HyuKen 11

Love, Hyogi

“You promised me you'd stop seeing her.” Jaehwan said, tears filling his eyes as he stared at his husband. “Hyung, I told you it's not just me and her. We were with our colleagues for our upcoming project.” Sanghyuk said. Jaehwan scoffed. “Next time you decide to lie to me, make sure you don't smell like a woman’s perfume.” The older of the two spat. “You don't know anything!” Sanghyuk said, jaw clentching. “I don't need to know what happens between you and that co-worker of yours behind doors. You ing come back here during ungodly hours, smelling like women’s perfume and your clothes wrinkled! What else do you expect me to think of, Sanghyuk? I’m your husband for SAKE!” Jaehwan screamed, slamming his hands on the table, his wedding ring creating a piercing sound from the collision with the marble surface. “You swore to me that you wouldn't cheat on me, yet you did!” Jaehwan continued, hot tears of anger and frustration streaming down his face. “Am I not good enough for you? Is this marriage a joke to you? Well if it is, you. I’m done playing dumb.” Jaehwan spat, taking his ring off his finger before throwing it at Sanghyuk. “Jaehwan, please—“ Sanghyuk said, taking a hold of his husband’s wrist. Jaehwan but his bottom lip, clenching his eyes shut as he roughly yanked his wrist away. “No, Sanghyuk. I'm done. I am sick of listening to your meaningless apologies.” Jaehwan coldly said before leaving his husband in the living room.

Once Jaehwan finished packing, he broke down and called the one person he swore he wouldn't call once he said yes to Sanghyuk. Jaehwan chewed on his bottom lip, tears falling from his eyes as the other line rang.
“Jaehwan?” Jaehwan in a shaky breath before replying. “Seokjin-ah, please come and get me.” Jaehwan shakily said, ignoring Sanghyuk’s presence in the room. “Jaehwan, I’m on my way. Do you want me to say on the phone with you?” Jaehwan’s former lover softly asked. “Please?” Jaehwan begged. “I don't know what’s happening, but I’m assuring you that I’ll help you get through this.” Seokjin said. Jaehwan smiled a bit for the first time ever since he found out about his husband’s affair. “Thank you, Jinnie.” Sanghyuk felt his heart drop at the name, tears rushing to his eyes. “Tell you what, I’m a few blocks away from your house. Why don't you wait for me in your living room?” Seokjin suggested. Jaehwan sighed and softly responded with a weak “okay” and hung up. “Jaehwan, please don't leave me.” Sanghyuk begged walking over to hug his husband. Jaehwan shook his head, moving Sanghyuk’s arms off of him. “Goodbye, Sanghyuk.” Jaehwan said, taking his suitcases with him and left the room. Sanghyuk felt the guilt in him eat him up, sobbing hard as he heard the front door slam shut, leaving him alone to cry the guilt out.



I’m sorry, Jaehwan Hyung.

Nothing can ever undo what you did to me.

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Just a few more weeks, and I am free to update as much as I want!


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joanna20 #1
Chapter 76: Thank u!!!!! Its a great & awesome story. XD
Chapter 67: You write really well! Just curious have you studied psychology before? :)
Chapter 76: Aww it's over, but I'm so excited for your new fic ^^ You spoil your readers so much, thank you!
Chapter 76: 1: this started off so hot and I love it~~
2: this ended so sweet and I love it too~~~~
3: I am so very sad that this is over *over dramatic crying*
Karenkitty1092 #5
Chapter 76: Damn this was hot and the last part with Hakyeon too funny.
Chapter 75: *fans self even more* very hot
Chapter 74: *fans self* that was hot
Chapter 73: haha that was great!
Chapter 72: and now i'm happy again~~!
Chapter 71: and now i'm sad