Every Inch of You

January Drabbles

Rating/Warning : NC-17 for implied and ert (?) Jongin, kekekeke

I wrote this in a rush after so many of my kaisoo shipper friends fell into a slump so excuse any grammatical mistakes or weird structures.

Dedicated to kaisoolicious13, sittirahmah, miss N, miss K, Kitty, Chacha and LoveKaiDO volunteer group's member. Keep strong y'all!!


Kim Jongin loved every inch of Do Kyungsoo.

He never explicitly said so, but the blatant staring and constant touching said just as much.

If one were to ask which part of Kyungsoo did Jongin love the most, Jongin wouldn’t ever be able to give a straight answer. Jongin had not one favorite, he just simply had too many.

Jongin loved Kyungsoo’s hair. He liked Kyungsoo’s black hair, adored the subtle brown and got terribly by the burgundy tresses. He loved playing with the short hair at Kyungsoo’s nape, loved running his fingers through the thick hair. But Jongin loved it best when Kyungsoo’s hair was long enough for him to grab at, especially when he wanted to pull Kyungsoo in for a kiss.

Jongin loved Kyungsoo’s eyes. They were wide and clear and so full of love. Jongin used to be afraid of Kyungsoo because of his squint, but now he had come to adore it. Sometimes Jongin would hide Kyungsoo’s glasses so he could see Kyungsoo’s squints. Jongin loved the way Kyungsoo’s eyes widened in wonder whenever he saw something amazing, how they would get sparkly whenever Kyungsoo laughed. He loved it when Kyungsoo’s eyes turned so gentle whenever the elder was looking at him, like Jongin was the most precious thing in the world. But Jongin loved it best whenever Kyungsoo’s eyes got half lidded with desire whenever they were alone and Jongin had his way with him.

Jongin loved Kyungsoo’s lips. They were full and thick. Jongin liked how they turned heart shaped whenever Kyungsoo smiled or laughed. He liked how kissable they were, how soft and endearing they felt against his own lips. Jongin had a habbit of lightly biting Kyungsoo’s lips, and it wasn’t a habbit he would let go anytime soon. But Jongin loved it best when Kyungsoo’s pretty mouth was wrapped around his hardness, how in the blink of an eye those sweet lips could turn so sinfully wicked.

Jongin loved Jyungsoo’s hands. They were small but strong. The fingers were a bit knobby, but they gave the best massage. Jongin liked it when Kyungsoo touched his wrist. He loved the way Kyungsoo traced random patterns on his skin with his fingertips. He loved the way his own fingers fitted so perfectly between Kyungsoo’s. But Jongin loved it best when Kyungsoo’s fingers were desperately clutching at his back as Jongin drove himself deeper and deeper into Kyungsoo.

Jongin loved Kyungsoo’s body. He loved the small stature and the height, just perfect for a cuddle. Jongin couldn’t keep his hands to himself whenever Kyungsoo’s body was within his reach. Jongin longed to touch, to caress, to posses every inch of Kyungsoo’s body. And he did, and he had. Jongin loved how curvy Kyungsoo’s body was, how soft and supple and pliant it was. Jongin loved it whenever Kyungsoo pressed his body against Jongin’s, how the skin was warm and tender. But Jongin loved it best when Kyungsoo’s white complexion turned pink with flush as he opened his body to Jongin, how Jongin could slide in easily and how for a time, they were one.

Jongin loved Kyungsoo’s thick thighs. He liked how they were so soft but firm at the same time. Jongin recalled many good naps with his head pillowed on Kyungsoo’s thighs. Jongin loved to place small kisses on Kyungsoo’s thighs. Whenever Kyungsoo lied bare before him, it took Herculean effort on Jongin’s part to not give in to the temptation of biting and those fleshy thighs. Jongin knew the risk of leaving his mark on Kyungsos’s skin, so he contented himself with long lingering kisses and trails of . But Jongin loved it best when Kyungsoo wrapped his thighs around Jongin, how those milky thighs would quiver and tighten around Jongin’s waist as the younger moved his hip just so.

Jongin loved Kyungsoo’s voice. He loved the way Kyungsoo sang, especially when Kyungsoo was singing foreign songs. He loved the way the English words rolled off of Kyungsoo’s tongue. How his deep voice carried the note and caressed Jongin’s ear. Kyungsoo’s range wasn’t as high as Chen’s or Baekhyun’s, but there was something in the timbre which plucked at Jongin’s heartstrings. Jongin loved it when Kyungsoo’s voice turned low and raspy as he gasped out a litany of soft ah-ah-ah. Jongin loved it when Kyungsoo’s voice wobbled as he choked out Jongin’s name as he released his passion. But Jongin loved it best when Kyungsoo’s sleepy voice reached his ears as they were about to fall asleep, whispering soft ‘I love you Jongin-ah’.

So yes, Jongin loved every inch of Kyungsoo. And he was sure Kyungsoo loved every inch of him too.


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nininguin #1
Chapter 2: Jongin love kyungsoo
illuvionist #2
Chapter 2: next...huhu..
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; this nip on my fragile heart deep--
profoundenigma #4
Chapter 1: Awww sooo cute.