Chapter 2


                “Wow! It’s so big!” I squealed, hugging Shin’s arm to my chest as I stared wide-eyed at Iwatobi High. “Hey, let’s go!” I yelled, my face flushing as a few dozen heads turned towards us. Yanking at Shin’s arm, I dragged him into the school, handing him the map and our schedules our sister had picked up before we even moved.
                “Why are you giving me the papers?” a groan sounded from behind me as Shin stumbled along, uninterested.
                “Because I can’t read maps, and you can.” I stated, stopping as a blonde boy with red glasses ran in front of us, soon followed by a seemingly blind male with blue-ish black hair. “I bet this school is going to be fun!” I smiled, whipping my body around to face my twin. We looked nothing alike, as I took after my mother, whereas he took after father. Miok also took after father; they look so much alike, it’s kind of scary.
                “I don’t see how you can say it’ll be fun already… we just got here!” an exasperated and tired sigh escaped my brother’s lips as he opened the map, trying to locate our classes, which, unfortunately, we did not share, as Shin had skipped a grade. Lucky bastard. He got all the smarts!
                “Look at all the new people, Shin! Meeting new people is fun! You get to make new friends, meet new types of people…” I trailed off, catching the look of slight pain on his face. “Well, I guess for you it’s not that great… you have to get better at it, though. If you’re going to publish a successful book, you need to know and understand all different types of people.” I stated sternly, narrowing my eyes as he sighed.
                “I know, I know. I’ll get better, I swear!” Shin laughed, passing me the list of classes I’ll have. “Here’s your class. Try not to get lost during break. In fact, why don’t you just not leave the classroom.” I glared half heartedly at the lanky male, unimpressed.
                “I’ll leave if I want to!” I said defiantly before glancing to the side sheepishly, checking the time on my phone. “If I text you saying I’m lost… you’ll come get me… right?” I asked cautiously, praying Shin would agree. The brunette’s eye twitched as he stared down at me, obviously trying to keep his annoyance down. Reluctantly, he nodded before placing his hands on my shoulders, turning me around and pushing me towards the door.
                “Classes have already started, so get in there. My class in on a different floor, so I need to get going.”
                “Right!” I saluted Shin as he walked away, a small giggle escaping my lips.
                Slowly, I placing my fingers on the door handle, sliding it open and peeking inside. “Um, hello?” I asked, interrupting the teacher mid-speech. “Ah, I’m sorry for interrupting!” Squeezing my eyes shut, I clapped my hands together and bowed deeply, apologizing. The teacher nodded before continuing, revising his words.
                “As I was saying; we’ve got a new student today, and it seems she’s just arrived.” The teacher stated, gesturing for me to walk in and stand beside him. “Class, this is Y/n L/n, and she’ll be joining us from now on.” A few whispers could be heard, though I couldn’t tell exactly what they were saying. “Would you like to tell us about yourself, Miss. L/n?” I smiled brightly, handing my hands together in front of me.
                “Hello, I’m Y/n L/n! Please feel free to refer to me by my first name. I have a twin brother named Shin, and he’s in class 3-1, since he skipped a grade. My family moved here from Kyoto, and my previous school was Kyoto Gaidai Nishi High! I’m super excited to start here, and I hope we can all become friends!” I chirped, glancing back at the teacher for my seating arrangement.
                “You’re certainly a cheerful one,” the teacher trailed off, examining the seating plan. “You can take a seat next to Nagisa Hazuki.” I nodded, looking around the room, slightly confused until a blonde boy raised his hand, a large smile on his face. My smile grew wider as I recognized him as the blonde from earlier and glanced around the room, wondering if the other male was here as well. And sure enough, he was. Seems he’s also the owner of the red glasses.
                I skipped over to the seat, sitting down quickly as the class started, glancing back at the blonde every so often.
                Bring bring bring. The bell sounded, alerting the entire school of the start of lunch. I stood up quickly, turning to Nagisa Hazuki and placing my hands on his desk. “You’re adorable!” I stated, shocking the short boy.
                “Thanks! You’re really cute!” a bright smile plastered itself on his face as he stood up, taking my hands. “You don’t know you’re way around yet, right? Me and Rei-chan can show you!”
                “Oh, really? Thank you!” I jumped, excited by the offer.
                “It would be lovely to show you around, L/n.” a shadow loomed over me, causing me to tilt my head back to look up at the male.
                “Woah, you look so cool!” I gawked up at the ravenette, my eyes wide. “Oh, your hair’s so pretty…” unconsciously, I reached a hand up to touch his hair, staring at it in awe. “Ah, sorry! That was super inappropriate.” I slapped my hands together and squeezed my eyes shut as I apologized, being sure to never forget my manners for long.
                “Let’s go!” Nagisa took both mine and Rei’s hands and pulled us out to the hallway, down the stairs and outside. I watched as students chatted mindlessly and quickly walked to who know where, interested in meeting them all. “Oh wait, I almost forgot!” the blonde stopped abruptly, turning to face Rei and I.
                “I’m Nagisa, and this is Rei-chan!” Nagisa pointed at the taller male, who smiled down at us, only now noticing the height difference.
                “I’m Y/n! It’s really nice to meet you Nagisa-chan, Rei-chan!” I smiled, looking up at the two males.

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