First Love

Love Again

How do you get three of the most popular students in your school off your back? Is it even possible? Everywhere Wendy goes, the triplets would be around her. Never mind one of them, she didn't really look quite interested, but Seulgi and the little kid seemed to not get her indication that she didn't want them around any longer. The Canadian was frustrated, why? Well first, she won't surely have a problem if at least the last princess would do the same instead of having her eyes on her book 24/7. I mean she'd talk here and there, but Wendy wanted the older to atleast appreciate her existence.

She wanted her attention. She was craving for her attention. It was one of the cause of her hair loss (maybe she's exaggerating a bit) and frustrations. Second, do you recall the time when Wendy had explained about her, wanting to get an alone time in her dorm? Well it turned out, Jessica was Seulgi's very close aunt and let's just say, all Seulgi did was ask.

After Math class, Wendy was done for the day. She figured, she should finally record a new cover for her viewers because it has been days since she last did. It was definitely bothering her, but school was her first priority. School, then music. Once she entered her neat dorm not forgetting to hang her coat, she dug for her laptop inside her bag, snapping it open revealing her notes from her previous class. Before she could open her YouTube, she remembered to save the notes as it could be important in the future.

Wendy had a song in mind for the past few days. Ever since she laid her eyes on her. It was a new feeling for the foreigner and it was a torture. She didn't expect for her feelings to overflow at the sight of her. For the most part, it was a girl. A freaking girl. Never in her life, did she think that the person who would be her first love, was a girl. To make it worst, a girl that is ranked 1 as ''the most beautiful and hard to approach'' student in school. What a pain in the .


She released a defeated sigh. Finally having her guitar in place and her laptop ready to record, she closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. Starting off slowly like any other song she had sung, she softly started finger strumming her guitar, following the melody in her heart.


My heart won't break like glass, but it's like a small and soft leaf

Just by hearing the sound of your breath, it quietly trembles like this


Wendy have been thinking about engaging the conversation first with the older, but it always lead to her pulling back because she was afraid of making mistakes. In the end, she'd just listen to the other two, either arguing about nonsense or simply just annoying the living hell out of her.


Looking closer, your fingers are so thin

I don't think you'll hurt me

But for some reason, without knowing, A familiar fear creeps over me


She would be lying if she said that she hated it. In fact, as much as they make her want to strangle the two, she was grateful for their effort of making her open up to them. Who knows, maybe she decides to one day. Maybe...


You slowly fold me

Will I be a flower on top of an empty desk?

But whatever it is, I wouldn't care

After I waited as the day passed and fell asleep

I saw that you gave me wings

If I close my eyes, I feel like I can fly

You slowly fold me

Will I be a flower on top of an empty desk?

But whatever it is, I wouldn't care

After I waited as the day passed and feel asleep

I saw that you gave me wings

If I close my eyes, I feel like I can fly


She barely knows anything about Irene. I mean sure, Seulgi tells Wendy stuff about the latter, but it was only the trivial. She wants to know everything about her. Her likes and dislikes, Her secrets, Her sleeping habits. Her insecurities (just by looking at her, she doubt that Irene had one), everything.


I saw that you gave me wings

If I close my eyes, I feel like I can fly


What if she confessed? Would that be any better? Wendy scoffed at her helpless thoughts in her head. Seulgi told her that Irene had never and she meant never, accepted any of the confessions she had received. Never mind about the confession, as far as she knows, Irene is as straight as a pole. Her thoughts were interrupted by claps in discord, making her furrow her eyebrows and scrunch her nose at the irksome sound.

Turning her chair around, she noticed three shadows leaning infront of her door and that was enough to convince Wendy that it was none other than her stalkers. Her pretty stalkers. She jolted out of her chair, instantly on her feet, causing her guitar to fall on the ground but that was the last thing she could have noticed.


''Woah... You never told us you could do that.'', Seulgi commented. Their stares in appreciation wasn't unnoticed for Wendy, causing her to drop her gaze to her feet, wiggling her toes in the proccess.


''Do it again.'', Irene demanded with uncontrollable wildfire of want. That made everyone snap their head at her. Wendy couldn't suppress the sudden and chaotic pandemonium that was her beating heart right now. Oh how she had an impatient longing for a black hole to pop up and swallow her whole, leading her to nowhere but darkness. The thickness of the air was of no help at all. The other two were looking around the room, weirded out by the atmosphere. Irene still had her eyes on the frightened figure, while Wendy was slowly suffering from the burning eyes that was still on her.


''Okay well, we wanted to invite you at a sleepover. It would be super fun if you say yes. Just for the weekend.'', The bear broke the tension, no longer able to endure the feeling.


Wendy simply nodded, a bit hesitant. She didn't like that idea of spending the weekend in a room with the top three beauties, but anything to get her out of this situation right now would help.



The room is at the same floor as yours, just the last door to the left.

Gathering all of her confidence or what's left of it, she knocked on the door twice, taking a step back. She thought about running away and going back to her room, hiding under her thick duvet and never leaving there until monday. Wendy's heart didn't help at all with the unstable beating. Could it be that she had heart problems? She doubt it. Her mother had her medical records and she explained to her how she was living a healthy life.

Wendy was greeted by a smiling bear at the other side of the door, telling her to come inside with her stuff. She calmed herself down, before entering the dorm, making the older chuckle at her adorable actions. The dorm wasn't any different from her own, although the purple and violet would say so otherwise. The room looked pretty much like a welcoming home for Barney.

Yeri came running to Wendy and tackled her with a hug, jumping in surprise and taken a back by the sudden contact, but soon softens up at the little girl. Her eyes were met by a pair of glaring eyes. She wasn't kidding when she said that there were red flames on them. Besides her hungry looking eyes, her long black hair and tall figure, left Wendy speechless. She was stunning.


''Wendy-unnie! This here is Sooyoung-unnie. She's a year older than me, but we go to the same class. She went down a grade because she's stupid.''


''YAH! I had trouble with studying! I'm not stupid.'', Sooyoung defended, a bit offended by the youngers introduction. ''and it's Joy for you'', She looked at Wendy harshly.



''Is this seat taken?'', Joy looked for the owner's voice that sounded like music to her ears. ''Actually, I don't care. I'm gonna sit anyways.'', her eyes couldn't help but follow the younger's face. It left her unable to move and say a word. The girl may have noticed the eyes that were like lasers as she faced the older. Joy looked away with a tint of pink finding it's way on her cheeks.


''Alright class, since it is your first year and you guys have still yet to know eachothers name. I think it's fair that we introduce ourselves one by one.'', the class replied with groans and displeased expressions at their teacher.


This wasn't new for Joy, she had been in the same class last year. Her grades weren't enough for her to attend the Sophomore year so she was again, stuck with Ms. Seohyun's class as a Freshman. She hated how she's unable to focus on her work and studies. She tried her best, but nothing seemed to change. Her grades were still the same, even after the extra lessons and the tutoring that her parents paid. They didn't know what to do anymore, but they never gave up on her. They knew that she could do it and that's why Joy felt more of a burden to them rather than a daughter.


She heard the chair beside her screech, as she noticed the unnamed girl stand up, ready to introduce herself. ''Hi, my name is Bae Yerim, but you can call me Yeri. Hope you guys treat me well.''


Bae Yerim. Yeri. Cute. Her name's cute. She's cute. I could get used to her being around. She reminds me of a cartoon I used to watch when I was a kid. Turtle? What was it? Squirrel?


''SQUIRTLE!'', Joy stood up from her seat, the people around her laughing at her sudden comment. She looked back at Yeri carefully, hoping she hadn't heard it, but the younger's smile at her in amusement said otherwise. She really does look like squirtle.


''Yes? May you introduce yourself?''


''Name's Joy.'', she sat down, not showing the embarrassment that she was currently feeling. She didn't want to ruin her quiet and cool image.


''Is that your real name?''




''Your korean name. What's your korean name?''


''Why would I tell you?''


''Tell me, idiot!'', Joy was taken a back by the nickname she had gotten from the pretty girl. If it was anyone else, she was sure she would have punched their face without hesitation, but squirtle was an exception.


''Park Sooyoung and don't you dare call me an idiot!'', she complained, careful not to show her smile at the younger. Though the latter seemed to have noticed, continued with her reckless calling of ''idiot'' at the older. Instead of kicking the girl of her chair or beating her up until left unconcious, she sighed in defeat. What are you doing to me?



Wendy dropped her stuff in the bedroom, where the others have theirs. The girls were gathered in the living room, discussing on their plans for the weekend. One was suggesting games and the loser had to pay, the other wanting to play strip poker. The taller was quick to reply at the older's careless suggestion as there was one of them that was still underage. Wendy enjoyed the sight of her friends chatting and laughing away at the jokes. Wait, her friends? Were they really her friends? Friends...

Pee. I need to pee. She approached Seulgi with small footsteps, poking her on her shoulders lightly. She turns her head at the Canadian with the same eye-smile that could murder anyone. ''I-I... Wh-whe-where is the ba-bathro-room?''


''It's the door infront of the bedroom.'', she answered.


On her way to the bathroom, Wendy noticed the picture frames hanging on the wall. There, she saw different kinds of Irene. From when she was still wearing a diaper, to a highschool graduate. There were also family pictures with her little sister Yeri or memories with her childhood friend in the playground. It was mostly Seulgi that was smiling though, while Irene was just sitting there with a straight face. Cute. Where's Irene anyway? This is her dorm ain't it? Shouldn't she be here with the others?

She opened the bathroom door, only to be welcomed with a misty air, her glasses all fogged up. Of all the days Wendy had decided to wear glasses, it was today. She figured since she was going to stay at the dorm for the whole weekend, contact lenses weren't a necessity. Though she was hesitant at first because she didn't like showing another side of her to other people, but they were her friends anyways... Right?

Having trouble seeing, she searched around for the toilet with her hands. Her hand landed on a soft figure, it was hairy but fluffy. A towel? What's it doing in the middle of the room? Is it floating? Wendy finally realized that it would be the best to wipe her glasses. Taking them off, she closed her eyes at the sudden blurriness and wiped the fog off her glasses before putting them back on. It took a couple of blinking until she realized that it wasn't just a towel. The towel was covering a person. A person that is Irene.


''Like what you see?'', Wendy's eyes widened at the older girl, just as open as her eyes. So she was here all along. Irene's smirk didn't go unnoticed to the blonde, which made her cheeks flood with the color red. This was definitely not what she had expected to happen at a sleepover.


''I-I'll w-wait outsi-side!'', she backed away slowly with wiggly feet unable to walk straight, still facing the older. She searched for the doorknob clumsily, squirming at her legs for almost giving in. Finally the doorknob was on her hand. She opened it almost too much, fresh air finally entering Wendy's nose after almost being suffocated by the foggy air and the person with nothing but towel surrounding her fit body.



The rest of the night was fun for everyone, but Wendy. The other three observed the blonde and the oldest carefully, seeing the way Wendy would steal glances at Irene. They knew something had happened between them. Seulgi and Yeri had noticed how Wendy would instantly change when the oldest was around. She's unable to stay still. Always looking around and stuttering more than she normally did. When Irene decided to look at the blonde, she'd instantly look away, her cheeks suddenly covered in pink.

So the three observers have thought of a good idea to spice up the weekend for the Canadian. They had planned to force her to play rock, paper, scissors with them. The winner gets to share the cozy bed with Irene while the others would have to take the couch. Wendy insisted taking the coach while the others can play and decide who gets to sleep on the bed, but they forced her to.


''Unnie, what are you gonna do? I'll make you lose don't worry'', Yeri continued with the plan.


''Scissors.'', Wendy was thankful at the youngest's gesture.


''Okay ready? Rock, Paper, Scissors!''


No way... How could they do this to me? The blonde was left with scissors while the rest had paper. Even if they lost, the other three were noisily celebrating themselves at their defeat, because their plan worked. While Wendy was in despair, kneeling down and her head dropping at the victory. The last thing she ever wanted was to share a bed with the person who took her innocent heart.


''Okay, can we sleep then? I'm really tired.'', Irene yawned, already making her way to the bedroom, leaving the Canadian on the floor and the other three, flailing their arms in the air to tease Wendy.


''I hate you guys.''


''Oh come on. Stand up Wendy-unnie. It's time for bed.'', the tallest picked her up with no problem and while the bear and the squirtle helped her, pushing Wendy to the bedroom and leaving the door shut behind her.


Rocking her feet and never making eye contact with the girl, she stayed in front of the door. The older tapped the space beside her with a smile breaking out on her lips, telling the blonde to lay down so they could sleep. A fatal smile that caused Wendy's heart to flip a million times, as if it was forcing it's way to burst out her chest at any moment. She managed to smile back with uneasiness, still short of breath caused by the cabbage.

Still unsure of what is happening infront of her, Wendy sat on the bed reluctantly. She laid down the bed and their bodies are now covered with a single duvet. They were sharing a bed together and a duvet. The blonde was squirming internally. Irene had finally closed the lamp and the room was welcomed by the darkness. Wendy tried to sleep, her eyes shut tight but she couldn't. Not with her first love sleeping right beside her, breathing steadily. She could still see her angelic figure, despite the lack of light.

Irene also had trouble with sleeping. The other person would always flip around every second and it was slowly getting in her nerves. She opened her eyes at the girl with her nose scrunched up and her eyebrows furrowed staring at the ceiling. Something was bothering the blonde and Irene noticed it. She closed the distance between the both of them, her arms surrounding the blonde's waist. Her head on the latters chest, listening to her heart beating erratically. It was soothing to her ears, making her smile and falling into a deep sleep.

Wendy on the other hand, could be mistaken as a statue. She was unable to move at the sudden contact with the older and she had a hard time controlling her heart. She thought of pushing the girl away, but she didn't want for the girl to think that she's rude. In the end, she gave in. Friends do this anyways, right? It's just a friendly gesture. Soon, Wendy found herself falling asleep with the older in her arms and the corner of her lips tug upwards. We're just friends.


A/N: Eyyyyy!! I stayed at home today cause I caught a flu and I was bored as fuccccc-. It led me to writing another chapter. Idk what I'm doing honestly.. Don't know if this is good enough for you guys, but hopefully you still like it! The new song is called ''Paper Bird'' by Lim Kim. I love her songs and her voice ughhh so soothing. That's why I'm planning to use more of her songs in this fanfic, if it actually fits with the chapter. That is all! See you guys on the next chapter! poof~~

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Favebolous #1
Chapter 7: Hello???
paransaek #2
Chapter 7: Thinking about this fic~
Favebolous #3
Chapter 7: Hello
Favebolous #4
Chapter 7: When do you want to continue this? It's been 1 year
Favebolous #5
Chapter 6: Thank you Moonbyul
Favebolous #6
Chapter 5: What will happen next? I am curious
Favebolous #7
Chapter 4: Wendy has received skinship given by Irene
Favebolous #8
Chapter 3: Wendy :(
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Chapter 2: Eiy,friend? Noooo :)
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Chapter 1: Wendy's expression must be funny