Chapter 1 - SECRET

A letter to LOVE
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Chapter 1



for Sean



Summer. The sun-kissed the skin even by just its breeze. This season is perfect to go to the beach, have road trips with friends, and sleepovers. It’s a vacation!

...but for Wendy, her summer vacation was a different story. It was tragic. She was wearing her sleeveless loose shirt and ripped jeans. A blue and red USA cap probably suited her attire. She was in an ice cream shop with her best friend, Mark. He was kinda hot as well… I mean he was really sweating profusely like he was bathing in his own sweat. But to be honest he’s really “hot” like you’ll drool just by looking at him from a distance. He’s really charismatic and everyone admires him… except for his close friends: they think that he’s just an ordinary young man.


He kept on heaving big sighs and Wendy could smell peppermint from him. Annoyance was written all over his face. Thanks for the hot weather; the Taiwanese guy was indeed mad.


“Hey. Don’t you think their aircon is broken? Or maybe they accidentally the heater?” He whispered to Wendy’s right ear and that made Wendy mad as well. They felt like they were cupcakes that were baked inside a very big oven. Mark even wiped his sweats every half a minute.


“I don’t know. I just wanna eat ice cream now.” The girl took her cap off in annoyance and used it as a fan. She kept on fanning herself just to reduce the heat she felt. She really hates summer as they’re going to face the situation like now: they bathe in their own sweats, and it gives them headaches.


“I won’t be surprised if they serve it melting. Like seriously! It’s been minutes since we ordered! They’ll just scoop them and serve it. It’s not like they’re going to a factory and make one!” He’s now impatient. Who wouldn’t? They’ve been waiting for more than 30 minutes, yet, no signs of ice cream. This is why Wendy hates summer: she’d be with her best friend for almost every day just to get rid of summer. Home is boring. Going to the beach is too mainstream. One strategy to get rid of the summer heat: EAT. COLD. FOOD. Simple and cheap!


They decided to order one. They’re not fond of eating ice cream in a cone in a convenient store as they’ll crave for more. Both of them have a big appetite and they really love food.




Who wouldn’t?




“Oh! The ice cream is here!” Wendy elbowed Mark who was right next to her. He just whispered “finally” in a lethargic manner as the bowl of cookies & cream, chocolate, and vanilla flavor ice creams placed on the table. Mark couldn’t get his eyes off the ice cream as he found it seducing and really yummy. Wendy smiled at the waitress who brought the ice cream as she was being nice to the worker.


“Ma’am, sir, here’s your order. Thank you for waiting. Enjoy your ice cream!" The lady said before she left. But before that, the waitress looked at Mark (who was eye- the ice cream), and then the pretty worker’s lips formed a smile. She blushed.




Looks like someone’s famous!




Wendy smiled in amusement as she thought that the girl liked her best friend, who was just busy with the ice cream.


Mark is really handsome and all the girls would die just to date him. His alluring face surely captivates every woman’s heart and his dark eyes will seduce everyone when you look at it. He has a very cute and toothy smile that you want to keep him as a pet.


 “I think she likes you.” She chuckled as she whispered those words to Mark’s ears and it made the man tickled a little.


“Who?” He asked frivolously without looking at his best friend.




This man is still SINGLE, girls.




“The lady who brought the ice cream here. Duh~!” She told him and rolled her eyes heavenwards.




He’s impossible!




Well… he cares for the food more than girls. He has no time for dates. For him, he thinks that they just like him because of his appearance. Like when they were in high school, every girl that had a crush on him confessed and he crept out in his horror. He never imagined that a girl would confess to him. Mark is more traditional. Old school; but he finds it romantic.




Chivalry is not dead.




“Is she pretty?” He asked while he scooped a spoonful of ice cream. Something was off with his tone. Is he not interested? His tone was more of… “Ok-let’s-say-that-I’m-interested” tone.




What happened to your enthusiasm, Mark?




“Well, she has a pretty face. Big round eyes. Pretty smile. Nice skin. And she’s petite too.” She told him.




Well, all of the workers in the cafe are good-looking in the first place.




“’ X’ buzzer on. I don’t like petite girls.” He shook his head and continued eating the ice cream.




He doesn’t like her? Seriously, Mark? She’s a jackpot!




“Hey! I paid for it too!” Wendy smacked him and moved the ice cream bowl near her. She swore she would reap his head off if he won’t spare her some. But the man didn’t bother what she just did.


“I like girls who have a big relish for food. A girl like her is a picky type. They do nothing but mind their figure. I don’t like that.” He reasoned out.


Mark is somewhat the nice guy material and you won’t see it by his face. He has the face that will captivate every woman’s heart; like Casanova material. But on the contrary, he’s a very nice guy. Preferred candlelight dinners over make-outs. Courting over instant relationships.


“Blah blah. Aren’t you too stereotypical about petite girls? Come to think of it: maybe they just have strong metabolism for them not to gain weight and become chubby like you’re ideal type or something.”


“Hmm… Maybe? I don’t know. I’m just not fond of petite girls.” He shrugged.


“Well, what can I do? It’s your preference, anyway.” Wendy ended. She scooped a spoonful of vanilla ice cream that she had been craving for.


“By the way, are you free tomorrow? I’m going to watch Maze Runner 2.” Mark asked while wiping his lips with the tissue.


“No. I’ll be with Hyunsik tomorrow. I’ve never seen my boyfriend for 2 weeks. So I’ll be going on a date with him. Maybe next time?” Wendy looked at the ceiling like she could see the future there.




Yes, boys! Wendy has a boyfriend already. Sorry~!




 “What. You’re ditching a free movie with me over a boring date with your boyfriend?! It’s Maze Runner! Our favorite!” Mark acted childish again. He just wanted his best friend to go with him.


Mark is not fond of going out alone as he finds it boring. Wendy is the perfect person to hang out as she always has a story to share with him and she’s fun to be with.


They both love Maze Runner. (Well, Wendy loves Min Ho more. Me too, Wendy. Me too.) Trilogy, Saga, Series, those kinds of movies are their type. They are thrilled watching movies that have many parts. But I promise; Mark’s movie treat is more boring than a date with Hyunsik. Wendy seriously doesn’t wanna watch a movie with an idiot.


“You’re more boring, Mark.” Wendy corrected him.


“Liar.” He squinted his eyes as he defended himself.


That moment, Wendy’s phone beeped. A message arrived.




Just in time!




Wendy thanked God for saving her life. She didn’t wanna hear Mark’s words anymore. Mark’s a nagger by the way when it comes to Wendy and Seulgi.


The message was from Hyunsik.


‘Babe, wear a dress tomorrow. Can’t wait to see you. Love you! :*’


“*You know what ‘babe’? Wear 3 inches heels tomorrow. And don’t forget to wear simple make-up on. And the perfume I bought you last time? Wear that as well. Love you ‘babe’~! Blah blah blah~*” Mark mockingly said with his little actions like Hyunsik.


‘Great. He read the text.’ Wendy swore that she’ll burn his eyes for being sneaky.


“Hey! Don’t read my messages!  They’re private! Go get a girlfriend!” Wendy wacked his forearm and made the man squirm for being hurt.


“Ahw! That hurts!” He kept on rubbing where Wendy hit him to ease the pain.


‘You deserve that.’ Wendy said in her brain.


“You know that I like him that way. He’s somewhat helping me to look pretty when we’re in public. At least he cares for me.” She said that and made sure that it would bug Mark. But the man didn’t notice.


“Is he your stylist or something? He keeps on reminding you what you should wear.” She just glared at him. He’s always like that to Hyunsik though they’re friends.


Yes, Mark and Hyunsik are friends and so as with Wendy. Of course. Hyunsik is Wendy’s boyfriend.


Wendy didn’t answer Mark but replied to Hyunsik’s text instead.


“Okay… heart… can’t… wait… to… see… you… too… me… too… heart…” She purposely made Mark hear what she texted.


‘That deserves him for lurking to my messages’. Wendy smiled in her thoughts.


“Tch. Do you think I’ll be jealous just because of what you did? Nah-uh~!” Mark just wiggled his index finger from left to right as a sign of ‘NO’.





Ugh! Immature.





“Yes, and you are.” She narrowed her eyes while looking at him.




‘Ha! He is jealous. He is jealous because he doesn’t have a girlfriend to flirt with.’ Wendy thought.




Her phone rang again and read Hyunsik’s message.




‘I’ll pick you up at 2. :*’



Wendy swore she saw Mark lurking in her messages again in her peripheral vision.


‘I promise I’ll pull his eyeballs out’ were the words swam in Wendy’s brain. But then, Mark looked at his best friends’ shoulder.


‘What now, Mark?’ Wendy asked without opening .


“Yah. Shon Seungwan. Don’t you think you have to be more careful about what you’re wearing in front of other people first before you mind how you look in front of your boyfriend? Look at this! The strap of your bra is showing!” He gritted his teeth while pulling up the strap of Wendy’s bra and made the girl flinch and blush for embarrassment.


He always does that for Wendy. One time, he even helped Wendy bought bra and . It was hella embarrassing. The sales lady even thought that he’s gay that’s why Wendy tagged him along to that shop.


Though Mark fixed her bra already, Wendy still placed the strap of her bra to the spot where it was comfortable. By the way, he just called Wendy’s complete real name. That means he was serious.




You’re doomed Seungwan.




“You’re there to fix it anyway.” She told him bluntly and kept herself cool and still fixed to her phone.


“Wendy. I’M. A. MAN.” He emphasized the last word clearly but Wendy looked at him from head to toe.




‘MAN, you say?’




“You’re not a man to me.” Wendy shook her head from left to right then looked at her phone again. Mark just raked his hair with his fingers and he swore Wendy was on his nerves.


“Yah. You’re being like that just because we’re best friends!” He widened his eyes.


Hahaha! Only Wendy could make him like that; pissed in a very amusing way.


“No. I’m being like this because you aren’t a man to me. You whine you’re annoying, you only care about food, you in lifting weights, you eat like a pig, and you don’t have muscles.”


Ok. Wendy lied on the "muscle" part. To be honest, he has a well-built body but he’s too tall so he looked thinner. But really! His body built suits him really well. He has a good body proportion though.


What’s with your eyes Wendy? Do I have to make Tuan strip his clothes for you to see his well-built body? You’re impossible, Shon.


“Do muscles emphasize manliness? Wendy, you’re perception .” He shook his head and ate another scoop of ice cream.


“Will you just go get a girlfriend? You’re starting to annoy me. Really.” She told him half meant.



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Chapter 1: I LOVE IT^^ I'm waiting for your update author-nim~
7380ssiw #2
Chapter 1: Love it! A few grammar errors are tolerable. Hehe. Just keep updating regularly it'll be great.
Chapter 1: Great start, i got hooked up..just keep on updating this it will be great.