// intro \\

Cat Cupid

Name: Lee Seokmin 

Age: 18 years old 

Location: Yongin 

Meet Lee Seokmin. An 18 year old boy living in Yongin. He recently dropped out of school in order to pursue his singing career, which wasn't really going anywhere. Now he helps his auntie out at her outdoors market working part time. She's older and is getting weak so it's hard for her to manage the store on her own, especially when she has to carry crates filled with heavy foods. Seokmin tries his best to help her out as much as he can but he can be lazy, irresponsible, and immature. He would constantly whine throughout the day saying how bored or tired he was, which of course earns him a slap on the back of his head by his auntie. He currently lives with her, since he left his parents house 4 years ago. He never really got along with his parents. They always told him he was wasting his time on his " useless dream that would never come true ". He told them they were wrong, and once they saw him again he would be on stage singing to hundreds of fans. His parents told him he was a disappointment, and told him to leave. He ran to his aunties house crying, she of course took him in and he's lived there ever since. Seokmin was a talented young fellow, but his weird obnoxious personality gets in the way of that. 

In otherwords... he's pathetic. He's an 18 year old loser that lives at his aunts house. 

LAME! Let's go to the next victim. 

Let's see...hmmm 

Not him...





Name:Lee Jihoon 

Age: 19 years old 

Location: Busan 

Now, let's meet Lee Jihoon. A 19 year old male living in Busan. Right now he is currently writing music and strumming his guitar. Jihoon lives alone in his one bedroom apartment. He spends days and nights writing. He hardly goes out with his friends, a total introvert. Doesn't have a girlfriend, has very little friends, kinda conservative. He visits his parents every now and then but he's usually busy with work and writing so he doesn't really go out much.

Yes, we got ourselves a typical loner. In otherwords another LOSER. 

Hmmm... My files don't have much on him. 


Okay can we find someone who actually has their life on track? 


Maybe this one? 


Name: Yoon Jeonghan 

Age: 20 years old 

Location: Seoul 

Okay. Now here's Yoon Jeonghan. A 20 year old guy living in Seoul. Currently dating some girl named Bae Joohyun, who is 4 years older then him. Her nicknameis Irene. She's pretty... they've been together for about 2 years now. They both have alot of friends and go out alot. He currently attends a university and is actually doing well in life. He has a good relationship with his family , nice girlfriend, a lots of friends, bright future, and he's good looking. This guy is doing fine he doesn't need my help. Let's go to the next- oh. Oh nevermind. His girlfriend is actually cheating on him with his best friend... damn. There's gonna be some drama there. Hmmm. What's this? He's planning on proposing?! Wow... okay. We got ourselves another victim.

Well... let's move on for now. 

Let's see who's next...  Ah! This one looks interesting.


Name: Hansol Vernon Chwe 

Age: 17 years old 

Location: Hongdae 

We got a young one here. This is Hansol. A 17 year old boy living in Hongdae. He's mixed. Currently attends high school and is fairly popular. He doesn't have a girlfriend at the moment, but he does like some girl in one of his classes. He likes to rap and dance. Hmmm what else is there... is that it?

What else does this kid do? This is the only paper in this file... how boring. 

Are you serious is that really it? How am I supposed to help him when there is nothing else going on in his life? He's just a normal teenager... wait. What the hell is this? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!  This whole document is in english! How am I supposed to... it's okay. I'll just translate it using my translator. 

Alright... done. It's says... he feels lonely? Why? It doesn't really say much. Whatever. All this thinking is hurting my brain NEXT!


Name: Jeon Wonwoo 

Age: 19 years old 

Location: Changwon 

Alright next person... Jeon Wonwoo. 19 year old living in Changwon. He lives at home with his parents, has a job, decent amount of friends, plays video games, listens to music blah blah where is the good stuff...?


He definitely needs my help. I can't even look at hisfile anymore. It has all these video games and weird I don't even know what's happening but he needs help. 

Okay... let's find someone else.

Let's see... who else... Oooh how about this person? Let's enter China now shall we? 


Name: Xu Minghao 

Age: 18 years old 

Location: Anshan 

Now my last victim. Xu Minghao. 18 year old living in Anshan Liao...ning... China. Did I pronounce that right? Whatever anyways... he loves to dance, he actually dances really well. He currently goes to school but the poor kid gets picked on. How sad. We got a bullied case. He gets along with his parents though. He has some close friends and he's pretty smart. 

Alrighty. I think I got my people. Now to pair them with the right kitten... let's see.

Which one of you shall I sacrifice to these losers? 

Seokmin needs someone to make sure he stays on track so... You! I'll name you... Soonyoung! Soonyoung your new owner is an idiot so good luck! 

Alright now for Jihoon...  He needs someone fun to brighten up his mood so...  Ah yes! I'll name you Seungcheol. 

For Jeonghan... He needs someone who is calm, comforting, patient...  I pick you! Jisoo! 

Hansol can have... seung... seung...kwan? SEUNGKWAN! Your Seungkwan. 

Ugh Wonwoo... The lost cause needs someone cool, Mingyu? We'll go with Mingyu. 

And last but not least, Minghao. Okay what's a good Chinese name. . .  Jun... Junhui? JUNHUI! 

Alright time to put you all in this box! Oh does it have holes? Oh. Yes it does. Wooo. I could've killed them. Okay are you guys ready to have loser owners! Yay! Hope you enjoy your lives! Remember children I will be watching your every move. So make daddy proud! 

-End of intro- 



(a/n: I was gonna update when I got home from school, but school is boring lel. I hope you enjoyed the intro I'm currently working on the first chapter also thanks for subscribing to this story^-^ have a nice day)

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Oh My Gosh! I can't wait to see Seokmin's reaction XD '
Soonyoung is so cute tho ^^
Update soon author-nim! <3
Chansoo6336 #2
Chapter 2: They are going to turn into humans once they found the owners aren't they? I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER! ×n×
Chapter 2: are they gonna turn into human form after being delivered? lol
cant wait for the next update. this got me all excited haha
bakayuni #4
Chapter 2: YASSS SECOND CHAPTER IS SOONSEOK!! otp ㅠㅠ update soon~ cant wait~~
Chapter 2: this is so funny oh my god I love chan I'm so happy it's in his pov. IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS FIC I LOVE CAT FICS, ESP IF THEYRE MEANIE AND SOONSEOK JSJDJ
b2tyowl1311 #7
Chapter 1: i want chan as my spirit animal^^
MissAndrogynetic #8
Chapter 1: I cry xD Is that Chan though? Hahahahaha cutie patootie~~~
mysteryprince #9
Chapter 1: Thank you for making this story:) it's really nice!
Chapter 1: Lee Chan is sooo cuteee~~~ I can't wait for next!! Fighting!!! Authornim~~~