New Client

Love's Lie

She dropped onto her knees and yelled with all her might. She screamed and let out all the rage that was inside her. Crying, she looked up and looked at the panoramic view of the water in front of her. She the sand, feeling every single grain of it go through, in between her fingers and drop back to where they came from on the ground. She had enough. This was going too far. She couldn't do it anymore. She couldn't continue letting innocent lives get lost for no clear reason.

"Why am I feeling this?" She asked herself, "I'm not supposed to be able to feel anything. I was never taught guilt or sorrow or remorse, so why do I feel them?"

"Dammit, why?!" She yelled out into the ocean.

She thumped her fist onto the soft sand and shook while crying. He had told her that this wouldn't affect her emotions on any way. This was just a night thing where she would complete her mission that he gave her. She thought she was doing the right thing.

Jin Ae, 21 years old. She was born and raised to be an assassin. Given to her boss by her parents, she never knew what love was.

"It isn't important," He told her, "You don't need love when you have control over life and death."

And she believed him. Love was for wimps, not strong people like her. But there was always something wrong, she knew it, there was something missing. It would always bug her but it was nothing compared to what was about to barge into her life.

It was like any other night. She finished dinner and stood up to wash the dishes. She lived in a posh apartment by herself, the one which her boss bought for her. Suddenly, as she poured washing detergent onto the soft sponge, the phone started to ring. She glanced at the clock and saw that it was fifteen past nine. She sighed and wiped her hands on the tablecloth beside her. She walked over to pick up the phone and listened to the receiver. The only sound she heard was the click of the person on the other end hanging up.

She quickly put the phone back down and rushed into her room to get changed into her black jumpsuit that hugged every curve of her body. She threw on a crimson dress coat, grabbed her purse and checked to make sure everything she needed was in there.

"Hmm…" She thought, "Pistol...check, silencer, check, matchbox and matches, check."

She walked out of her room and put on her black boots and fastened the buckles.

"Another job for me…" She said to herself, "I wonder who's my next...client."

She stepped out of her apartment and closed the cream-coloured door behind her. She walked down the winding stairs that led to the lobby and she turned right, to the mail room. She counted the mail boxes and got to the sixteenth one and unlocked it with her key. Peering inside it, she saw that there was a baby-green-coloured envelope . She reached in and held the letter tight with her left hand. She slipped it into the pocket of her coat, locked her mailbox and walked out of the mail room.

"Good evening ma'am."

She nodded at the young receptionist.

"Why are you going out so late at night?"

She stopped walking and hesitated. She didn't usually speak to anyone and she was afraid that small things might give her status away. She turned around to have a quick look at him. A young fellow, in his early twenties, she could count him as one of the few good looking guys she's seen. Tall and built with silver-black hair. She questioned that, but brushed it away quickly with the thought that they were probably just streaks.

"Yeah, late dinner date," She lied.

"Oh...ok. Have a good evening."

"You too," She quickly answered and turned back around to walk out of the building.

She clutched onto her light yellow purse and swiftly walked to the side of the road and hailed for a taxi. Little did she know that there was someone watching her from a distance.

"Who's your next client, little cub?" He said with a chuckle and walked away in the opposite direction.

How was this? :) A few questions were raised here ahahaha. Who is her boss? Where is she going now? What exactly is a "client"? And who was watching her every move?
Ahahaha, leave your thoughts and comments below and I hope to see you as a new subscriber, maybe :DD


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Autumn_Memories #1
I like the whole set up of this story! Do continue it -I've always wanted to write an assassin/gang story and in fact, the first one I wrote was an assassin one...I might start it up with Winnie again hmm :P
Anyways LOVE IT <3
Haha.. I got confused with ur other story! I was wondering how Key could be her boss wen he's dead xD anyways, update soon!
-agrees with Nataliette-<br />
That picture just freaks me out (no offense to the girl but it looks like plastic surgery o_o) with the heavy black eye-shadow that makes her look like she didn't sleep for a long time. <br />
Jess, I love ur poster, but the girl's lower half of her face scares me :( Idk how to describe that feeling, but it looks freaky -.-
B2STHart #5
OHHHH i like your poster!!! so pretttyyyyy
:D UPDATE!! I wanna know the answer!! >w<