
Fifty shades of Jungkook

The maknae is weird. There's no question about it. He eats paper, sleeps under the living room's table, touches the members' butts and knows every girl group dance ever made. He also got the craziest mood swings. One day he might be all helpful and encouraging, one day he might slap Hobi's hand away any time he tries to hug the younger, one day he might talk informally and the other like a baby and come to him seeking the older's attention. That's Jeon Jungkook, the Golden Maknae, the person Jung Hoseok likes.

"Hyung, stop it", Jungkook once again says when Hoseok tries to show affection. The older just shrugs and decides to leave the maknae to being grumpy and anti-social. Hoseok comes to the conclusion that Jimin is more fun anyway and Jungkook just a moody teenager. So Hobi goes off to talk to Jimin, enjoying his cheerful company, totally oblivious to how Jungkook is glaring at them.


That night however, when Hobi's trying to sleep, somebody pokes him awake. He swats the hand away and turns so he's faced against the wall. The person won't stop bothering him though so Hoseok gives up and opens his eyes to see who dares to wake him up. It's Jungkook.

"What is it, Jungkook?" Hoseok asks, still a little annoyed at Jungkook for waking him up.

"Hyung, can I sleep next to you?" the maknae asks quietly.

"Don't you usually go to Jimin if you've had a bad dream, Kookie?" Hobi asks. He's confused about why Jungkook would want to sleep next to him and not Jimin, the person who makes the younger feel the most loved. Hoseok guesses that's why Jungkook always goes to Jimin to look for comfort and not him, since Jimin shows so much love for his favorite dongsaeng. 

"I wanna sleep next to you", Jungkook says simply and Hobi moves the blanket so the younger one can climb next to him.

"Hyung is tired so please don't kick me in your sleep, okay?" Hoseok says, pulling the younger close and wrapping an arm around him.

"I won't", Jungkook promises and buries his face against Hobi's chest. It doesn't take long until Hoseok hears him breathing deeply and murmuring something in his sleep but Hoseok himself can't seem to fall asleep. He lays awake for a long while, thinking about the young boy curled up against him and how happy he is that Jungkook decided to come to him.


The next morning it's a different Jungkook. Again.

"Hyung, is it just me or did you get shorter last night?" Jungkook asks with a teasing smile when Hoseok walks into the kitchen to get breakfast. Leaving him confused again. Isn't Jimin usually the main target of Jungkook's playful teasing? 

"This kid, seriously..." Hoseok says but can't help a laugh. 

"Wanna do something after you're done with breakfast?" Jungkook asks and sits down.

"Sure." and once again Hoseok is happy about the younger coming to him.


It doesn't take long for Jungkook to get annoyed at him once again. They're playing video games with Taehyung and when the brunette wins, Hobi wraps his arms around him, giving Tae a hug. After that Jungkook stands up, announcing that he's tired and marches away.

That night Jungkook comes back again.

"Can I sleep here?"

"Sure", this time Hoseok doesn't question the maknae and Jungkook looks happy, curling up beside his hyung. 

"Jungkookie, why did you get mad earlier? Was it because I hugged Tae?" Hobi asks.

"No", Jungkook says against his chest, very much not convincing Hoseok.


"Okay, maybe."


"Because... Because I like hyung", Jungkook says quietly and almost makes the older scream in happiness. So what if Jungkook is a weird and moody teenager? He's still Hoseok's weird and moody teenager.

"I like you, too."


// I was talking about Jungkookie and Hobi with my friend one day and suddenly wanted to write a fic about them so here it is. Love those two so much xD thank you for reading ^^

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1122 streak #1
Chapter 1: That was cute :)
Chapter 1: It was cute :)
SophieHafsaouiii #3
Chapter 1: Hopekook/junghope needs more attention
love_EXOfany #4
Chapter 1: One of the best stories I've read so far. Good job and keep it up please <3
Thebrem #5
This is the kind of story that I like!
Keep up the good work!
Vixxfinite_ #6
Chapter 1: Yaaassssss. This was so cute! The world needs more junghope/hopekook!