Chapter 25

What You Can't See
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The week passed all the same, and to N’s delight nothing changed between him and Leo. N didn’t let it show but he was slightly disappointed to not be able to have an excuse to stay the night every night. The first night of returning to his home he curled up in his bed shivering. He had gotten so used to sleeping next to Leo, and he honestly missed it. He reassured Leo that he was alright over the phone that same night, Leo was so worried to let N go back home. In truth Leo wasn’t ready to let N go back home. He had gotten so used to N’s company and didn’t like the idea of the boy going home to an empty house. If anything Leo really didn’t want to be left alone in his own home, but still felt worse for the latter.

A week after the exams Leo was back to his regular routine, N seemed to be back to his regular routine. Leo still didn’t like the fact that N was back home so decided to see if N wanted to hang out after school that day. Leo leaned over in his chair, “Hey N, why don’t we hang out after school today?”
N looked up, “Sure, want me to tell the guys?”
Leo bit his lower lip and thought quickly, “Umm…no. Actually since we’re getting our results today, let’s just hang out alone today.”

N nodded, he knew that as usual Leo would be announced the best in the class and N would have just barely made second. Leo would be given his real results after class that day. N smiled at Leo, “Hey I’m confident you did well.”

Leo looked down at the ground feeling unsure, “I

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Chapter 36: Is this really the end? Anyway great story authornim!!! Thank you for this story
signorina_klutz #2
Chapter 36: Oh my gosh. I love this. It was an emotional rollercoaster, and I love every second of it. I was just wondering about N's real father. But anyway, great plot, great delivery. Upvoted.
dontworryandcomeback #3
Chapter 36: ^-^ thanks for writing this~
naznew #4
Chapter 36: Err..why i feel this story cliffhanging?
Chapter 36: Such amazing!! Thank you for nice ending ^^
Hope you do a sequel when Hakyeon and Taekwoon lives together
Fightiing!! (๑و•̀ω•́)و
Karenkitty1092 #6
Chapter 36: This was such a wonderful ending and would love if you could do a sequel.
Chapter 36: Good thing that Leo and his father got out of their problems.
N's "father" was really bad. Good thing that he and Leo fall in love whit each other.
I hope you could do a sequel to this amazing story! Fighting for your new stories author-nim!
90sLineLover #8
Chapter 36: Such an amazing story ^^ hope you can do a sequel on N and Leo's live together
Chapter 36: thank you for the sweet ending <3 =^^=