
Coffee For Two

Himchan stayed at Yongguk’s that night. He woke the next morning when the doorbell rang and Yongguk let Zelo in. Zelo looked surprised to find Himchan on Yongguk’s couch.

“Hyung? What are you doing here?”

“Rough night. I should get going though.” Himchan stood and rubbed his hands down his face. “I have a feeling today is going to a long day.

Yongguk patted his friend on the shoulder. “I’m sure everything is going to turn out fine, Channie.” Zelo looked between the two of them confused. He started to open his mouth to ask a question but Yongguk shook his head and Zelo kept quiet. “Good luck.”

“Thanks.” Himchan pulled on his shoes and coat and left. He decided to walk back to his apartment so he would have more time to think.

Who do I talk to first? He asked himself. What do I even say?

He wrestled with his thoughts the whole way. He almost didn’t notice Daehyun waiting outside his building until the other called his name. Himchan’s eyes widened.

“What are you doing here?”

Daehyun gave him a confused look. “I got let out early.” Daehyun took in Himchan’s disheveled appearance. “Where have you been? Are you wearing the same clothes from last night?”

“I fell asleep at Yongguk’s.”

“Why would you go there? I thought you went to that after party.” Himchan’s throat tightened. “I rang the bell, but no one answered. Is Jongup working today?”

Himchan bit his lip sending a silent thank you to the heavens that Jongup had already left. “He has auditions. Let’s go inside.”

What do I say? ‘Hey Daehyun, guess what? Jongup kissed me last night!’ WhatdoIdo?WhatdoIdo?

“Are you okay?” Daehyun asked as he sat on the couch. “Your face is making me nervous.” Himchan joined him on the couch.

“I-uh… I need to tell you something, but I don’t want you to be mad.” Himchan looked down at his hands.

Daehyun eyed Himchan skeptically. “What?”

“Last night at the party… Jongup… Jongup kind of… kissed me.”

The pause that followed Himchan’s words was heavy. Himchan finally looked up. He watched as each emotion fought in Daehyun’s eyes. Anger seemed to be the most dominant.

“He kissed you?!”

Himchan suddenly felt the need to protect Jongup. “He was drunk.”

“I don’t care if he was drunk!” Daehyun shouted standing up. “He kissed you!”

“Dae, just calm d-”

Daehyun interrupted, “Did you kiss him back?” Himchan could see the tears threatening to spill over in Daehyun’s eyes.

“What?” Himchan was taken aback.

“I asked if you kissed him back,” Daehyun said through clenched teeth.

“No! I was just so shocked-”

Daehyun cut in again, “Shocked?! So you would have if you weren’t shocked?”

“No!” Himchan’s mind was spiraling. “Dae, come on. I would never do that! I’m with you!”

“Well tell him that,” Daehyun growled. Himchan watched as a tear rolled down the younger man’s cheek.

“Dae…” Himchan started to reach out.

“I’m leaving.” Daehyun walked out slamming the door behind him.

Himchan stared at the door. He felt numb. How could all of this be happening to him? Tears spilled over and down his cheeks as the pain slowly caught up to him. He clenched his chest as he leaned forward letting the tears come silently.

It took Himchan a long time before he was calm enough to pull out his phone. He dialed Yongguk’s number and held it to his ear.

“Channie?” Yongguk answered.

Hearing his voice brought a new wave of tears and a heavy sob ripped through Himchan. “Yongguk…”

“I’ll be right there.” Yongguk disconnected the line without another word.

Himchan wasn’t sure how long it took. Time was both standing still and moving incredibly fast to him, but suddenly Yongguk was there. Himchan fell into his best friend’s arms as tears continued to fall from his eyes.

“Shh… It okay, Channie,” Yongguk soothed rubbing comforting circles on his friend’s back. “Sit down. I’ll make some coffee and then we’ll talk.” Yongguk lead Himchan over to the couch and then disappeared into the kitchen.

He came back with two mugs and handed on to Himchan before sitting down next to him. “So what happened?”

Himchan wiped his cheeks with the back of his hand and took a sip of coffee before answering. “When I got back Jongup was gone, but Daehyun was waiting outside.” Himchan sniffed. “He’s so angry.” Himchan stared down into the dark liquid.

“It’s not your fault, Himchan.”

“But it kind of is. I should have known.” Yongguk rested his arm around Himchan’s shoulders comfortingly.

“Daehyun probably just needs some time to cool off. He won’t be angry forever.” Himchan nodded. “Just give him some space to think.”

Conversation dropped. Just Yongguk’s strong presence made Himchan feel better. Just knowing he still had his friend with him made all the difference sometimes.

A/N: What have I done? Thank god for Bang Yongguk...

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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 24: Poor jongup, hope he'll get nice boyfriend latter...
They are so cute...
Chapter 3: So sweet and funny!!
Chapter 1: OMG, " i ike this apartment too much" hahaha, jongup
Seems to be a very interesting story
hanif_bangdae #4
Chapter 23: First of all, im so sorry bcs i just comment at this chapter even though i've been read all of this story yesterday /bow/
Tbh, i am bangdaelo shipper, but srsly.. Your story is so cute n always make me blush like crazy, i can even imagine every part so easily.
BTW Good job authornim! ^^
andnowforyaya #5
Chapter 22: cute blanket burrito daehyunnie~
Chapter 22: This chapter was super cute hahah
andnowforyaya #7
Chapter 21: hahahhaaa go figure himchan is romantic as a drunk
luchiis #8
andnowforyaya #9
Chapter 20: OMG THE SUSPENSE!!!! poor himchan ;A; i hope everything is okay!!!