The calm before the storm

Unexpected fall
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It's going to be the end of the fall semester, which marks the end of one of their academic year in Kirim High school. Kirim High School is very very well known for their talented students to a degree that it is the school's tradition to have a celebration of performances to end the academic year. Ryu Jin Ae, Kirim High School's treasure for being the top violist and scholar in Korea and she's the pride and reputation of the school. 


"Jinae, may I have a word with you later after class?" Mrs.Oh asked

"Yes, sure Mrs. Oh"

"Something regarding your grades?" Jinae's seatmate, Hyejin whispered.

"I don't know, never once I was asked to see any teacher..." Jinae muttered. 

"drrrrinnnnggg" the school bell rang as students begin to pack up their bags. Jinae packed her things and looked for Mrs. Oh that's standing in front of the class.

"Jinae, there's something important I have to discuss with you..." Mrs. Oh said it in a very serious tone. 

"What is it about?" she replied.

"Do you know the annual celebration performance for the end of the academic year? Yoojung fell of the stairs this morning and was sent to the hospital, I was told that she will not be able to perform due to her arm fractures. Are you able to cover her spot this time round?"

"I guess I can give some help since there's not much to do, Mrs. Oh would you mind helping me to get Yoojung's performance score sheet so that i could practice?"  Jinae accepted the request refreshingly.

"Oh no.... Jinae... I think you will need to come out with your own performance song since you and yoojung is on a different violin grades, the school expects you to come out with a better one. Sorry to say this but the principal asked me to pass this message to you."

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Chapter 2: Love this ... Reminded me of the Taiwan drama The Outsiders
Chapter 4: don't worry sweetie :) you're doing it excelent<3 update soon c: greetings from Venezuela ~
itsalice #3
Chapter 2: Wish you will make it more longer in next chapter :) Btw I really love it XD <3
N3na19 #4
I really like i hope you jeep on writing this story.