KimJongin: M.Y.M

Meet Wu Sehee
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Ever since Yifan-hyung had told me to stop seeing Sehee. I felt everything went black. It was like a child who lost his favorate plushie. I can’t imagine a day without Sehee. All my life I had always been with her.We were inseperable but now…

I’m not sure anymore.

I know that Yifan-hyung only meant well but why does my heart hurt so much? The thought of not being with Sehee makes me feel empty. I feel lost and achy inside. I was supposed to be happy because I can finally spend time with Krystal but yet here I am, longing for Sehee to call. I heaved as I stared at the dress that I have asked Luhan-jie to design.

It was a simple dress with rhinestones decorating the neckline. It was made of lace and it has the color of champagne. It was so pretty. I can imagine Sehee wearing the dress on the party. But instead of being there, here I am,confused and lost. I guess Sehee had that kind of effect on me. She always keep me grounded when things gets a little more confusing. There are times that I find myself missing her. The nights went longer, they were cold and empty. I missed the way she snuggles into my arms. I missed her telling me that I would always make her day. I miss the times that she sneaks kisses and bites when I ignore her antics.

I miss being with Sehee.

I have found myself ignoring Krystal’s calls and messages. I no longer long for her touch but instead I am longing for Sehee’s sleepy cuddles . Minseok-hyung had been nice. He tried to help me sort out what I feel but instead of finding answers, I found myself a bit more confuse than I had ever been. I keep on staring at my wallpaper.

A picture of Sehee wearing my football uniform.

To think about it, it was a very intimate moment for us. I think I’m slowly going crazy thinking over Sehee. I grabbed my phone, hopefully Krystal was up. But instead of calling her I found a message from Sehee. I felt my heart was pounding so loud as I click the icon and prayed to the gods out there that Sehee misses me too, just like how I am terribly missing her.

As soon as I open the message, I was a bit disappointed that it was Junhee-noona who sent me a message.

From: QueenWuSehee

Jongin-ah thank you for thr dress that you have asked Baekhee and Luhan-jie to design. It was very pretty. By the way, when are you going to give Sehee her dress? By the way,Sehee is asleep. She looks very cute wearing your football uniform. -Junhee

P.S I borrowed Sehee’s phone. I Iost mine.




I felt my heart leapt with joy as the only thought comes into my mind: Sehee is missing me too just like how I’m missing her. Everytime we fought or when I’m with Krystal, Sehee would wear my football jersey. She had once said that’s the closest

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teufelchen_netty #1
Chapter 35: i can´t waitfor the end
2443 streak #2
Chapter 35: hi! i hope you're better now!
personally, i don't mind if you take as much time as you need... but if you're ready to update again then I'm looking forward to it! :)
teufelchen_netty #3
Chapter 34: go chanyeol go
teufelchen_netty #4
Chapter 33: poor xingie ;_;
layhan forever
2443 streak #5
Chapter 34: congrats on finally taking action Yeol! so what's gonna happen now? I'm so curious of his plan to lure Kyungsoon out of her room!!!

btw, thanks for the update!!! it's been 2 weeks without real updates before you posted this!!!
2443 streak #6
Chapter 11: rereading the entire story and I can't not comment on this chapter... Jongdae's proposal is the best from all the proposals I've read in fics! :)
2443 streak #7
man, I forgot what happened in the last available chapter already! but reading the Kyungsoo POV update, somehow it wasn't important to get into details of what happened anymore, it's more important to focus on how dumb Yeol is!!! OMFGGGGGGGG I CAN'T BELIEVE HIM!!!

and now Kyungsoon is sulking and isolating herself in sadness when there's no reason to coz the idiot Yeol FEELS EXACTLY THE SAME WAYYYYYY UGHHHHHHHH... Yeol you better end Kyung's misery soon! you idiot! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

YIXING THO!!! I mean, there have been hints of his unrequited love from the previous chapters... but this is so painful!!! Sehee and Jun have been pushing him to confess still, but how would Yixing find it in him to confess if things are flowing so smoothly for XiuHan??? and now a baby??? HOWWWWWWW? :(

btw, Yixing was so cute being he only male to accompany the ladies! HAHA well, it was actually the ladies who accompanied him for coffee, but it sure doesn't look that way! HAHA and all those pretty ladies with him... kyaaaaaaa

I cannot with Johnny giving Sehee cake tho! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA at least he was brave enough!
Chapter 33: Aww poor yixingie
wi2nqs #9
Chapter 32: Love your story..
luckydream05 #10
Chapter 32: Omg..I just found this story in 2019.. What the hell I'm doing all the time. Btw,I love you story. Now Chanyeol go get you girl!!