
Coffee For Two

The week flew by. Himchan finished his composition and handed it over to Ungodly Cheerful, who then insisted on taking him to dinner to celebrate, which unfortunately Himchan couldn’t refuse. Every night was spent either at Daehyun’s battling with Youngjae in a never ending war of words or with Daehyun cuddled on the couch in Himchan’s apartment. It became a familiar and comfortable routine that Himchan happily gave himself over to.

Saturday found the two of them shuffling their way to their seats in the crowded theatre for Jongup’s show. Jongup of course had already taken his seat and smiled as the two approached him.

“You made it.”

“We wouldn’t miss it.” Jongup’s brow twitched, but he didn’t say anything else.

The lights dimmed just after Himchan and Daehyun sat themselves down and the show began. It was a contemporary dance portraying the story of Romeo and Juliet. Jongup had choreographed all but one of the pieces.

The dancers on stage captured Jongup’s moves beautiful and portrayed all the emotions of the story without a single word being spoken. Himchan was amazed. Even Jongup who usually just glared at the stage trying to find any slight imperfection smiled.

Himchan glanced over at Daehyun once or twice to see what the younger’s expression was. Daehyun stared at the dancers in awe. His mouth open slightly and every so often Himchan could hear him breath, “wow.”

It was definitely some of Jongup’s best work.

When the curtains closed after the final dance the audience was on their feet clapping and cheering. When the curtains opened again for the cast to take their bows the cheering increased. Jongup sat in his seat and smiled.

The dance company’s owner walked out onto the stage with a mic and waved for the crowd to sit again.

“Thank you all so much for coming out tonight. This isn’t going to be a very long speech so just hang in there for a moment.” There was a small laugh from the crowd. “First of all I would like to recognize the amazing man who not only choreographed almost every part of this show, but also designed the lighting, the scenery, was there every step of the way for costuming and casting, and without whom none of this show would have happened. He really is a treasure to this company, not just with all that he does here, but the bright and shiny personality that he brings with him.

“I remember when I first hired him as a choreographer straight out of college. All my friends said I was crazy hiring some kid with no professional experience, but I knew from the day that I met him he was something special.” Himchan reached over and squeezed Jongup’s knee. Jongup rested his hand over Himchan’s. “Plus why not take a chance on the young guy. My predecessor did.”

“He spends his life in the theatre and at the dance studio. It amazes me that he still has anytime for his friends.” Again the crowd laughed at the owners joke. “Anyway, please put your hands together for Moon Jongup!” The owner raised his hand in Jongup’s direction. Jongup stood slowly and waved to the audience who clapped and cheered.

The owner then went into the rest of his thanks to all of the stage workers, the dancers, the people who had donated, etc. He concluded his speech to another round of applause and the people began filing back out of the theater.

Jongup lead Himchan and Daehyun up to the stage. The owner shook Himchan’s hand. “Kim Himchan, it’s been too long. How’s the music going?”

“It’s going great. I just finished up a project this week.” Himchan pulled Daehyun forward. “This is my boyfriend, Jung Daehyun. Daehyun this is-”

“Eunhyuk.” Daehyun took the hand that was offered to him. Eunhyuk turned back to Himchan. “Boyfriend? Who’d have ever thought this day would come?”

Jongup chuckled. “Certainly not me. I thought Himchan was never going to actually go for it.” Himchan punched Jongup in the shoulder.

Eunhyuk laughed. “Are you all coming to the after party?”

Himchan turned to Daehyun. “You work in the morning don’t you?”

“Yeah, but you should just go without me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. Go have fun. I’m just going to get a cab and head home.” Daehyun lightly pecked Himchan on the cheek. “I’ll see you later. It was nice to meet you, Eunhyuk. The show was really great.” Daehyun nodded his head and turned to follow the crowd out of the theater.

“I’ll see you guys there then?” Eunhyuk patted Jongup’s shoulder. “Great job kid.”

“Thank you.” Eunhyuk melted into the crowd to chat with other people. Jongup reached down and grabbed Himchan’s wrist. He pulled him back stage towards the green room.

When they entered the dancers erupted into loud cheering and applause. Jongup smiled and raised his hands to quiet them down. “I just wanted to thank you guys for all the hard work you put into the show. Don’t get too wasted at the party. Auditions for the next show start tomorrow.”

There was a mixture of groans and excited squeaks. A few dancers broke from the crowd to chat with Jongup and Himchan, while the others continued wiping off stage makeup and changing back into normal clothes.

It didn’t take long for the crowd of chattering dancers to begin filing out and heading towards the large hall in the theatre where loud music was already going and drinks were being set out. Lots of drinks.

A/N: Two chapters in one day? This is what happens when I start working on this early and not at 2 am

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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 24: Poor jongup, hope he'll get nice boyfriend latter...
They are so cute...
Chapter 3: So sweet and funny!!
Chapter 1: OMG, " i ike this apartment too much" hahaha, jongup
Seems to be a very interesting story
hanif_bangdae #4
Chapter 23: First of all, im so sorry bcs i just comment at this chapter even though i've been read all of this story yesterday /bow/
Tbh, i am bangdaelo shipper, but srsly.. Your story is so cute n always make me blush like crazy, i can even imagine every part so easily.
BTW Good job authornim! ^^
andnowforyaya #5
Chapter 22: cute blanket burrito daehyunnie~
Chapter 22: This chapter was super cute hahah
andnowforyaya #7
Chapter 21: hahahhaaa go figure himchan is romantic as a drunk
luchiis #8
andnowforyaya #9
Chapter 20: OMG THE SUSPENSE!!!! poor himchan ;A; i hope everything is okay!!!