Jin - Crush


A scrunched up paper ball was coming your way. You ignored it the first time. But then there was a second and a third time. You had enough and turned around to see who was throwing these damn balls at you.

Seokjin. The troublemaker of the class, but also your 'part time' best friend who had been with you in your toughest times. You were enraged and just about to stand up and walk over there, but the teacher was just about to walk through the door. But you caught his fourth scrunched up paper ball and hid it under your desk, as the teacher walked in.


It was the longest class you have had, simply because it was maths. You did not care what the damn formulae was to find out the area of a triangle. It's something you learn in elementary school. For crying out loud, the teacher doesn't even teach you anything. All she does is explain stuff that has nothing to do with the topic and then randomly gives you a test. Jeez.

Class finally finished.

You walked up to Jin and flicked his head. 

"THIS KID! Will you stop throwing paper at me? What do you want? I'm not exactly in the best mood right now."

He smirked, "Give me your number and I'll leave you alone. For now."

"Fine. Here, but just please stop throwing paper balls at me."

A Line message came up on your phone.

Wed, 31/5 10:17AM

Hey, it's Jin.

You completely ignored because you were still pissed. Jin saw you ignore it so he messaged again.

Wed, 31/5 10:18AM

Yah you answer or I'll keep messaging you.

Wed, 31/5 10:20AM

What do you want?

Wed, 31/5 10:21AM

Save me as your contact. This will be the last message. Annyeong!

You saved him as a contact, just in case he'd check later on. Otherwise he'd never leave you alone.

Just then the teacher walked up to you. 

The teacher standing right next to you, "Why are you on your phone during class?" 

"Umm, I wa-"

"It was my fault Miss." Jin stood up, "I texted her."

The whole class started whispering and staring at the both of you.

"For that both of you kneel outside of the class with your hands up." The teacher said angrily.

You both walked outside and did your punishment.  

You didn't know whether to be pissed or glad. The fact that you hated maths and was kicked out, or that you were now being talked about with the person who got you kicked out. 

Your arms suddenly got tired, but Jin helped you out by holding your arm up.

Jin started to say, "Sorry, I di-" 

"Didn't mean to get us in trouble? Lol, whether you did or not I don't really care. I hate maths."

"Really? By the way, did you ever open up the paper balls I gave you?" He asked.

"No, why?"

"Oh, nevermind. I just-"

The teacher opened the door, "You two can come back now."

You both got up and walked through the classroom as you heard more whispering.

"Maybe he likes her." A voice said.

"Or she likes him? I thought they were just good friends." Another voice sounded out.

You thought, "I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Let's just get this class over and done with. you hwaiting!" 

Class finished then it was break time. Everyone left the class room except for you and Jin. He was obviously sleeping, but then you thought about what he said about the scrunched up paper balls. You took them all out from under your desk.

The first one you opened said


The second one said


The third one said


The last one you opened said


Even though they were muddled up, you instantly knew.

"So you opened them in the end, huh?" Jin was right next to you.

"Me too."

Jin looked at you clueless, "What?" 

"I like you too."

Annyeonghaseyo! This is my first story about BTS so far! I hope you took your time and enjoyed it! Feel free to comment your thoughts below! i'm still a newbie so feel free to give some pointers! ^^

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