Chapter 14 - Joker

Angel x The Devil


Chapter 14 - Joker 

Mayumi turns towards the joker with a pair of dead eyes. 

Mayumi: Who are you? 

Joker: I'm a joker! One that devour your delicious and appetizing heart! Hmm, you seem sad.

Joker smirks and Mayumi turns towards the window, looking out at Kei's window. 

Mayumi: The one I love betrayed me. His father made me did a crime and I paid for his sins. I am so upset about my past yet... The one I love went out with another girl, smiling so happily to her, as if that I did not exist in his heart. Holding her waist, guiding her like a princess, and treating her like a precious diamond. I did not have all these when I dated him... 

Joker: Then you should change you "love" to "loved”! 

Mayumi: What makes me wonder is why I had not these memories of my lost wings. 

Joker: You were traumatized. 

Mayumi: I guess so... Mother said something that I was too young to remember as well... I guess all these don't matter anymore... Since, I have lost everything... 

Joker: Then it's time, for me to devour you!! 

Just as the joker attempts to claw Mayumi, Kei sees the joker and is more horrified to see Mayumi's dead eyes. 

Kei: Mayumi!! Snap out of it!! 

Joker: Tsk! 

Kei jumps onto his window and flies down to the joker. He grabs Mayumi's curtains and ties the joker up immediately. Kei then shakes Mayumi but Mayumi just stays still in dread. Feeling upset and guilty, Kei gives the joker a tight slap and took a knife and slits his face. The joker screams in pain and glares at him.

Joker: You know what? You have a delicious heart too! But that angel is more appetizing; she has more pain and hatred than you.

After hearing, Kei looks shock and turns to Mayumi. Slowly, he walks towards Mayumi and gives her a big hug.

Kei: I am so sorry… I didn’t think that you had suffered so much… You look so lifeless now and loss so much weight…

Meanwhile, the joker managed to free himself. He smirks at Kei and brings out a deck of cards. He throws one of the cards at Kei's shadow, preventing from him to move. Mayumi sits still; blood starts to trickle from her eyes. Pain has bought Mayumi to misery.

Joker: This is the rarest kind of heart I've ever going to taste! Such pain that bought her to shed blood, blood of tears!! It's just evidence that she has been suffering too much! 

Kei: No!! Mayumi!! Remember all the times that we spent together!! The photos, the cafe, the supermarket when we first met!! Remember!! "First time was an accident, second time is coincidence, and third time is fate." It is fate for me to meet you!! Although you have lost your pair of beautiful wings, do remember that MY father was the one who destroyed your wings. Still, it is related to me, see the connection there?? Mayumi, come back to me please!! I need you. 

Mayumi then shows some sign of movement. Gradually, she regains her conscious and turns her head slowly to Kei. Struggling to lift her hand to reach out to Kei, she trembles to call out for him. 

Mayumi: K...Kei... 

Kei: Mayumi! I love you! I really do! 

Kei begs as Mayumi soon stands onto her own feet. While calling out for his name, the joker then pushes Mayumi onto the ground, making Kei to be more furious. Kei forces to move and tears the card to pieces. Joker is really mad. 

Joker: Why you!!! Little pests should just sit down quietly and stop moving!! 

He throws himself to Kei and strangles him aggressively. Kei is choking for air and Mayumi starts to panic. She picks her trophy which she won for her violin contest when she was younger and hits the joker with all her might. As a result, the joker faints and Kei drops onto the floor as well. Mayumi rushes to Kei's side and hugs him. 

Mayumi: Kei!!! Don't leave me please!! 

Noticing that the joker does not move a muscle, Kei forces himself to get onto his feet and carries Mayumi in a princess style, flying out of their window to the nearby park. 

Mayumi: Kei?!?! Where are we going?? 

Kei stays silent and brings her to the bench. He place Mayumi down and sits at bench tirelessly. Mayumi looks around and sits next to him. 

Mayumi: Sorry, I must be heavy for you... 

Kei: Nope, you are still okay. I love you! 

Mayumi blushes and lies on his shoulder, hugging his arms. They stay just like that for a while and Kei parts away from her. 

Kei: Mayumi, any soon, we will have to go through the moments like the time you lost your pair of beautiful wings. This time, you don't have to go through alone; you will go with me. 

Mayumi: What... What are you taking about?? 

Kei kneels with one knee onto the ground while his other foot supports him; he slides his fingers into his pocket and clutches his fist after taking out. Mayumi looks puzzle and keeps asking what is he hiding. 

Kei: Mayumi, I want you to be my wife. I know it's against the rule for a devil to marry an angel, but I really love you. You do know that once you put on this ring, accepting my proposal, which cause a lot of dispute, right? 

Kei holds a purple diamond ring up to let Mayumi see. Mayumi smiles gently and takes the ring and slides it into her left ring finger. Kei grins from ear to ear and holds Mayumi hands. Then excitedly, he grabs her by her waist and hugs her tightly. Mayumi let out a scream and laughs after he lets her go. 

Kei: I can't believe it!! I love you!! 

Mayumi: I don't mind marrying a devil, as long as that devil is you. 

Just then, a bright light sparkles at them which gives them a shock. Soon, they are wrapping around to another dimension. They are surrounding with white walls, plain bright white walls. An old man, dresses in half black with half a pair of devil's wings and half white with half a pair of an angel's wings. With a long beard, he frowns at the couple. 

God: Look who we have here. I'm the God, your saint! It’s time for your punishment!


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Chapter 15: "The first incident was an accident. The second "meeting" was a coincidence. The third time at the supermarket was fate. So the fourth time, now, is destiny." I LOVE that. ♥
This story was so beautiful and sweet. :') I loved it so, so much. Thank you for such a wonderful and lovely story!! ( ;w;)b ♥
Thanks for the comments!! Do give me some feedback about the story!! :) love you guys!! ^^
karenlove #3
Chapter 15: love this story~~~!!!!!!!!!~
Chapter 13: GASP! This chapter was amazing!!!! Poor Mayumi and Kei! T_T I wonder what the Joker is going to do!! ><
Keep up the amazing work!!! :DDD
aaaahh~~ New chapters are awesome!!! x33 Great job!! :D
Why am I the first to comment?! D: Your story deserves more views!!!!!!~~ ^^