Yoongi shouts at him from a few meters away. Jimin's camping with him and Hoseok. It was supposed to be the three of them and Jungkook at this annual camping trip they planned three months ago but since Jungkook's no longer in the picture, he's there as the third wheel to this couple. Yoongi and Hoseok are trying their best not to rub their relationship in Jimin's face but still at night Jimin likes to be alone.

"I'll be there", Jimin answers even though he knows it's going to take a while for him to stop thinking about Jungkook. It was supposed to be the two of them here looking at the stars, trying to find patterns and tell stories. Maybe even make out a little. 


"Look at the stars, Kookie", Jimin said. It was a beautiful summer night when they were camping the summer before and there were no clouds on the sky so they could see the stars.

"I'd still rather look at you", Jungkook said with a grin, leaning on his elbow so he could look at his hyung.

"Aww, my Jungkookie is too cute. When did you get so cheesy?" Jimin asked with a wide smile and a fluttering heart. He still couldn't believe that Jeon Jungkook was his. Jeon Jungkook loved him and only him and he loved Jungkook and only Jungkook. Was there anything better?

"I just love you, that's all", Jungkook said quietly and leaned down to press his lips on Jimin's. The kiss, unlike any other ones they had shared, was passionate and full of lust, both of them wanting each other so bad.

"I love you too, more than I ever thought possible", Jimin answered in-between the kisses.

"Hey guys, so sorry to interrupt your little love-moment but the food is ready", Yoongi suddenly walked over to them, sounding not sorry at all.

"Just wait until we go to sleep and I'll come interrupt you and Hoseok making out", Jimin huffed.

"Oh, we'll be doing more than just making out", Yoongi grinned and Jungkook and Jimin shared a disgusted glance.

"But hey, you two enjoy your all-night cuddling session", Yoongi said and walked away. 


When tears silently fall... 

Jimin is walking around his apartment, the one he used to share with Jungkook. It feels empty, too empty when there's no music being played by the younger, when there's no sound of Jungkook laughing at some show he's watching, when there's just no noise Jungkook used to make. So Jimin turns on the TV to get some voices to fill up this empty apartment. Then he turns it off because the voices are too cheerful. Jimin doesn't feel cheerful, he feels tears fill up his eyes. He turns on the radio and then turns it off too because they're playing a song he used to listen to with Jungkook. There's absolutely nothing, Jimin realizes, nothing that doesn't remind him of Jungkook. There's nothing without Jungkook. 


"Jimin, where were you again?" Jungkook asked when Jimin stumbled home smelling like alcohol. It was long after midnight and Jungkook looked done.

"Just out with Yoongi hyung and Taetae", Jimin said and even his words were hard to make out.

"Wanna tell me what's going on with you being out every night and coming home trashed or should I just leave since you clearly don't want me here anymore?" Jungkook's voice was cold and he was standing there with his arms crossed, not even looking at Jimin.

"Oh come on, Jungkookie. It's not like that at all. I'm just having a little fun, okay? I've been stressed out, you know that, right? Jungkookie still loves me, right?" Jimin walked closer to pinch Jungkook's cheeks but the younger just pushed him away.

"If you're stressed out you should come to me, not go out to get drunk with Yoongi hyung", Jungkook snapped.

"I don't wanna add any more to your burden. I just want you to be happy", Jimin tried, realizing even in his drunken state that Jungkook was really starting to be done with him.

"Well, I'm not happy. I'm not happy about waiting up for you until the little hours just so you could come here and be so drunk that you don't even know what you're saying anymore. I'm not happy, Jimin", the younger shook his head.

"I..." Jimin didn't know what to say so he just stood there, watching Jungkook walk to their bedroom. Jimin knew that he had no business showing up there that night. Silently he lay down on the sofa and woke up the next day to find no Jungkook in his apartment. So he cried himself to sleep that night and every night after that. How could've he messed up so bad? 


...So much I miss you 

Jimin is at the grocery store, trying to pick if he should make chicken or meat tonight. He really loves chicken but it reminds him too much of Jungkook. But then again for the last two months he's been eating only meat because of that exact reason. Should he get chicken? He really feels like eating chicken tonight. Jimin is so lost in his thoughts that he doesn't even notice someone standing behind him.

"Uhm, sorry", a quiet voice says after a while and Jimin freezes. It's a voice he could recognize absolutely anywhere, anytime. It's Jungkook standing behind him. Jimin is a little scared to turn around. What does Jungkook look like? Does he look any different? How does he look at Jimin?

"Jungkook?" Jimin still has to turn around to face him. Indeed it is Jungkook: he's lost weight and there's dark circles under his eyes. Jungkook looks like .

"Hey", he says, voice still quiet and Jimin feels like he's about to burst out crying any given moment.



"Jungkook..." it seems like that's the only thing Jimin is capable of saying and Jungkook frowns.

"I need to... I... Do you... Can you talk? For a while?" Jimin finally asks.

"Yeah, I can talk for a while", Jungkook says.


It's an awkward silence. They walk around the park nearby the store for good fifteen minutes without saying a word.

"Jungkook, I..." Jimin starts, not really sure what he's going to say. He should apologize but he has questions too. He wants to tell Jungkook how much he misses the younger but he wants to know what situation Jungkook is in.

"I'm sorry", he goes on, deciding that it's the best way. Jungkook stays quiet, like waiting for him to continue. "I hurt you and I made you unhappy and I'm so sorry for that. I just hope... I don't know. I miss you. Everyday, whenever I do something we used to do together, when I wake up and when I go to sleep. I feel like I'm going crazy, so much I miss you."

"Jimin, I..." Jungkook looks down at his hands, "I think... You really did hurt me and I just tried to be there for you. But leaving like I did... It must've hurt you too."

"I've never been more hurt. It doesn't matter how you left, just not having you anymore. It hurts more than I ever could've imagined", Jimin admits, also looking at his hands, "Is there any chance that we could just forget about all this and be together?" Jungkook is quiet for a long time and Jimin starts to get nervous. Why did he have to be so straight-forward? It wasn't appropriate at all.

"I really do love you", Jungkook finally says with a quiet voice. It makes a little bit of hope sparkle in Jimin. 

"I swear I will never ever hurt you like that again. I promise. I love you too much to ever hurt you again", Jimin promises, "Can we start over?"


// wait what is this even angst? xD i have no idea if this is fluff or angst or both or neither but still i hope you enjoyed it a lot since i put so much effort in this (took me literally three days which is the longest i've ever written a oneshot) ^^ also i hope you did listen to mamamoo's i miss you since it's such a gorgeous song and fits this fic super well.

did you like this fic? which flashback was your fav?

also about the cliffhanger... it's now just up to you whether they end up back together or not! (also tell me what you decided about it!) in my mind they do end up back together since i'm a jikook trashtruck and there's literally no way i could make them not be together xD

thanks so much for reading ^^

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luvarin #1
Chapter 1: They need to be together.. i always believe in second chance.. :)
eunhaekyuminshipper #2
Chapter 1: Omg this was so good ;-;