Chapter Nine

Wrong Number

A few days later, Emma and YooChun were having so much fun. The day before they went fishing and managed to catch a salmon in which Emma turned into a beautiful chilli smoked salmon dish. Now today, the two decided to go dig for octopus. Both ready in their mud flat digging gear they borrowed from the neighbouring ahjummas and ahjusshis, they both headed into the mudflats. YooChun was fine with walking deeper into the mudflats, but Emma on the other hand had shorter legs, struggling to get through. Before YooChun knew it, Emma was a fair distance away from him, without realising it since he was searching for an area with plenty of bubbles in the mud. Finding a place, he sets down his things and turns back to help Emma out who was currently stuck in the mud. YooChun couldn't help but laugh at her struggles and helped her out. Finally reaching to their gear, where YooChun left before, Emma eagerly grabs a bucket and a hoe and quickly goes off on her own. "YAH! Are you leaving me?" YooChun yells out, playfully pouting, acting sad. Emma quickly turns around and the speed of her turn made her fall onto her bottom with a squeal. YooChun then just bursts into hysterics making Emma blush into a deep crimson red. Grumpily she pouts and crosses her arms sitting there glaring at YooChun like a little kid until he came over to help her up. Sticking her arms out, YooChun holds onto them and abruptly pulled her up with a little too much strength making him slip on the mud and fall backwards with Emma landing on top of him. Looking at each other they both burst up laughing. Emma quickly smudged some mud onto YooChuns face, surprising him. "You didn't..." He said making Emma giggle and daringly smudged some more mud onto his face. As she quickly tries to get up, YooChun grabs her around her waist pulling her down with an oomph on top of him. He cheekily grinned at her and Emma couldn't help but regret her actions, suddenly YooChun rolled over putting his whole body on top of her and the next thing she knew there was mud all over her cheeks. Squealing from the coldness Emma ends up laughing.


 Eventually this broke into a mud fight. The fight didn't end until they both fell down onto the mud, exhausted. Lying on the mud with YooChuns arms around Emma and Emma's head resting on his chest, they both stare into the sky and looked at the clouds. Most couples would prefer doing this on a nice patch of green grass and not on some wet mud, but Emma and YooChun liked to be unique. Resting for a bit they just laid there in the mud enjoying their time together. Eventually however, Emma got up and pulled YooChun up from the ground to finally catch some octopus. Together, after digging several holes, they managed to dig up a few octopus, though, majority escaped. Time flew by and before they knew it, the ahjumma who they borrowed the gear off dropped by to see how they were doing. She broke into laughter upon seeing the two and stated how dirty we were. Both Emma and YooChun never realised it, but they were both entirely covered in mud. Together, they decided to take some memorable photos of their long day in the mudflats.

*Their last night together*
The two were just cuddling with each other on the couch by the fireplace. They were wrapped up warmly in a blanket in each other’s arms, watching the fireplace while sipping on some wine. However, after two cups of wine, Emma had enough. Unlike YooChun she couldn't take her alcohol and YooChun was a very strong drinker. In no time, Emma started giggling and that's when YooChun knew not to give her anymore wine. She turned around and faced YooChun, face red from the alcohol and eyes sparkling she stared at him and smiled. YooChun couldn't help but smile back lovingly at her when she hugged him tightly. *Sniff* he heard from her, curious he looked at her, grabbing her chin to see her face more clearly, she was tearing up. "Why are you crying?" He asked her concerned and the next thing he knew, she cried even harder
"Oppa...." She said quietly "it's our last night together before I return to Australia tomorrow... I'm going to miss you... Nan.... Saranghae!" Emma shyly, leaving YooChun shocked and surprised. She buried her face into his chest when he wrapped his arms around her and whispered into her ears "nado... Saranghae". Emma looked back up at him smiling and passionately kissed him. YooChun kissed back with as much passion and eventually things turned a little heated, resulting to them both spending the night together.

Suddenly waking up during the middle of the night, Emma rushed to the bathroom to throw up. Upon returning after taking some medication because of her blitzing headache, she sneaks back into bed and tries to cuddle with YooChun to only find that the bed was nothing but cold and empty. Completely forgetting about her headache, she starts searching around for him throughout the whole house and found nothing but a note on the table


Sorry but I had to quickly leave. YooHwan came just a moment ago and told me to pack all of my things and because there was an emergency situation with the company. I'm sorry for leaving you suddenly like this but you looked so peaceful in your sleep that I couldn't disturb you. This is not goodbye, I will see you at the airport.

Love YooChun"

Emma was slightly saddened by YooChun leaving her, but she understood. She had a whole week with him and did things with him that not everyone else could do. She remembered last night perfectly and smiled blissfully thinking about it. Though she was slightly intoxicated, she was never the type to forget or let it get the best of her. Sighing happily, she returned back to sleep.

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