Unlikely Events.

Voiceless Love.

MinHo’s P.O.V

I started to cook dinner. I wonder what MinJung likes to eat. Something spicy, sweet, meat, vegetables, or may something gourmet? All we have is chicken, kimchi, and rice… I guess chicken, kimchi fried rice will do. Hmmm, what’s this in my pocket?... A Ring? I’m guessing this is MinJung’s Wedding ring… Better keep it safe.

End of P.O.V

MinJung’s P.O.V

I smelled some food cooking in the kitchen; it made me think about Woo-ie. I miss him so much… MY WEDDING RING! I need to go back and get it…

I walked into the kitchen and found MH cooking with a small boy talking to him.

“Hyung is that her?” I hear him whisper to him.

MinHo turns around and smiles at me.

“TaeMin this is MinJung, MinJung this is TaeMin.” MinHo says grabbing some bowls to put the food in.

End of P.O.V

TaeMin’s P.O.V

She is so pretty, prettier then the picture.

Almost angel like.

“MinJung you don’t need to help go sit at the table.” MinHo tells her trying to take the bowl away.

She shakes her head and takes a bowl then flinching.

“Be careful, your arm is still injured.” MinHo says holding the bowl.

I watch her take the bowl again with her left hand and slowly walk over to set it down.

“Noona! Let me set the table.” I tell her not wanting her to get hurt.

I take the rest of the bowls and tell her to sit down. I sit next to her and just look at her.

End of P.O.V

MinJung’s P.O.V

Why is he staring at me?

All of them seem to be so nice, well except for that guy… Key I think his name was. I haven’t met that guy who was dancing when I first game.

“Looks good MinHo.”

I turn around to see the guy. He turns and looks at me.

“Hi, I’m Kim JongHyun and you are? He says flirtatiously.

All I can do is look at MinHo.

“JongHyun this is MinJung.” MinHo says setting the tableware.

“She could have answered herself.” JongHyun pouts.

No I can’t.

“No she can’t.” Onew says walking in, “IS THAT CHICKEN?!?”

He runs to the table and starts to eat.

“Here, MinJung I’ll feed you,” MinHo says trying to grab the spoon.

I shake my head taking the spoon with my left hand.

I forgot I’m right handed… crap.

Let’s hope I can do this. I slowly scoop some rice and try bringing the spoon towards me. My hand starts shaking and rice falls off. I feel a hand on mine; I look up to see MinHo with worried eyes helping me. The whole table stares at me and I start to blush.

No one’s P.O.V

“Why didn’t you guys tell me dinner was ready?” Key screamed walking to the kitchen, “Why is she in my seat?”

“I told her to sit there.” TaeMin replies trying not to be scared.

“Well tell her to move then!” Key says pulling the chair underneath her.

MinJung falls and they all expected a yelp, but no sound was made. MinHo stands up and helps her up. He wipes her tears and tells her its okay. He takes her to her room and comes back getting a tray and taking her and his bowls.

“Why did you do that Hyung?” TaeMin yells.

“Why are you screaming at me? I didn’t do anything wrong.” Key says crossing his arms.

“The two of you stop!” Onew yells at the two.” Key you better apologize. TaeMin had the right to yell at you and you did do something wrong. You could have hurt her more then she already is hurt.”

“What do you mean already hurt?” Key asks.

“She hurt her arm when we went to her house. She can’t use it anymore. On top of that do you think its fun being mute?” Onew continues.

Key just stares at the ground and JongHyun gets up not wanting to sit there anymore. He walks towards MinJung’s room to check if she was okay. He heard sniffling and MinHo comforting her so he just went back to his room.

MinHo’s P.O.V

“Mimi, its okay, just ignore Key he just had a rough past, look at me.” I say holding her face with my hands.

“Even if he doesn’t like you I do. If he ever treats you badly tell me and I’ll handle everything.” I tell her as tears fall from her eyes.

She hugs me and I just hug her back loving the feeling of her warmth with mine. She lets go and reaches for a piece of paper.

[Can I go back to my house to get some things?]

“Sure, we’ll go together tomorrow.” I tell her smiling sweetly.

She smiles and starts writing again.

[Thank you MinHo Oppa. Good night~]

“Good night Mimi.” I kiss her forehead and walk her to her bed and tuck her in.

 I turn off the lights and walk out smiling but walking out towards the living room to find shattered glass.

“What happened?!?” I ask JongHyun who was the closest.

“Key + TaeMin = War.” JongHyun puts simply.

“Onew!” I yell trying to find the leader.

“MinHo hurry!” Onew yells.

I run over to the kitchen to find the two still fighting with each other. Both were bloody and slowly losing energy. I went over and grabbed TaeMin before any more damage could be made.

“Enough!” I yell. “What’s going on?”

“He won’t stop being such a drama queen about everything!” TaeMin yells as I pull him back from attacking.

“Well, he won’t stop yelling at me!” Key yells back.

“BOTH OF YOU STOP FREAKIN YELLING AND SHUT UP!!!!” I scream at them hoping Mimi doesn’t here.

End of P.O.V

MinJung’s P.O.V

I tried going to sleep but then I heard yelling. I went outside to see what was going on.

“I wouldn’t go out there if I was you.” JongHyun says grabbing my arm.

I wince and look at him to let go of my arm. Once he lets go I look towards the kitchen.

“The two of them are fighting.” JongHyun says then he starts signing.

‘Sorry they woke you up, go back to sleep and don’t worry about them MinHo has everything under control.’  - JH

‘You know how to sign?’ - MJ

‘My sister went deaf at a young age so I learned how to sign with her.’ – JH

‘Oh, at least there is someone that can understand me’ – MJ

‘Anytime.’ –JH

I walked back to my room.

JongHyun is really nice.

Wonder what Onew meant when he told me to watch out for him…

MinWoo what kind of world am I falling into?

End of P.O.V

Hey you guys sorry for not updating for a while. had no internet for a bit. enjoy!

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@topcombine. I will maybe after i finish another fic.
aw......I love it just it's sad at the end. Sequel plz!!!
@Lia_ana i will asap. been working on my other fanfic and stuff. need some inspiration.
uwaaa love it~~~ update ne~~