Chapter Seven

Wrong Number

Scandals broke out everywhere. Fans were throwing tantrums. During Emma's first week in Korea, YooChun would try his best to get himself as much free time as possible just to be able to spend time with Emma. This however didn't go unnoticed by his company, family, friends and most importantly, his fans. Especially his crazy sasaeng fans. Wherever YooChun went, they followed, even when he was hanging out with Emma. Whether it was to have tea together at a cafe or dinner together or even YooChun just driving Emma around Seoul, being her personal tour guide, they would follow. Constantly being on the watch, YooChun has always worried about Emma and what his fans would do to her. Little did he know that the fans have already sent her death threats, broke into her hotel room, ruining nearly everything that belonged to her and even physically and verbally abused her with every chance they got. Scandals were everywhere, online, on the news and even on the newspapers. Images of YooChun and Emma were found everywhere and was currently the number one topic searched online.

Emma was handling things quite well on her own until news broke out on how Emma's hotel has kicked her out due to YooChuns fans constantly disturbing their customers and even destroying hotel property. Emma was now homeless, with no hotel willing to take her in. Upon hearing this, YooChun tried his best to get to Emma but he couldn't. His company no longer allowed him to see Emma anymore and were constantly keeping an eye on him. He also had a massive press conference to go to that day and was unable to do anything. However, he did manage to get Jaejoong and Junsu to go and get Emma and bring her to his house. It was because of him that Emma was homeless for the rest of her holiday that he felt obliged to take her into his own home. Emma has already met his family and they both loved her, so he was well aware that they are willing to take her in as well.

Just before the press conference, YooChun was given a bunch of questions that were expected to ask and some scripted answers that he needed to memorise. There were questions and answers such as:
Q: "Who is she?"
A: "She is a friend"
Q: "What's your relationship with her?"
A: "She's a friend, almost like a dongsaeng to me"
Q: "Why is she here?"
A: "Holiday"
Q: "What about the couple clothing?"
A: "Coincidence and sometimes they were gifts"
Q: "How did you both meet?"
A: "When I lived in America"
Q: "Why are there so many photos of you going in and out of her hotel?"
A: "I was dropping her off" etc.

It was like a tennis game, questions being thrown at him with scripted answers being returned back. YooChun didn’t like some of the answers because they made him sound like an angel but made Emma sound like a gold digger. Unfortunately, he was still forced to say those exact words. Angry at his company, he barges off towards home after the press conference.

"I'm home~!" YooChun yelled by the front door whilst taking his shoes off
"Ah! YooChun ah!" yelled his mum rushing to YooChun by the door with a worried face
"Annyeong eomma, is everything ok?" he asked, concerned about the look in his mother’s eyes
"YooChun ah... Emma..."
"Wae? Is something wrong with Emma..?" he urgently asked, alarmed by her tone, with his mother replying with a sad nod, he saw movement from the corner of his eyes. Swiftly he moved past his mother just in time to see Emma glide away. He chased after her and saw her quickly dive behind the arm rest of his couch. 'Really? Is that the best she could do?' he thought, smiling. Slowly he crept onto the couch "I wonder where she is~?" he says aloud, Emma covered her face, feeling nervous for when YooChun would find her. However he took a lot longer than expected, so she stealthily sat up, peeking through the gaps between her fingers and saw nothing but YooChuns face right next to hers, shocked Emma sat there completely still staring at him. Slowly her hands lowered, and their faces with just half an inch apart. "Hi" he said slowly, smiling which made Emma in return, smile too
"Hi.." she said, both of their faces were so close that they were touching and with every movement, their lips would only get closer and closer. her lips, YooChun watched them cautiously and could no longer hold back. He pecked her on the lips. It was a very short, but cute, kiss. Something that he has been wanting to do since he got to really know her. She sat there, quietly, quite surprised. YooChun assessed her face to then only really some bruises and cuts on her face. "What happened to your face?!" he quickly asked, worried, cupping her face gently and assessing her injuries, he noticed her eyes tearing up
"Nothing... I just tripped and fell down the stairs" she said quietly
“You're lying, I can tell" he said, watching her face as tears rolled down her face, quickly he wiped them away from her. He pulled her up and onto his lap where he pulled her very closely to him, assessing her face again, he managed to define a feint bruise in a shape of a hand and instantly knew, "My fans did this didn't they?" he asked quietly… And she hesitantly nodded and quietly burst into tears. YooChun gave her another peck, "Emma...don't cry" he pleaded, pecking her once again, "I'm sorry" *peck, "I'm so sorry" *peck, "don't cry" *peck, "it's all my fault" and just as YooChun was about to give her another kiss, she stopped him, though she had bloodshot eyes, YooChun still thought she was adorable.
"It’s not your fault, YooChun, don't say that's it's your fault" Emma replied, wrapping her arms around him and giving him a tight hug, "it's not your fault" she said quietly into YooChuns ear. Slowly she let go and looked directly into his eyes, smiling she quietly asked "We can get through this together... Right? With you by my side… As my boyfriend?"
"Right." YooChun replied quickly, smiling happily that he finally had a girlfriend after so long, he quickly hugged her making her squeal in delight and happiness. Once again they kissed, but this time it was more than just a peck, but a proper kiss.

The next morning, YooChun announced to his family and friends the relationship status between Emma and him. Jaejoong felt envious and said "wah... You're younger than me and is already dating… I'm jealous" making everyone laugh
“You’ll find someone soon hyung, gweanchanha” YooChun said in comfort
“I know…” Jaejoong smiled.

Overall everyone was happy that YooChun and Emma were finally dating. So excited that they even planned a getaway for YooChun and Emma for the rest of Emma's holiday here in Korea. They all tried their best to let Emma and YooChun escape from the paparazzi, company and fans. They did so by sneaking Emma and YooChun out to the country side near the sea. The area was isolated and the little house they were residing in was cosy and warm.


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