Chapter 3

The mechanics of love

A few days later he is almost done working on the different parts of Sanghyuk’s leg and all he needs is a little more rigorous testing and assembling. Almost a week after seeing Sanghyuk Taekwoon calls him. On the third ring, the younger man answers.

“Hyung ?”

“Hey, kid.”

“I’m not a-”

The line cuts and Taekwoon hears a muffled conversation and when Sangyuk goes back to his phone  he sounds out of breath.

“I hope you didn’t mess up the spare legs.”

“Be ready to be impressed, they are pristine.”

“Can you come tonight ?”

“Of course !”

“And don’t wear silly underwear like last time kiddo.”

“Screw you !”

“See you soon kiddo.”

Taekwoon hears the man on the other line mutter curses under his breath as Taekwoon hangs up, a smile on his face.


On his side, Sanghyuk hangs up with a scowl on his face and pockets his phone before turning around to face the group of classmates surrounding him.

“Go the away”

The group snickers and shove the young man harshly, making him stumble backward. Leaning against the wall, Sanghyuk hisses and tries to make an escape plan in his mind. Noticing a large branch on the ground, Sanghyuk dives for it, and swings it at the group, creating space between him and the assailants. However, he doesn’t notice one of them sneaking behind him and smacking the branch out of his hold. Turning around to face his opponent, he can’t avoid the fist flying toward his face. The fist collides with his right cheekbone, busting out the skin. Quick to retaliate, Sanghyuk throws a punch to the student’s face and make a sprint for his planned escape route. He somehow makes it with only another hit to the face, this time to the eyebrow as one of the tugs picked up the branch to swing it at him. Once safely in the bus, Sanghyuk calms himself down and assess the damages done to his face. The bruise on his cheekbone was blooming and the frail skin of his eyebrow torn and bleeding. He quickly wiped up the blood from his eyebrow and headed to Taekwoon’s shop.


The doorbell chimed as Sangyuk pushed the door, making Taekwoon glance at him. Sanghyuk walked further into the shop and flopped down on the bench, sighing. The other male approached him with a frown.

“What happened to your face ?”

“It’s nothing.”

“You did not answer the question.” Taekwoon’s voice became cold

“I got hit in the face by a branch. Happy ?”

“So you ran into a tree.”

“Yeah, sort of. Can we stop talking about this now?”

“I’ll get your stuff.”


Taekwoon goes to his desk and comes back with two legs in his arms.

“I didn't do anything much different than the last ones but I had to change a lot of parts so it will still cost quite a bit.”

Sanghyuk grunts while the older man gently leans the prosthetics against the bench.

Taekwoon’s had reach for the injured cheekbone and touches the bruised flesh softly.

“We’ll take care of that too.”

Sanghyuk stares, trying to not lean into the touch but instead his eyes train on the other male’s lips, forgetting to listen.

“Are you sure you’re okay ? You look dazed.”

“I’m fine. Let’s get over with it.”

“Pants kiddo.”

Rolling his eyes Sangyuk’s hand hovers over his belt but he sighs, dropping to his side.

“Can you at least not look ?”

“I am not looking.”

“I have no guarantee, turn around.”

The older man wordlessly turns around and the student takes off his pants, belt clinking as it hits the bench.


Taekwoon turns around slowly, keeping his eyes trained on the prosthetics. He kneels down in front of Sanghyuk who tries to hide the heat taking over his face. Takewoon’s hand once again traces the attachment slowly, raising goosebumps on the young man’s skin. He finds the attachment and removes the temporary leg. It comes off easily and Sanghyuk feels the small jolt of electricity through his body. Taekwoon quickly goes over the same procedure with the other leg. Instead of taking the new prosthetics immediately, the man goes back to his desk, making Sanghyuk want to protest. The man comes back with his toolbox and opens it on the ground next to him. The older man takes the new leg aligns the prosthetic with the attachment on the leg while Sanghyuk braces himself for the oncoming pain of the contact.

“I’ll do it on three.”


Taekwoon starts counting and at two connects the artificial limb, making the young man take a sharp inhale when the connection is done. The student does his best to glare as hard as possible but being in his underwear lessens the impact.


“I’ll do the next one.”

“Wait! Give me a few seconds.”

Sanghyuk leans back on the bench and takes the time to adjust to the feeling of connections being made and when the buzz  is almost gone, he is ready again.

“Okay, you can do the other one.” He says closing his eyes and tilting his head upward.

Taekwoon ignores the churning of his stomach and tries to concentrate on the task. He steadies his breath and, this time, attaches the artificial leg on three and Sanghyuk knuckles go white as the buzz of the connection runs through his whole body. Taekwoon pushes away his dirty thoughts and busy himself with his toolbox, waiting for a signal.


The older man lifts his head and immediately regrets it. Sanghyuk looks almost sleepy with his eyes half lidded and his lips are parted as he tries to regain composure. Taekwoon hoists the first leg onto his thigh and proceeds to the usual verifications.

“Can you feel the fabric of my pants?’


“Is there anything loose or tight ?”

“Surprisingly no.”

“Good. Is the attachment okay?” Taekwoon’s hand lingers over the other male’s thigh and it is just an excuse to keep his hand there.


“How is the other leg?”

Sanghyuk moves it around and smiles “It’s perfect, hyung.”

“Okay let’s take care of your face now.”

Taekwoon gets up and puts a hand on the student’s shoulder, squeezing it lightly as he walks to the backstore to get his first aid kit. Meanwhile, Sanghyuk hurries to put his pants back on before the mechanic comes back. As he finishes buckling his belt the man comes back.

“Scoot to the side.” Sanghyuk obliges and slides to the side of the bench and the man sits next to him, balancing the first aid kit on his lap. Taekwoon takes out some gauze and rubbing alcohol to rub it on the student's bloody eyebrow.

“Hey, it stings!”

Taekwoon answers a small smile and keeps dabbing the small wound.

Sanghyuk pouts but keeps quiet, enjoying the attention.


The sight of Taekwoon frowning and getting closer to his face makes him want to faint and he is barely able to sputter a few words.

“W-what are you doing?”

“I’m almost done. It looks like it’s not the first time you bust your eyebrow.”

Embarrassed Sanghyuk tries to think of a good comeback but his mind gets distracted by the sight of Taekwoon’s lips being so close to him.


Taekwoon turns around to dig into the box sitting on his lap, making Sanghyuk trail off. The man takes out wound dressing and patches the eyebrow up.

“As for you cheek-” The man absentmindedly touches the bruise.

“Ow!” Sanghyuk glares as Taekwoon remove his finger after poking the red cheekbone.

“There is nothing to be done, kiddo”

“Stop calling me kiddo!”

Taekwoon dismisses the outburst with a wave of his hand as he walks away to put back the first aid kit.

When Taekwoon is back Sanghyuk has gotten a hold of himself and is ready to leave.

“I’ll pay like usual.”

“You should consider investing into more resistant prosthetics, it will be cheaper in the long run.”

“I’ll think about it.”

Sanghyuk pays and leaves, making Taekwoon feel empty. That is really bad for him.

Outside, Sanghyuk takes a bus home and he groans knowing he won’t sleep much that night, as the older man has once again invaded his thought and tonight Sanghyuk’s imagination will run wild.

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Chapter 1: this is such a cute and bittersweet fic ^^
Chapter 2: Im really liking this fic. Keep up the good work :)
ilivefororeos #3
Chapter 1: oh my god this is so cute i love it so much