No pill's gonna cure my ill

Doctor give me the news, Got a Bad Case of Lovin' You


With a furrowed brow, Yoongi shifted in bed with an irritated moan. His bleary eyes shutting tight to guard against the streams of light peaking through the slits in the blinds. On top of the unwanted light, it sounded as if someone was waging a war in his bedroom. A war complete with spaceships and laser guns or whatever the hell that damnable zapping sound was. He moaned again and his side, pulling the sheets over his head. It was loud, annoying, and for some reason everything seemed louder and more irritating than usual. His squeezed his eyes tightly shut and realized that his head was throbbing, his body was aching, and he couldn't breathe properly through his nose. 


"Gotcha, er!"  


At the voice, Yoongi slowly opened his eyes underneath his sheet-tent and after listening to another series of animatronic beeping noises, he sneezed. Then he groaned loudly, because it felt as if his head just exploded. 


"Yoongi-hyung?" The noises stopped and he took a deep breath, reveling in the silence despite his throbbing head. The sheets were pulled down and Yoongi growled softly, trying to shield his eyes from the sun, which was obviously an evil bent on blinding his already aching eyes. 


"What?" he grumbled, attempting to burrow into his pillow. He felt a hand pressing his shoulder down so he couldn't hide his face and then another one pushing his bangs aside to rest on his forehead. For a minute he was still, for the hand was cool and soft and felt quite nice. 


"You're not as warm as before. I'm a better doctor than I thought!" Yoongi certainly felt much too warm and at the same time too chilly, but finally he cracked his eyes open and focused blearily on none other than Park Jimin. Of course. Who else had the balls to be making such a racket in his room? Definitely not Jungkook, since he scared the life out of the boy the last time he so much as dared to pop his head (to tell the older boy dinner was ready) into Yoongi's sacred dwelling. 


"What are you doing here?" Yoongi asked grouchily, still foggy with sleep. Jimin took his hand away and leaned down for a moment before straightening with an armful of the fluffy comforter that Yoongi must have kicked off sometime in his fitful sleep. 


"You don't remember last night?" Jimin walked over to Yoongi's chair and dropped the downy mass into it. Yoongi frowned. Chairs were for sitting, not for discarded bedding, especially bedding that could be to hide underneath from the satanic sunlight. 




"Really? Well, in that case, here's what happened: we went clubbing, You got drunk off your then went onstage and embarrassed yourself by singing some really bad karaoke and then we ended up back here and we had some really which involved some rope, handcuffs, and a whip." 


Yoongi paused for a minute, processing what he had heard, a good amount of that didn't seem right at all. "Uh… yeah," Jimin said, nodding quickly at himself before continuing on. "I figured you wouldn't be too happy waking up tied to the bedposts, so I untied you when you passed out." The older of the two stared at him, deadpanned. Jimin was a terrible liar. 


"Uh-huh. That's real cute, Jimin. Now stop bullting me and tell me what really happened." Jimin wasn't even old enough to go into a club. Yoongi wasn't one for clubs himself, whenever he older friends would go and invite him, he'd tend to turn them down more often than nought. Jimin plopped down on the floor with a grin and picked up his video game controller—so that was what was making that horrid noise—before continuing. "We went to dinner since everyone else was out, you got drunk off your  and then took a walk afterwards, and of course it rained right in the middle, but we didn't care so we got wet. You said something about kissing in the rain being horribly romantic." 


"I did not," Yoongi objected. "I'd never say something stupid like that." 


"Did so." Jimin whinned. Yoongi scoffed in return. "Well, then, it was your fault—you probably made me drink too much." 


Jimin giggled into his hand, "Alcohol seems to bring out the true you," the younger says with a cute smile. Yoongi sat up and promptly sneezed before he could get his retort out. He rubbed his nose and scowled, then sneezed again. He said something in a half-mumble, half-moan as he pulled the sheets up and slipped back down in his bed, giving Jimin the evil eye. 


"You got me sick," he complained, then gestured with a finger. "Why'd you bring that crap in here?" 


Jimin spluttered. "You're calling my PS4 crap?"  


"It's noisy. Have you no respect for the ill?" 


"You know, I think I liked you better last night when you were all drunk and cute and stuck on kissing in the rain." 


"I'm sick and I have a hangover," Yoongi lamented. "And you're an idiot." 


"Namjoon-hyung says hangovers aren't so bad, just drink some more alcohol and you'll be fine." 


"That would be something that would say." Yoongi buried himself under the covers, sniffing pathetically and cursing his stuffy nose. He half-expected his good-for-nothing boyfriend to resume playing his mindless video games, but instead he felt a hand poking at the sheets. Yoongi lowered them slightly and peered out, his face set in a frown. 


"Is widdle Suga-wuga feeling sicky-wicky?" Jimin asked innocently in baby talk. He was kneeling at Yoongi's beside and all Yoongi could see was his head staring at him with enormous coppery eyes. If it wasn't for him not being at the top of his game and his terrible weakness for Jimin's puppy-dog eyes he would have punched the younger boy in his stupid cute baby face.  


"Why aren't you sick?" he asked crabbily. 


"I have something called an immune system. It works really well when you don't lock yourself in your studio at all hours of the day and night and try to live off coffee," he scolded lightly, then his eyes lit up. "I know! I'll make you soup." 


"Oh, please don't," Yoongi moaned, picturing the kitchen in flames, he assumed by how quiet it was outside of his room that no one was around to supervise Jimin's cooking. The younger had already trotted off, oblivious to Yoongi's severe apprehension. The rapper heard him rummaging through the pots and pans and apparently picking the heaviest one he could find, for it landed on the stove with a huge bang. Yoongi pondered pulling the sheets over his head again and simply attempting sleep in a blissfully ignorant state, but knowing that Jimin was about to cook made it impossible to do that, since only visions of the dorm in flames is all he could think about when closing his eyes. So Yoongi dragged himself out of bed and trudged toward the kitchen. 


"What are you doing up? You're supposed to get plenty of rest," Jimin admonished, tearing through the cabinets in search of noodles. Yoongi made a face. "Stop it, you're making a mess." He would end up being the one to clean it up later since he lived with a bunch of children and slobs, since Jin took one for the team and cleaned the bathroom this week.  


"I haven't started yet, hyung." Jimin spoke as if he were speaking to a slow child. "If I could just find where you keep the noodles… and those little bullion cubes…" 


"Don't try to cook," Yoongi sighed. "Who knows how long it would take the company to find us a new place to live." Jimin turned the wounded kitten look to him, "can cook!" His lower lip was trembling a bit and Yoongi knew it was just for show, it was all an act.... One that he always fell for. So he just sighed and said, "Okay, but how about you try when my head doesn't feel like someone sat on it?" 


Jimin's features immediately brightened but he paused for a moment, eyeing the older boy, taking in the wretched look on his face. "Well…" Jimin comes ver and put his arms around the older boy and promptly snuggles his face into the crook of his shoulder. "You need me more than you need soup." 


Yoongi  was about to say something kind of bull he knew would make Jimin happy but he was cut off by being dragged further into the kitchen. Jimin pushed himself up on his tip-toes, flung open a cabinet and d around inside for a bit, ignoring Yoongi's questions of 'what the are you doing?'.   


"This stuff really works," he said, holding up a bottle of  blue liquid. Yoongi stared. "I haven't taken liquid medicine since I was six. " Jimin pouted at those words up he unscrewed the top of the bottle anyways, "You're going to take this!" He wandered over to the cutlery drawer and pulled out a tablespoon. He poured the thick bright colored liquid onto the spoon, then made airplane noises as he flew it around the rapper's face. Yoongi made sure to give him his scariest glare when it finally reached his mouth, even though his glares only really work on the rest of BTS. He opened his mouth reluctantly and took the medicine, then proceeded to gag and hack up a lung in a gross sounding cough. 


"Oh hell no! That's ing disgusting!" Jimin looked at him blankly, "It's medicine, what'd you expect?" Jimin started to pour another dose, "One more~" But when he looks up Yoongi had made a mad dash out of the kitchen like the devil was after him. Jimin shouted after him, dropping the spoon into the sink and making quickly after the other boy. "You only have half of what you need to get better!" He yells as he trails after Yoongi. The rapper was about to go to the bathroom and stick a finger down his throat to rid himself of the vile medicine he had just taken, but Jimin ambushed him. The younger pulls him away from the bathroom, ignoring the sound glare Yoongi throws his way. He can only smile back the older boy for his antics, pink lips curling into a grin and eyes turning into cute crescents, Yoongi's glare fades quickly at Jimin's bright smile.  "You're so crazy when you're sick," The younger laughs. 


"I only get crazy when you give me horrible concoctions and claim they'll make me better!" Yoongi shot back, then stopped when Jimin brought his face close and gave him a kiss on the tip of his nose then promptly sweeps back in to give a gentle kiss on the lips. Yoongi's eyes slid shut and hands immediately find Jimin's small waist, his annoyance dissipated for the most part. He tilts his head, going in a bit deeper and Jimin's opens up willingly, Yoongi takes the opportunity to slid his tongue. The rappers's hands tightened around Jimin's waist as they kissed. He was already feeling lightheaded due to his wretched fever-hangover and when they finally broke apart, it took a moment for Jimin's face to come into focus. 


"Ugh," Jimin said unappreciatively, grimacing dramatically. "That medicine does taste terrible." 


"Suffer more," Yoongi said, pulling him back and capturing his lips again.

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hyleess #1
i have so much yoonmin feels and im gonna go flop myself this is so cute <33333333333
hyleess #2
Chapter 1: im suffer of diabetes
Chapter 1: awwwwwww this is so cute authornim!! ><
Chapter 1: and that's how jimin got sick afterwards :)))
Chapter 1: this is the first time i'm actually reading a bts story and i'm really glad it was from you, hahahahaha
i really enjoyed it! thank you very much!
i swear, suga and jimin are so cute huhuhu