
Park dates

Jungkook was turning the page towards the next chapter when he felt a wet nose pressed against his hand. He put his book on the park bench to see a golden labrador his hand. Jungkook laughed and petted the dog, when he looked up and saw an orange haired boy sprinting towards him.

“Sorry,” the boy puffed out, bent over, with his hands on his thighs, clearly out of breath. “He got… out again…” The boy looked up and almost immediately Jungkook was caught off guard by this boy's stunning good looks.

“It’s fine, he really is quite cute, actually.” The flame haired boy smiled and introduced himself.

“I’m Jimin,” He stuck his hand out.

“Nice to meet you Jimin, I’m Jungkook.” He replied and shook Jimins hand, trying to hide the red in his cheeks.

“Perhaps I’ll see you around sometime!” Jimins eyes nearly disappeared as he smiled widely. He leashed his dog and started to walk away. Jungkook blushed again as he thought of seeing Jimin again. It seemed as if he just couldn’t concentrate on his book after meeting the cute boy, so he left the park and walked home smiling.


Jungkook tried to focus on reading the next day, although his constant habit of looking for someone to arrive was interrupting him. He wasn’t really sure if he was here for peaceful reading or just to see Jimin again. He felt disappointed as he saw the afternoon turn into evening as the sun began to set.

“Jungkook, hi!” He heard a voice behind him. When he turned around he saw Jimin’s happy face and white smile.

“Hey,” Jungkook replied shyly. Jimin’s dog suddenly jumped on Jungkook, surprising him.

“Cheesestick, down!” Jimin scolded his labrador. “Sorry about that,” Jimin apologised and touched Jungkooks arm. He tried to hide his pink face by looking down. “I-I think I have to go now, sorry. See you later.” Jungkook mumbled and quickly walked off to leave a puzzled Jimin thinking “Did I do something wrong?”


“I’m so stupid! Ugh!” Jungkook threw himself on his bed. He had been finding himself going to that same park every afternoon, and he knew reading was an excuse for looking for the orange haired boy. They hadn’t met since Jungkook excused himself after the last incident.He only half wished he could see Jimin again. He always was searching for him in the park, but Jungkook thought he wouldn’t have any courage to speak confidently. Jungkook sighed and stared at the roof. “What if I asked him out on a date?” Jungkook turned his head to the side, asking his cat who was asleep next to him. “He’s probably not even into guys, let alone me…” His cat didn’t reply, but Jungkook knew he was being stupid. “There’s always a possibility.”


It wasn’t until the following week they met each other once again.

“Hey,” Jungkook decided to talk first this time. He had been anticipating the meeting with Jimin for a while. He was still trying to work up the courage to ask the cute boy out one day.

“Hi Jungkook,” Jimin flashed a smile. Jungkook was already trying not to let his blushing show.

“So, nice weather isn’t it?” Jungkook knew Jimin was trying to let the conversation grow awkward.

“Yeah..” Jungkook knew what he was going to say next, he had planned it out a million times in his head.

“Oh,” Jimin had interrupted him before Jungkook had even started speaking.

“Would you like to go out for coffee some time?” Jimin looked down, showing his nervous side for the first time.

“Is this a date?” Jungkook asked, taken aback at the younger boy’s words.

“Yes, actually, it is.” Jimin smiled widely.

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Chapter 1: S.e.q.u.e.l
Chapter 1: S.e.q.u.e.l
Maram_Bangtan #3
Chapter 1: Woa cute jikook! Thank you and well done!!