Chapter 2

November Kings

Warning: mention of and slight morbid drunken talk

AN. Again, tahnk you very much to everyone who had read, subscribed, commented and upvoted this story. I'm sorry I haven't been replying to your commentsbut  I will later. :)

first part of a double update.


Two years after their fateful poker night, Old Mr. Wu and Old Mr. Park met again on the same shady parlor. They played another round of poker, this time Young Mr. Park joined them. As the old men reminisced about their younger days, Young Mr. Park listened attentively because he knew there was a reason he was brought here. He much preferred to spend time with his wife and their newborn son, but his father passed him the invitation with his ‘boss’ tone. Young Mr. Park knew then, that it wasn’t an invitation; it was an order from the head of the family. So Young Mr. Park kissed his wife and son lovingly before he donned his grey suit and walked out the door.

And as the talk around the table shifted from past misadventures into the newest addition of the Park family, Young Mr. Park sat up straighter. They were finally getting to the point of this poker game.

“I heard your grandson is very cute.” Old Mr. Wu said as he tossed a couple of chips to the center of the table.

Old Mr. Park peered at him from the top of his card before he threw some chips of his own before replying. “He’s a bundle of joy.”

Young Mr. Park wisely kept mum. Even if he was the heir apparent, he wouldn’t dare speak unless spoken to. He only placed his cards on the table and bowed out from the game. “Fold.”

Old Mr. Wu smirked and laid his cards on the table. “I hope your granddaughter will be just as cute. Full house.”

Old Mr. Park grinned widely. “Give him a year.” He said as he flicked his chin toward his son.

Old Mr. Wu finally shifted his gaze to Young Mr. Park. “Please raise a proper bride for Yifan. I’ll raise him to be a proper son-in-law for you.” Then he made to scoop the chips toward him before Old Mr. Park stopped him.

“Not so fast old friend.” He laid down his cards. “Straight flush.”

Old Mr. Wu cursed in Chinese and Korean. “I swear you’re cheating!”

Old Mr. Park only shrugged his shoulders. “Or you’re just terrible at poker.”




Three years passed since and there was no sign of another grandchild. Old Mr. Park knew it wasn’t for lack of trying. His butler had once came to him and delicately told him about how the maids had stumbled regularly upon Young Master and his wife partaking in bedroom activities outside the bedroom. It wasn’t unusual really, but the frequency was alarming. The maids became afraid of entering any room inside the huge mansion for fear of intruding on their employers’ private time.

Old Mr. Park only laughed and waved his butler off, telling him that Young Mr. Park was just doing his duty as heir and husband. That was until he walked in on his son getting it on with his wife in the library, on broad daylight, with the curtains opened and the door unlocked. Old Mr. Park shouldn’t be too flustered, but at that time he was carrying little Chanyeol in his arms.

With a dizzying spin, Old Mr. Park fled the library with one hand covering his sweet grandson’s eyes, muttering selected words under his breath. Later that night, he called his son to his study and they had a short and awkward talk about bedroom and locked door.

Despite the constant effort from his parents, the 4 years old Chanyeol remained as an only child.




Chanyeol was 6 when Old Mr. Wu and Old Mr. Park met again in that dingy parlor. There were no cards involved this time, only bottles of liquor and finest Cuban cigars.

“He tried. He really tried. If he tried any harder, he might as well cut off his and left it inside his wife.” Old Mr. Park said forlornly.

Old Mr. Wu only grimaced. “So what do we do?”

Old Mr. Park took a drag of his cigar and blew the smoke out in the shape of a ringlet. “Make them playmate or something. Then they can be roommate once they’re in school. We can even make them housemate or something. Just make them… mate!” Obviously Old Mr. Park had one too many glass.

Old Mr. Wu nodded. “Good idea, good idea. They should mate.” He said sagely. Obviously, he too had one too many.

And that was that.

And really, the reason they usually chose poker over drinking was because the two lords of underworld were weird drunks. 


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tartle #1
Chapter 4: Yifan was the top of his clase meanwhile Chanyeol.. He could dissemble a gun in under a minute kfjg
I loved it~ Please update soon!
Chapter 4: This is so cute!! I love how Little Kris and Little Chanyeol already are taking a liking to each other~ Looking forward to the next chapter!
Chapter 4: Bwahahahaha now this fic os becoming my favourite. The grandpa combi is hilarious XDD. I know u are skyrocketing with ur updates authornim. So I'll be waiting XD
fienyeol #4
Chapter 4: awwwwhhhh krisyeol begitu lucu,, next authornim... ^^
ofpurpleskies #5
Chapter 4: I find the grandfathers really funny cant wait to read more of their interactions ^^ and awwww krissy more love for him prz
Chapter 4: If it weren't already a mafia themed I'd say bloody yes but mehhh... Fluffy yes to krisyeol being mates,.. Together
Chapter 4: Old Mr. Wu and old Mr. Park really cool. They are like cupid for krisyeol in here. Luckily they want both of their son to be mate. This is so cute. I like how adorable Chanyeol in here and Yifan is just Yifan. Hahahaha.
kim_cloud #8
Chapter 4: oh my~~~ this is so so cuteeeee
i'm dying because of this overload cutenesss duhhhh
chanyeol's smile is really brighten up yifan's world huh....
can't wait for more of them... a perfect match from hell duhh
Chapter 4: Yeol is beautiful right,yifan ♡_♡
Chapter 4: God, this is something I would love to put more time waiting. I love how carefree Chanyeol is in this story. And of course! Chanyeol is beautiful and Yifan is handsome and they were match made in heaven :D