Twenty-One: Hungover

Hwa Yang Yeon Hwa
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 ShiYang had made it through the house without interrupting anyone. She thought she had snuck home from her date well, until she entered her room to find BoNa sitting cross legged on her bed and SungAh clutching a pillow, looking like she was debating whether sleep or staying up was more important. ‘What are you guys doing here?’ ShiYang asked hesitantly.


 ‘How could we not be here! You went on a date!’ BoNa exclaimed, as if going on a date were a crime.


 ‘With Suga. SeungRi said not to.’ SungAh said, yawning. After blinking a few times she looked awake again. ‘He was hot though.’


 ‘Eonni!’ BoNa looked scandalised as she looked at SungAh who just blinked then grinned.


 ‘What? It’s true.’


 ‘What do you guys want to know?’ ShiYang pulled off her coat then joined the girls on her bed.

 ‘Where did you meet him? When did you meet him? Did you see Jin? How long were you with him? Have you kissed yet? Was this your first date? How come I never met him? Is he supposed to look like that? And is he actually cute?’ BoNa shot off her questions one after the next, looking more excited with each question she asked.

 ‘Wait, wait, wait.’ SungAh raised her hands then covered her eyes, trying to force herself to wake up. ‘Too fast.’

 ‘Eonni, I’m not asking you, it doesn’t matter if you think I’m being too fast.’ BoNa snapped before looking at ShiYang expectantly. ‘So?’

 ‘We don’t even know if she went on a date.’ SungAh huffed and BoNa gave her a look.

 ‘Eonni, where else would she had gone?’ BoNa demanded before looking back at ShiYang. ‘So, how was the kiss eonni?’

 It was amazing.’ ShiYang smiled and answered the only question she registered. The kiss was still on her mind and she couldn’t help but focus on the feeling of his lips pressing against her, she could almost feel his fingers as they pressed against her body.

 ‘Okay!’ SungAh clapped, snapping ShiYang out of her thoughts. ‘So it was a date, why did you come back so late?

 ‘Because we were dating?’ ShiYang looked confused and BoNa looked about ready to facepalm at what SungAh was saying.

 ‘Just because you’re on a date doesn’t mean that I can expect you to be coming back when it’s already almost sun up. What about sleep.’ SungAh looked less scandalised by how late ShiYang had come home, and seemed to be more upset that sleep had not been a priority. Not to say that she didn’t care for her friends safety, she actually focused a bit too much on safety at times, but sleep was important.

 ‘I can sleep in today.’ ShiYang shrugged and BoNa snorted.

 ‘No you can’t. Everyone will keep you up. Especially JiMin, he has no sense of respect.’

 ‘She has half a point.’ SungAh said, ‘everyone will no doubt be annoying today. Most of the boys drank too much. If you manage to get away hangoverless Jin will probably try and get you to help.’

 ‘So I should pretend to have a hangover.’ ShiYang smiled at SungAh who stared at her before sighing and shaking her head with a smile.

 ‘Not what I mean but okay. I think, we should just sleep and talk about Suga later.’

 ‘That’s his name? Suga?’ BoNa’s eyes widened and she got excited now that she finally knew his name.


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kawaii_anime1004 #1
Chapter 35: They are just too cute
kawaii_anime1004 #2
f_hana #3
This story is really interesting ...salute you..keep it on..keep writing us more stories