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Big Bang and BTS are paired together to create a song, compeating against other paired idol groups. This is the story of Nyongtory told through Bangtan finding out about them. 


I actually had three requests for BTS to find out about Nyongtory, so I'm fufilling this request as a longer fic. 

This fic is gri central but their life together is seen through a few different perspectives (but mostly their own :). Even if you don't like Bangtan, if you like gri, you'll probably like this. 

I'm gonna edit grammar and such on earlier chapters so if you see changes, thats what it is!


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this was niceeee!! pls update T.T
ninadebrov23 #2
Chapter 25: Thiss story is soo cute. Pls pls update
neverendingfangirl11 116 streak #3
Chapter 8: This is too cute ^^
Chapter 25: Please update more n yes I want our couple to come out but by themselves
aieru_amie #5
Chapter 25: hi. can u give us a closure?
cause its almost finished aite?
its such a good fic to be wasted.
GiElNory #6
Chapter 7: Please update ☺
princessmichiaVIP #7
Chapter 25: Waaaaah. Where's the next chap authornim? Huhuhu. Its finally THE WEDDING. Update please! I want mooore.

I want Seungri's bachelor party. The wedding night!!! And when finally they will come out to the whole world.

Update please!
princessmichiaVIP #8
Chapter 24: Waaaa. Awwwww. Gaaaaad. I want more GRi public display of affection. Hahahah. And the end is near. Huhuhu. Nyways, Big Bangtan wooon! Yeeey! Def deserve it. Hahaha. I'm biased. I know.
princessmichiaVIP #9
Chapter 22: Uggggh. Yeey. Ji's mother accepted them. Huhuhu. She finally see the love between Ji and Ri. So happy. Hihihi.
princessmichiaVIP #10
Chapter 21: Yeees. Are Ji's parents finally accepting them? Sooo happy for them! :D I'm happy for Jimin. And Jungkook too. :)