VERY Late Hiatus Notice (so sorry TT^TT)


I am SO sorry for not updating!

My laptop broke three months ago, and I stopped writing when it happened. I find it difficult to write without my laptop, as all my materials are on it, and I'm constantly doing research and double checking everything before, during, and after writing, which I cannot do on paper or on my phone.

After my laptop broke, I found it very difficult to do... well, anything. All I did was look up cheap laptops (because I haven't been able to get a job) and play video games and basically just drown in misery (writing is pretty much what I live for). I had forgotten to put of a hiatus notice and just stopped writing without telling anyone.

School started around three weeks ago, and the library provides chromebooks to use. It is currently lunch, I am on a chromebook, and I just remembered I never put up a hiatus notice. So, I am doing it now.

I have been saving up for a new laptop slowly, and should be able to purchase it within a month. Once I have a laptop, I plan to transfer data from my old one IF it starts up... which, it probably won't. If I am unable to get it to work for ten minutes while I copy my materials onto a usb stick, I'll just get whatever I can from online and start over.

I sincerely apologize for any and all inconvenience. By the end of October, I should be writing once more and updating as often as I can.

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