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Ever since that day when Jungkook gave the pink notebook back to the senior, he never had another interaction with him. He also hasn’t seen the senior after the summer sports festival ended about a month ago. The seniors came out as champions of the said event with them having the most wins in all sports categories in the festival. And after the awarding ceremony Jungkook hasn’t seen much of him despite being in the same school. 


He himself is also avoiding the senior, staying away from the places the senior frequents with his friends and any events where the student council is involved in. The senior also hasn't shown up at lab class, then it turned out just two weeks ago that they have a new student assistant named Yoongi, another senior who is a bit scary and not-so-approachable according to his classmates.

So in a way it kinda worked out for Jungkook, mainly because he doesn’t know what to do with his feelings so he is running away from it instead of dealing with it. It’s easier that way, suppressing his feelings, like what he has been doing for the past months.

But if there's one thing Jungkook realized from not being able to see the senior for weeks, it's that absence really does make the heart grow fonder.



- - -



Jungkook is in the cafeteria eating lunch with his friends, who said just minutes ago that he became grumpy in the past weeks and they are even telling him to go back to stalking the senior if that can make ‘grumpy-Jungkook’ go away and have the ‘happy-inspired-Jungkook’ back, in which he just ignores. He continued eating, not minding his friends or anyone else around him for that matter.

But then these two female students who just arrived at the counter caught his attention when they mentioned the senior’s name. Their table is right next to the counter so he can hear their conversation unintentionally while he is eating.

“Really?” asked the first girl as she got some trays.

“Yes” confirms the other girl.

“No wonder I haven’t seen Jin-sunbae lately” said the first girl again who is now filling their trays with food.

So I guess I’m not the only one who hasn’t seen him lately Jungkook says to himself.

“He wasn’t in the council room either when I went there to talk to Namjoon-sunbae so I doubt he will be able to help your team with your project” explains the other girl as he helps with their tray.

Oh, so they just want the senior’s help on something, good. Jungkook didn't know why he seemed relieved.

“Too bad, Jin-sunbae is really friendly and easy to approach. But I hope he is feeling well now” the first girl said with disappointment in her voice.

Feeling well?... why? What happened to him? Jungkook starts to get curious as the girls’ conversation continues.

“He is, but I heard he is very busy trying to catch up with the lessons and projects he missed while he was in the hospital” says the other girl.

Hospital!?! Why was sunbae in the hospital?! Jungkook questions himself as he puts down his chopsticks and stops eating.

“Oh okay, I guess I’ll just try to ask another senior to help us with our project then.” says the first girl as both of them leaves the counter with their trays in hand and heads on to find a table.

What is going on? what did I miss? is he okay? Jungkook stands up from his seat not finishing his lunch and runs towards the cafeteria exit.

He needs answers to his questions and he needs them now.

“Hey Jungkook! where are you going?” one of his friends yell from their table, confused since Jungkook usually doesn't want to be interrupted when he is eating. What could be more important than food?



- - -



He ran as fast as he could from the ground floor where the cafeteria is located up towards the third floor where the senior’s homeroom is. 

On the way he skips two or more steps in the stairs with his long legs and arrives at the third floor in no time. 

He stops at the door and scans the place, the senior is not in the room, the only people there are few students on their lunch break.

Jungkook then started heading down three flights of stairs and out of the main building. 


He paused for a bit when he got outside to catch his breath and then eyed the science building where the lab is located and started running towards it. 


The moment he got inside the building he immediately headed to the lab, he is almost out of breath by now.

He arrived at the lab room only to find it empty. 

What were you thinking Jungkook? of course it’ll be empty, it's lunch time he sighs in defeat. 

Just when he is about to give up and go back, he realized there is still one place left where the senior could be at that hour, and that is the student council room.


Jungkook just ran past the school gym and is now running across the field, on his way to the building at the back of the school where the different clubs and the student council room are located. 

While running he thinks he doesn’t even know what to say when he gets there and sees the senior, he just wants to see him right now with his own eyes and make sure he is okay. That’s the only thing in his mind at the moment.

He can already see the door of the student council room and is nearing it by the second. 


Finally, he grabs the door knob and pushes it open then…


The senior and another guy are surprised as they both look at Jungkook at the same time.

Jungkook found the senior, but with someone else.

He was with that guy from before, the Taehyung guy, they were alone in the student council room, standing facing close to each other, both of them carrying a handful of books together.

Jungkook was frozen on the doorway as the other guy stare

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Chapter 4: So simple and beautiful.. thanks for the story
Chapter 4: Amazing, Kookie ^▽^
Your love aren't one side love, Jin sunbaenim loves you back ♡ autumn is more beautiful with someone you love by your side
Chapter 3: Ooh, Jin is being with someone else (Taehyung) and Kookie starts to feel jealous, oooh.. Be patient, Kookie :)
Chapter 2: His beloved sunbaenimm's pink notebook is more beautiful than cherry blossoms in that spring day ⌒.⌒
Good luck, Kookie
Chapter 1: Kookie are falling in love with Jin sunbaenim ^▽^
You just need more times to get closer to him, Kookie..
Chapter 4: i am goun to screammm
f i n a l l y
my heartu~ ♡♡♡
Chapter 3: ohohhhh~ taetae being all thouchy with seokjin rubbed our kookie off the wrong way
xD see what i did?
ehem! my jokes are terrible
Chapter 2: ohmygod jinnie is the s W E E T E S T SENIOR OMG LENDING KOOKIE HIS NOTES I'M CRYING
Chapter 1: //c R I! this is so sweet and junkook's infatuation is so cute to see! ahhh~ gives me lifee
Chapter 4: ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL STORY! it must feel wonderful to be a successful author. I got too much into the story . I screamed "just go and talk to him" "TAEHYUNG GET LOST!" "WHY DID YOU LEAVE KOOKIE!?" "HAHA! TAKE THAT TAETAE!" (I'm sorry my taejin feels but I don't want you now) OMG JIN SAID KOOKIE'S NAME!" "O-M-G JIN ALSO FEEL SOMETHING YESSSSS!!" I'm really happy it ended up with the two together YAAAAY!! I seriously thought Kook will open that door and find a taejin kissing scene O__o THANK YOU FOR ENDING IT LIKE THAT!! ♡♡ Also the way you put on the chapters! This is NEW! and also DIFFERENT! I wish I knew the right word to describe it , maybe "excellent"? "Luxurious"? I wish I knew the word! >__< if I could rate it , I would give it five stars straight away without hesitating or maybe even 10 out of five! I used to say "Jin is my ultimate bias" but now I say "Sereinity is my ultimate bias!" :') you always amaze me with your beautiful writings, SUCH A TALENT! If Jinkook was real , they'd be so happy and proud to have such an author like you who writes beautiful adventures of them!
Keep these fics up!! You're doing a great job! :) hope see you as a famous author in the future ♡♡

Ps: I keep laughing so hard whenever you say "English is not my first language"/"there might be typos" loooool!! This joke will never get old! Not the first language and yet you're still killing us with it!

Have a good day!! :DD sleep well and eat! Thank you for your time writing these beautiful fics! And please never stop ^___^
사랑해요 'ㅅ' ❤