Taking care of you

Taking care of you
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Taking care of you


The MelOn Music Awards was over. The hall was now completely empty, but some of the soloists and groups from different agencies were still in the backstage. Jinhwan was sitting on the stage, his legs hanging down and moving back and forth.
Hanbin joined him, exclaiming: "There you are!".

He sat next to him, because his place was always been that: near Jinhwan, wherever they were they had to be together.

"Does it hurt?" Hanbin asked in a worried tone placing the hand on his thigh.

"What?" the other muttered without understanding what he was talking about.

"The knee" Hanbin added then, clearly referring to the fact he tripped on the stage while the performance.

"No, it's okay" Jinhwan simply replied.

"Are you sure?" he asked again, "let me see" he was bending over him.

"But I'm fine!" Jinhwan protested with even more effort, in a vain attempt to push him away.

“Then just let me see!" Hanbin repeated again, picking up the jeans and rolling them on themselves just above the knees.

Jinhwan couldn't really suppress a shiver when he felt both of Hanbin's hands resting on his bare skin, they were so big and warm.

With a crazy heartbeat, a dry throat and trembling fingers, Hanbin hesitated and withdrew his hand: he was afraid of hurting him.

"I'm fine" Jinhwan tried to reassure him bringing his hand exactly where it was before, guiding it toward himself as they looked in the eye.

“Maybe we should reach out to others" Hanbin diverted the gaze and let him go, then he turned away.

"Yes" Jinhwan agreed with a simple nod, but when he tried to get up he wasn't able to.
Hanbin grabbed him in time, ending up with his arms fully tightened around his waist.
"What's wrong?" he asked with a look full of concern, “you said you were fine!” he exclaimed, a blank gaze lost in the void.

“The knee..." Jinhwan complained biting his lower lip.

"I knew it" Hanbin said through gritted teeth, running a hand over his forehead nervously.

“It's not that bad” Jinhwan clarified trying to calm him down, but it seemed useless.

"Hanbin" he called him, his voice sounded calm, serene and quiet as always, even if the other didn't seem to listen. "Hanbin..." he said again, trying to get his attention.
"Hanbin!" he exclaimed, finally the younger turned to look at him.
"I'm fine" he said with a slight smile trying to reassure him the best he could.

"How do you know that it isn't an injury?" Hanbin asked, he was literally towering over him with his size and his stature.

"How do you know it is?" Jinhwan said dry.
Jinhwan knew him very well: he knew what it meant the change in his eyes; they had become darker, of an aggressive and a violent black.

Hanbin forced a smile. "Can you walk?" he asked, giving him a worried look.

"Yes" Jinhwan replied, but again he found himself so stagger that Hanbin had to put his arm around his waist trying to support him. Jinhwan blushed slightly, he was embarrassed because of the circumstance.

Once they get into the iKON's dressing room they found all the others who had gathered there.

"What happened?" Jiwon asked raising an eyebrow.

"I'm fine-" Jinhwan was about to reply but Hanbin cut him off.

"He hurt himself" Hanbin interrupted him explaining the situation.

"This is not true!" Jinhwan protested heatedly.

"Oh, really?" Hanbin echoed letting go of him, so the older had to hang on to Jiwon to avoid falling.

"I told you so" Hanbin said with a giggle.

"They invited us to have dinner with them!" Yunhyeong, Donghyuk and Chanwoo shouted in unison, they were completely mad with joy.

"What are you talking about?" Hanbin asked.

"Big Bang-sunbaenim!" Yunhyeong shrieked enthusiastic.

"For real?" an amazed smile formed on the leader's face.

The guys nodded with more effort.

"What are you doing here impaled?" Seungri asked playfully, poking his head into the dressing room.

"The limousine is waiting for us!" Daesung said.

"Goodbye!" they exclaimed – the three of them – following Seungri and Daesung.

"Come on!" Jiwon shouted euphoric, he was practically forcing an annoyed Junhoe to follow him.

"Can you walk?" Hanbin asked him.

Jinhwan shook his head: "It hurts a little bit".
One more time, Hanbin passed his arm around his waist, held him and led his footsteps.

Outside there was a crowd of people waiting for them made up of fans, paparazzi and journalists. Suddenly, Hanbin stiffened. They both stopped. Jinhwan noticed it, so he turned to look at him while the paparazzi and fans immortalized them in a myriad of shots. The continuous and

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Ma5Kris #1
Chapter 1: Oooooh such a perfect ending, love it
Thynnhtet #2
Chapter 1: It is a perfect ending.How so sweet hanbin
KiwiPrincess #3
Chapter 1: Aawww..hanbin so sweet.. >.<
BamGyeomLove_GOT7 #4
Chapter 1: Awww this is so cute! I love Binhwan ^^
Multifandom1997 #5
Chapter 1: Binhwan so cute! ^^
I love Junhwan too! (:
irenalee #6
Chapter 1: Can I translate your fanfic into Vietnamese? I promise to write full credit :)
hiperfangirl #7
Chapter 1: OMFG!!! *W* The "Hug me" and "Kiss me" part got me melting!!! asaskjfmngj This is so cute awww *-*
Chapter 1: I love binwhan so much this was very cute ;;-;;
Kamile135 #9
aww so cute :33333333333333

pls junhwan ff????? <3