JEONGCHEOL | Forever's a Long Time

Seventeen Drabble Collection™
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forever's a 

long time


 title  forever's a long time

 author  yoshiwoo

 genre  angst

 rating  major char death

 quote  "everything i do, i do for you"

“My feather feelings are light. I’m emotionless”

Seungcheol walked around the campus once again. He doesn’t know how long he has been doing this but everytime he comes over, he gets closer and closer to what he is looking for. This time, he ends up in front of his old science lab. Room 208 engraved on it.

He sighs heavily before letting himself walk inside. It was the same. It always stayed the same but this time, Seungcheol knows there was always something hidden in this very room he has never been able to find. Or was it the fact he didn’t know where to search?

The skeletal dummy standing at the other end seemed as normal as ever. The bones dangling weakly, like always. He walked across the desks, hands tracing the desk tops, letting the dust leave marks on his slender fingers. As he walks past through them, his hands hover every name tag secured on the corners of the desks.

His eyes widen when he notices the name he’s searching for. Yoon Jeonghan. Just even the faint imprint of ink that made the tag very unclear made Seungcheol’s eyes weilled up in tears. Just the sight of the boy’s name caused Seungcheol to break inside.

Lifelessly, he rips the tag of the desk, scrunching it up as he walks out the door, not before leaving a small red rose petal atop of where the tag was. Like he always did.

“Seungcheol, Some day I will fade away”

It’s 2 weeks later he goes back to the campus. It seemed as if the campus is the only place he’ll go to if he’s not at home. Seungcheol doesn’t mind though, the campus is the only place where a part of his life is. Where a part of his life used to be, at least. The man finds himself in the middle of the school yard. Standing right inside the circle of the court, glancing at all the bleachers circling around him. There’s a spot that was always reserved. A spot where Seungcheol and the person he loved always sat together.

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I already requested. Can't wait to read it >.<. Fighting^^~~~~
I requested ^^
I'll wait patiently, hwaiting ♥
yurxchka #3
Chapter 29: THIS IS MASTERPIECE well not like van gogh or like that but THIS IS MASTERPIECE I LOBEU IT.
yurxchka #4
Chapter 23: this chAPTER IS SOOO BEAUTIFUL
dububaby #5
Chapter 26: its cute... srsly .. :3
misscarat #6
dububaby #7

anw i will fill the form once i had some idea(s) xD
cdotjhn #8
Chapter 22: ship name: jeongcheol
genre: fluff
plot: where sc and jh are teachers on the same school and their students ship them