Zhang Yixing and his unrequited love

Meet Wu Sehee
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I watch Chanyeol as he made a fool of himself inside the Wu mansion. As much as I enjoy seeing this scene in front of me, I know need to do something before Chanyeol would send the cops and look for Kyungsoon.

It’s been days since the Kyungsoon-Chanyeol drama had happened. It was driving crazy, Kyungsoon was somewhere out there. Sehee had been scolding Chanyeol for being an oblivious fool. Kyungsoon thought that Chanyeol had been in love with Sehee, when all this time, he had been in love with Kyungsoon all along. Sehee wanted to smack Chanyeol to death until Jongin decided to interfere.


“You could have told her that you love her, you know?” Jongin said as he sadly pats Chanyeol’s back. Chanyeol heaved a sigh as he sat between me and Jongin. His eyes were puffy and red-rimmed from crying for days.

“I was thinking she was in love with you, Nini,” Chanyeol said as he leaned on my shoulders. I smiled sadly at Chanyeol.

“Sometimes, you need to act on it, Chanyeol-ah” I pat his back while slowly standing up. “You never knew that you may have assumed wrong. You never knew it wasn’t that unrequited” I continued while slowly walking towards the balcony of the Wu mansion.

I do have my own share of unrequited love. She happened to be someone who is happy with her partner. I smiled bitterly to myself. I decided to take a breather from this drama. It only reminds me that I am very much single and bearing an unrequited love.

“Guys I’m going out for coffee,” I said aloud, hoping the rest of them could hear me.

“Hey, let me go with you!” I heard Lu-jie said aloud.

“Me, too!!!” two voices exclaimed together. I can feel a headache coming over. I inwardly pray that the last voic

“Me, three”

I heaved a sigh as the ladies of the house are on my tail. I can hear the excited chatter of Sehee and Junhee as they talked about their plans for the Wu-Kim wedding. Baekhee was busy with her phone, talking to Jongdae who was currently on a break from his recording. Lu-jie was walking slowly walking from direction after giving Minseok-hyung a kiss on the lips.

God, I envy that man.


As soon as we arrived, the ladies minus Lu-jie were lining up for their coffees. People were looking at our rowdy group. Baekhee was clinging to Junhee-noona while Sehee was ordering her fave caffeine drink. Men and women were awestruck with the pre

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teufelchen_netty #1
Chapter 35: i can´t waitfor the end
2438 streak #2
Chapter 35: hi! i hope you're better now!
personally, i don't mind if you take as much time as you need... but if you're ready to update again then I'm looking forward to it! :)
teufelchen_netty #3
Chapter 34: go chanyeol go
teufelchen_netty #4
Chapter 33: poor xingie ;_;
layhan forever
2438 streak #5
Chapter 34: congrats on finally taking action Yeol! so what's gonna happen now? I'm so curious of his plan to lure Kyungsoon out of her room!!!

btw, thanks for the update!!! it's been 2 weeks without real updates before you posted this!!!
2438 streak #6
Chapter 11: rereading the entire story and I can't not comment on this chapter... Jongdae's proposal is the best from all the proposals I've read in fics! :)
2438 streak #7
man, I forgot what happened in the last available chapter already! but reading the Kyungsoo POV update, somehow it wasn't important to get into details of what happened anymore, it's more important to focus on how dumb Yeol is!!! OMFGGGGGGGG I CAN'T BELIEVE HIM!!!

and now Kyungsoon is sulking and isolating herself in sadness when there's no reason to coz the idiot Yeol FEELS EXACTLY THE SAME WAYYYYYY UGHHHHHHHH... Yeol you better end Kyung's misery soon! you idiot! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

YIXING THO!!! I mean, there have been hints of his unrequited love from the previous chapters... but this is so painful!!! Sehee and Jun have been pushing him to confess still, but how would Yixing find it in him to confess if things are flowing so smoothly for XiuHan??? and now a baby??? HOWWWWWWW? :(

btw, Yixing was so cute being he only male to accompany the ladies! HAHA well, it was actually the ladies who accompanied him for coffee, but it sure doesn't look that way! HAHA and all those pretty ladies with him... kyaaaaaaa

I cannot with Johnny giving Sehee cake tho! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA at least he was brave enough!
Chapter 33: Aww poor yixingie
wi2nqs #9
Chapter 32: Love your story..
luckydream05 #10
Chapter 32: Omg..I just found this story in 2019.. What the hell I'm doing all the time. Btw,I love you story. Now Chanyeol go get you girl!!