
Jealousy Strikes at KangDongWon's Party
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January 18, 2016



"It's official! Actor Kang Dong Won is now under YG Entertainment. Today, January 18, 2016, YG announced that he officially joined YG family. He also wished him a happy birthday."

"Happy birthday, Kang Dongwon-ssi and we wish you more blessings to come!"



What an inopportune timing for Taeyeon because the moment she opened the television, it reminds her last week-- their fight about Kang Dong Won. She smiled bitterly and quickly turned it off. One week passed and neither of them talk or text or call or even meet up. It's unfortunate because both have free scheadules for the whole week. That week was spent by locking herself into her room that made her parents worried. She admits that she became inconsiderate and childish who acted like an 8 year old kid towards his feelings, but what can she do? She's just being a fan!




On the other hand, here he is, just lying on his bed and looking at the ceiling. He's still struggling on what to do. He really misses her so bad. But unfortunately, she deeply hurt his ego. How can she be so insensitive? He thought. He can give her all she wants but not this one. Taeyeon knows that Jiyong is a kind of boyfriend who easily gets jealous. "But why does she keep on insisting that ing fangirling over that 35-year oldie?!"



He is beyond jealous. But of course, he won't let that jealousy consume him and ruin his precious relationship with his girlfriend. Just by looking at the home screen of his phone, he misses her even more. It'a screenshot from the video of them making out that was accidentally captured when he was doing his I's reaction video. Jiyong vividly remembers that one afternoon.



October 07, 2015


He saw her approaching him, pulling his body closer to her as she put her arms unto his neck and closing the gap with them. They kissed as if there's no tomorrow. Her lips was perfectly harmonizing with his. Her curvy lips made its way to his ear, finding its sensitive spot there as she whispered sweet "I love you's" and "I miss you's" to him.




After contemplating of what to do, he starts typing a message.


To: mybutterfly<33

Dress up. I'll pick you up later at 5PM. Don't wear any makeups.



Seconds passed. Minutes turned hours. It's already 4PM. He still got no response. The last time he checked, it's been seven days since their last conversation. But despite of being ignored, his main goal today is to fix their relationship before this day ends.






Taeyeon is close to losing her sanity. She has already made an appointment with her Heechul oppa before Jiyong texted her. At 4:30PM, Heechul will pick her up and they'll have a friendly date in Lotte World for he wants to cheer her up. He can't stand seeing her like that because they are soulmates. And at 5PM, Jiyong texted her that he'll pick her up "too". She wants to be with her soulmate but she also wants to be with her boyfriend. But what to do? She misses them both.


soulmate or the boyfriend?





Wearing his infamous Kaonashi costume or his usual airport fashion, he made his way through the lift of this prestige condominium in Seoul and went swiftly to Taeyeon's penthouse. He opened the door so that no one will notice him. The moment he got there, he saw Heechul hugging her girlfriend, gently caressing her back--like comforting her. Yes. Jiyong is the jealous-type of a boyfriend. But he was not jealous. Of all the men, Heechul is an exceptional.



"Oh Jiyong, you're here. You came earlier than I expected." He gave him a dirty look as he said those words. Taeyeon was startled and quickly let go on Heechul's embrace. She saw how gloomy Jiyong was. She felt that she was responsible for that. Seeing him like this is the last thing she wanted to see.


"I came to take her somewhere."


"I know."


"You better not make her cry. I'll punch you again if you do!" Heechul warned as he bit his lower lips while he showed his fist against him.



Jiyong just nodded his head and took Taeyeon's hand and went out. As soon as they reached the lift, he let go of her hand that made her disappointed. They're now in his not-so-famous car. He fastened his seat belts but noticed that her girlfriend's mind was wandering that's why she forgot to do her seat belts. He slowly closed the gap between them and started putting her seat belts instead. Only their long breaths and their faster-than-normal heartbeats can only be heard. Thankfully, there was no a presence of light inside the car or else he'll see her blushing like a tomato and vice versa. The 30-minute drive was filled with silence. No one even dared to talk. His eyes were fixated on the road while she was absentmindedly fidgeting on her phone, because her mind was too preoccupied by Jiyong, Jiyong, and Jiyong again!!!



YG Entertainment Kang Dong Won's Welcome and Birthday Party



"Jiyong, why are we here?"


"You said you want this as a gift for our anniversary, right? Here I am granting your wish." He told her as he tried hard not to hint a sign of bitterness which ended up of being obvious.


"Jiyong. A-Are you serious?" asked Taeyeon who's now stuttering because she did not expect this.


"Will I bring you here if I'm not serious???!"


"No, you won't."


"Then go now."


"You're not coming with me?"


"Of course I'm coming! I'll just park the car!


"As if I'll let you go there alone. There are so many flirts there though!" mumbled Jiyong. Taeyeon still heard it. She chuckled secretly at the thought of how over-protective her boyfriend is.


At the same time, something caught their attentions.


"Did we just wear the same leather jacket today?" Both asked their theirselves silently as they noticed that they are wearing the same jackets that Jiyong brought three months ago.


Yes. That's just purely coincidental.




As soon as their feet stepped on the ground of this luxurious private room inside YG, they were greeted by the guards, staffs, the CEO Yang Hyun Suk, the YG artists, and of course, the birthday celebrant.


"Thank you for coming on my birthday, Taeyeon-ssi." Kang Dong Won thanked her, as he reach for her hand to have a handshake. Imagine Taeyeon with heart eyes now, fangirling over his long-time crush. But before reaching Taeyeon's hand, Jiyong held his hand instead and said,


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fuchaoife #1
Chapter 1: I really enjoyed reading your stories ♡♡♡
Alvidasyifa #2
Chapter 1: wow, you are so creative. You took inspirations from real events:) I love ur stories tho.. I am actually doing a marathon of them all! Keep ur spirit!
Chapter 1: got my laugh with their behavior~:))
Chapter 1: Lol. Their jealousy is so cute.
Chapter 1: this is so cute!!! jealous jiyong is the best!!!!
Chapter 1: oh my goodness, it's so fluffy :)
btw, when did gtae wear the same leather jacket?
Chapter 1: A jealous dragon is the most hilarious ever! And innocent Taeyeon is the cutest! This fic totally make me can't stop grin :D
albioo #8
Chapter 1: Hahahaha jealous jiyong is always fun!! Taeyeon will forever be dong wons fangirl lol so cute
firstblessing #9
gtae is just so sweet I am imagining the cate-dog fights would really happen in real life if they were a couple. Nothing is cuter~
Chapter 1: OHMMMYYYYGTAEEE.. You should continue this quick.. ASAP. Make a sequel or prequel or whatever it's take to. Or better yet make new gtae fanfic